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Hello! I’m Courtney, a printmaker specialising in linocut. I live in a little town on the edge of Dartmoor, nestled between moorland, farmland and the exquisite River Dart. The wonderful flora and fauna of these rugged and beautiful surroundings is my main inspiration. However, the odd print of my children by their request, materialises from time to time.   Where do you work?  My studio is currently my kitchen. And some of my essential printmaking tools can be found there; from the glass shelves of my old fridge I use to roll ink on, to the large salad spoon I use to press my prints. I own a little make-do press, but there is nothing like a metal spoon to pick up the finer details of a linocut.  What is your favourite printmaking product? One essential product that doesn’t come from my kitchen that I would advise anyone interested in printmaking to use, are Cranfield Caligo Safe Wash Inks, they print smoothly, wash easily and once printed on good paper, last forever! How long have you...
4 months ago

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Meet The Maker: Bethan Designs

Hi! I’m Beth (Bethan) a printmaker who found a love for linocut relief printing. I’m based in a little village in the middle of Derbyshire.  Describe your printmaking process. My printmaking process probably isn’t as traditional as others, I draw my designs digitally and transfer them to my lino block. For some, drawing my designs on my iPad might be seen as cheating, and that’s fine! It works well for me as I often don’t have a plan when I begin a design, and I make numerous changes throughout the drawing before transferring it to the block. I have a Woodzilla printing press which both me and my dodgy back adore! But I still finish most of my prints by hand, using my trusty candle lid as a barren. How and where did you learn to print? I’m an entirely self taught printmaker - is that the term you use for “kind of making it up as I go along?” I have always been a creative person, and in 2019 I fractured my spine and was left bedbound. To help with my struggling mental health while in bed I began painting and illustrating, it kept my mind busy and truly got me through such a difficult time (still does!). Then on a random trip to Hobbycraft, I saw an Essdee printmaking starter kit, and decided to give it a go. A few hours later my first, wobbly (and backwards) print came to life. Since then, my love for printmaking has just grown and grown and my process has expanded through lots of trial and error to find ways that work for me.  Why printmaking? I loved digital art (and I still do!) and put dozens of hours into drawings, but even after all of that time, just printing the pieces on my desktop printer didn’t feel overly rewarding. With relief printmaking, each print is a labour of love and the feeling you get knowing that the entire printing process was done with your own two hands just can’t be beaten. I find carving meditative, I adore the excitement of being close to finishing a piece knowing you can take the first proof print and see your hours of work come to life. Where do you work? At my home office/studio, it isn’t the most organised space because it’s one relatively small room packed with possessions from my different hobbies over the years. It’s just me and hundreds of plants in a (slightly) organised chaos.  Describe a typical day in your studio. My days always start with taking my dog, Max, for a walk across the fields. Once we get home and finish the small business admin I'll make a start on packaging orders. After that, it’s different each day! Some days I'll be printing for hours on end, others will be drawing or carving new designs. I really wish I could be the type of printmaker that will just carve for a couple of hours a day. But when I start a new design, I’ll spend 10+ hours carving because once I start, I struggle to stop. How long have you been printmaking? My first print was in January 2022, so it’s been 3 years of learning! What inspires you? Plants and nature are the main inspirations within my work, but more specifically, my love for houseplants. Over the years I’ve collected a couple of hundred different species from all over the world and met some incredible people along the way. I began my botanical garden lino series because I wanted to capture not only the beauty of the plants, their resilience, and the way they grow within the architecture of the beautiful glasshouses, but also the feeling of walking through them—the humid air and familiar sounds and smells—all of which I aim to capture in my prints. What is your favourite printmaking product? Pfeil tools and Caligo Safe Wash, hands down. You just can’t beat the quality of the Pfeil tools or the amount of detail you can bring to your block with them. Caligo Safe Wash speaks for itself, you’re a printmaker and somehow haven't used it yet, it will change your whole printmaking experience. What have you made that you are most proud of? It has to be my print of the Palm House at Kew Gardens, it was my first really detailed block because I'd finally got my hands on the Pfeil 11/0.5 and could actually carve tiny details. It isn’t my best work to date, but my designs before this had only taken a maximum of 8 hours to carve. This one took me 26 hours to carve so the feeling of rolling that first bit of ink was incredible. Where can we see your work? Where do you sell? My work is available on my website and my Etsy. You can also find some of my work at a few independent shops around Derbyshire. What will we be seeing from you next? If I'd written this a couple of months ago, I’d have said my absolute dream would be to have my botanical prints sold in one of the corresponding botanical gardens. But my work is now stocked at Birmingham Botanical Gardens! My next goal is to expand my series and have them stocked at more gardens! I also want to start using more colours in my prints, black will be my one true love but I'm really enjoying experimenting with more colour. Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives? Do the thing you’ve been wanting to try! As a creative you’re told to ‘stick to what you know’, but if I’d have done that I’d still be trying to convince myself to continue with my mediocre watercolour paintings. Being seen as a jack of all trades isn’t a bad thing, especially if it leads to you finding your passion as I did with printmaking. To see more from Beth, follow her on Instagram and TikTok

