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Couple of announcements: We've got some fresh cheddar! We just got access to up to $2M to deploy. We're looking for 1-2 businesses: b2b saas $30k+ MRR This is about 2x what we've already deployed so far which is a big deal. We will
a year ago

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More from XO Capital - Field Notes

Everything I've learned about buying small software businesses over the past 4 years

💡 We started out buying 1 business for $25k in 2020. Our deals are now around $1M - $2M purchase price. So my notes below relate to a mostly linear path from $25k to ~$2M. XO has been a tough ride. We had some wins, some losses and overall haven&

2 months ago 50 votes
Getting Smaller To Get Bigger

💡 We have another fresh round of capital to deploy into 1 business at up to $1.8M purchase price. Must be b2b SaaS, low customer concentration, 80%+ gross margins, 50k+ MRR. If you have a tip, pass it along! We're underway with xo 2.0. That means,

5 months ago 28 votes
How to 10x an acquisition

I'm going to break down how we more than 10x-ed ScreenshotAPI and why this acquisition worked when others didn't. Not everything here is generalizable, but I'll pull out what worked well from our first interactions with the seller to the deal closing a few

6 months ago 34 votes
We 10x-ed screenshotapi.net and sold it

Before we jump in, I was on a pod talking through content, acquisitions, etc: This exit is bitter sweet. Screenshot was our first ever acquisition. We 10x-ed it, and it is really the reason XO exists today. If this first acquisition hadn't gone well, I think I would

6 months ago 26 votes
Acquisition #12 - Onsched

We've been a little quiet over here as we start rolling out XO 2.0, using outside capital instead of our own cash to acquire larger businesses. It's taken a bit of time from deal #11 to #12. We didn't buy anything for 9

7 months ago 27 votes

More in startups

An Ode to Skype

PLUS: Erewhon's $19 Strawberry, Citi's UX Problem.

an hour ago 2 votes
Why most countries are struggling to shut down 2G

Global leap to 4G and 5G would cut off phone access for millions of vulnerable people.

14 hours ago 1 votes
Take Trump Seriously

In his first presidency he was verbal shit-posting and looking what sticked and rotated people around him until something fitted. This time he comes prepared and is very intentional about what he says and does.

yesterday 3 votes
Trump takes a baseball bat to the U.S. economy

Destroying Americans' livelihoods and wealth to satisfy the whims of a crazy ideology.

2 days ago 2 votes
As Bangladesh’s factories turn to surveillance and automation, garment workers feel the pressure

Facing competition from Vietnam and Cambodia, factories are using automation and surveillance to ramp up production and cut labor costs.

2 days ago 2 votes