2 days ago 5 votes
Meet the Maker: Angela Chalmers

Hi, my name is Angela Chalmers. I am a visual artist living in North Yorkshire. I work with cameraless photography techniques and the cyanotype process producing 2D and 3D artworks on paper and textiles. Cyanotype dates from the early days of photography and produces beautiful eye-catching images with a distinct rich blue colour.   Describe your printmaking process.  Working with cameraless photography, also known as a photogram is a magical and fun process. I love to push boundaries by being experimental and enjoy exploring materials to create alternate colours. I will pre-visualise an artwork, and then prepare everything I need, especially when planning 3D sculpture or bookmaking. Each piece I make is unique, similar to a monoprint. How and where did you learn to print? I started life as a painter and graduated with a fine art degree from the University of Hull about twenty years ago, so coating paper with a light-sensitive solution feels very much like watercolour painting. At the time, I explored cyanotype for a few projects, but since my course was primarily a painting course, and all my tutors were painters I had to push it aside. I picked it up a few years later, and through continuous practice, I have developed a large body of work. Why printmaking? I adore the tactile qualities of paper. Even when I was a painter I worked on handmade cotton rag papers. I like the immediacy of the cyanotype process and can achieve so much in a short space of time. You could say I’m obsessed. Where do you work?  My studio darkroom is located inside a beautiful old listed building, which is full of other inspiring creatives. I have been working from there for ten years and will probably never leave. Describe a typical day in your studio. On a normal day, I start with a walk to the studio collecting leaves and flowers that I will work with, and then mix the light-sensitive chemicals and hand-coat my paper. After the paper has dried, I will compose nature on top of the paper, and expose it outside in the sun, or under ultraviolet lamps. The development of the print uses only water, which removes the residue of chemicals leaving behind a beautiful blue and white print. What inspires you? My biggest inspiration comes from pioneering artist Anna Atkins, who employed cyanotype to create the first-ever photographic book of botanical specimens, in 1843. I have a deep fascination with 19th-century history, particularly stories about women and the art of the Pre-Raphaelites. What is your favourite printmaking product? I sometimes use foam brushes to coat paper, but my favourite brush is a Japanese Hake brush. They touch the paper gently with soft fluffy bristles made from goat hair stitched and glued into the head. This brush soaks up the solution well, perfectly blends, and eliminates streaks on your paper. It cleverly holds the liquid and allows you to coat the support for a more extended period without stopping to re-dip. Brusho powder paints are amazing when adding vibrant colour to wet cyanotypes! What have you made that you are most proud of? I am the artist in residence at a Pre-Raphaelite church close to where I live, and I have been researching the life of benefactor Mary Craven when the church was consecrated in 1863. During my time there I have produced several artworks inspired by the woman. The first called ‘Something About Mary’ celebrates her feminine energy and is a piece I’m most proud of. I’m so happy that it is on permanent exhibition. Where can we see your work? Where do you sell? I have originals and reproduction prints available to buy from www.chalmerscreative.art  What will we be seeing from you next? I am addicted to making cyanotypes and also dedicated to sharing this passion in my workshops. Before my Creative Cyanotype book was published, I was already thinking about writing another. However, the next one will be largely based on my art residency and the forgotten stories of Mary Craven to put her back in the spotlight where she deserves to be. Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives? Botanical cyanotypes are a great starting point when learning the process. Masterful prints can materialise from the study and contemplation of the natural world. It is an outstanding visual reference to work from. Always observe your surroundings with a curious eye. I love to immerse myself in a beautiful landscape, such as a wonderfully scented forest or a lakeside walk. On a sunny day, I notice how sunlight casts shadows through leaves and trees on the ground and when I travel, I will photograph the colours and textures of trees and plants and write notes about anything that catches my eye.   Join Angela Chalmers in the Handprinted Studio for a two-day cyanotype printing workshop on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th July 2025 or Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th July 2025 This engaging workshop will teach you all the essentials, including chemical mixing, hand-coating paper with brushes, correct exposures and the final development. Using ultraviolet lamps, you will create cyanotype photograms from three-dimensional objects, such as flowers, leaves, feathers, or lace. You will learn how to enhance cyanotypes through double exposure techniques and the skilful layering of hand-drawn images and text using acetate. Follow Angela on Instagram or head to her website www.angelachalmers.com  www.chalmerscreative.art

a week ago 8 votes
Offset Registration for Multi Block Linocuts

Accurate registration can be difficult when printing multi-block linocuts. Offset printing will show you exactly where your design will sit on each block, allowing you to cut a set of blocks that will print in perfect alignment.  Begin by preparing a registration board. This will need to be large enough for your lino block plus space above for registration pins. Lay out your piece of lino and stick mount board to at least one corner around it to allow your lino block to be placed in the same spot every time. Use parcel tape to stick a pair of registration pins to the top of the board. We will use mylar to offset the wet ink from one block to another. Mylar is ideal for a few reasons: it's transparent, allowing us to see where the design sits on the blocks and check the ink has transferred fully. it's non-absorbent, so the ink will stay wet for longer it can be cleaned and used again for other projects Cut a piece of mylar large enough to cover the lino block and reach up to the registration pins. Place it on top of your registration board. Clip one registration tab into each pin and stick it to the mylar with masking tape.  First, carve one block of your design. Choose the key layer that gives the main detail or outline of an image: the key block. (Watch this video to see how the key block in this project was carved). Ink up your key block using water-based ink (we're using Magenta Schmincke Ink). Water-based ink will dry quickly on the block so that we can work into it quickly with our carving tools. Place the inked up lino on the registration board, using the mount board corners as a guide. Attach the mylar to the registration pins and gently lower it onto the lino. Using a baren, spoon or your hand, rub on the back of the mylar to transfer the ink.  Lift the mylar and replace the lino with a new piece, making sure to snuggle it up to the mount board corners. Lay the mylar down and burnish again by rubbing on the back to transfer the ink to the block. Repeat this by re-inking and transferring to mylar for as many blocks as are needed for the final print. Leave the print to dry. As we're using water-based inks, this shouldn't take too long. Wipe the wet ink from the key block and mylar.  We can now use the offset print to show up where to carve the second block. For this design, we want a solid block of colour to fill in the jumper, with a few lines carved out for detail.  When all your blocks are carved, prepare your printing paper (we're using Shoji) using the same method as when we prepared the mylar.  Ink up the first block. If you are using a different colour, it's advisable to first clean the offset print from the lino in case of transference. You could use water-based or oil-based ink for this.  Print the first block onto the paper using the registration pins and tabs. Use a baren or spoon to hand burnish the print. You could also print using a press. Print subsequent layers on top. The registration pins and tabs will ensure the paper goes down in the same place each time, meaning you can swap between blocks, pieces of paper and colours without ruining the registration. You may want to print all the layers of the print on one test piece of paper, and then work back into the blocks to refine the carving before printing an entire edition. Ideally, wait for each layer to dry before printing on top (especially if using oil-based inks).  For this project you will need: Piece of board to use for registration  Mount board Ternes Burton Registration Pins and Tabs Masking Tape Parcel Tape Lino x 2 (or more for more layers) Cutting Tools Mylar Water-based relief printing ink (like Schmincke) - for offset printing Relief printing ink for your final print - this could be water-based or oil-based. Baren or spoon Paper to print onto (we're using Shoji)

2 weeks ago 9 votes
Offset Registration for Multi Block Linocuts

Accurate registration can be difficult when printing multi-block linocuts. Offset printing will show you exactly where your design will sit on each block, allowing you to cut a set of blocks that will print in perfect alignment.  Begin by preparing a registration board. This will need to be large enough for your lino block plus space above for registration pins. Lay out your piece of lino and stick mount board to at least one corner around it to allow your lino block to be placed in the same spot every time. Use parcel tape to stick a pair of registration pins to the top of the board. We will use mylar to offset the wet ink from one block to another. Mylar is ideal for a few reasons: it's transparent, allowing us to see where the design sits on the blocks and check the ink has transferred fully. it's non-absorbent, so the ink will stay wet for longer it can be cleaned and used again for other projects Cut a piece of mylar large enough to cover the lino block and reach up to the registration pins. Place it on top of your registration board. Clip one registration tab into each pin and stick it to the mylar with masking tape.  First, carve one block of your design. Choose the key layer that gives the main detail or outline of an image: the key block. (Watch this video to see how the key block in this project was carved). Ink up your key block using water-based ink (we're using Magenta Schmincke Ink). Water-based ink will dry quickly on the block so that we can work into it quickly with our carving tools. Place the inked up lino on the registration board, using the mount board corners as a guide. Attach the mylar to the registration pins and gently lower it onto the lino. Using a baren, spoon or your hand, rub on the back of the mylar to transfer the ink.  Lift the mylar and replace the lino with a new piece, making sure to snuggle it up to the mount board corners. Lay the mylar down and burnish again by rubbing on the back to transfer the ink to the block. Repeat this by re-inking and transferring to mylar for as many blocks as are needed for the final print. Leave the print to dry. As we're using water-based inks, this shouldn't take too long. Wipe the wet ink from the key block and mylar.  We can now use the offset print to show up where to carve the second block. For this design, we want a solid block of colour to fill in the jumper, with a few lines carved out for detail.  When all your blocks are carved, prepare your printing paper (we're using Shoji) using the same method as when we prepared the mylar.  Ink up the first block. If you are using a different colour, it's advisable to first clean the offset print from the lino in case of transference. You could use water-based or oil-based ink for this.  Print the first block onto the paper using the registration pins and tabs. Use a baren or spoon to hand burnish the print. You could also print using a press. Print subsequent layers on top. The registration pins and tabs will ensure the paper goes down in the same place each time, meaning you can swap between blocks, pieces of paper and colours without ruining the registration. You may want to print all the layers of the print on one test piece of paper, and then work back into the blocks to refine the carving before printing an entire edition. Ideally, wait for each layer to dry before printing on top (especially if using oil-based inks).  For this project you will need: Piece of board to use for registration  Mount board Ternes Burton Registration Pins and Tabs Masking Tape Parcel Tape Lino x 2 (or more for more layers) Cutting Tools Mylar Water-based relief printing ink (like Schmincke) - for offset printing Relief printing ink for your final print - this could be water-based or oil-based. Baren or spoon Paper to print onto (we're using Shoji)

2 weeks ago 9 votes
Meet The Maker: Ian Phillips

Hi, I’m Ian Phillips, a printmaker based in Mid Wales. I’m originally from Leicestershire and studied illustration at Leicester Polytechnic. After graduation I attempted the life of a freelance Illustrator in London, but quite quickly, well after a few years, realised it wasn’t right me for me. Or more accurately I wasn’t right for it. I then tried a range of occupations from Postman to Pub landlord until the turn of the millennium encouraged fresh starts. So I moved to Machynlleth in Wales. There I re-established my interest in relief printmaking and finally gave up completely on the idea of illustration, or anything else, as a career. Instead I began to wander the beautiful landscape of Wales for my subject matter, my inspiration and my peace of mind. I’ve been there ever since and couldn’t imagine doing any other subject matter with any other process. Describe your printmaking process

 Well it would previously have been a simple description of the linocut reduction process, with the occasional multi block now and then. Now, however, the process is a bit more involved. I’ll begin with a walking trip along a specific area or long distance footpath and fill a sketchbook with drawings and notes. I then like to produce the work in the same chronological order as the work is produced so I start at the beginning of the sketchbook. This sketch is then enlarged to the specific size of the woodblock I’m working on. 450mm x 600mm for example. The tracing then has a thin Japanese tissue (usually about 10-18gsm) stuck down over it and the original drawing is traced/redrawn using a Chinese brush and ink. The aim is to recapture the energy and spontaneity I felt doing the original drawing, which can be lost during the tracing and transferring process. Once dry this will be glued, face down of course, onto a block with rice paste glue. This is the key block and will be cut to give a line drawing of  the final print. Then everything but the inked lines of the drawings are cut away.  After a quick clean to remove the remaining tissue paper this block is printed onto more woodblocks.
All of these blocks will then be cut depending on which area/colour of the image they’ll print. Then the playing with inks start, proofing different colours and tones to decide how the final print will look. This is the point at which the new secret method of Tabi Hanga is deployed. Once I am happy with decisions made during proofing. I’ll print the whole edition.  How and where did you learn to print? I did a degree in Graphic design and Illustration, at Leicester Polytechnic, and did a printmaking module in my final year. Though I enjoyed it, it didn’t really grab me as much as you’d expect looking at my later career path. Once I’d left college and started working as a freelance Illustrator I started experimenting with print more and more. Eventually becoming completely obsessed. I’ve had no formal printmaking education, but learnt everything by deciding what I wanted from a picture then trying to work out how I could achieve a result I was happy with.  The only formal lesson I’ve had have been a 2017 trip to The Purple Bamboo Studio in Hanzhou China, for two weeks with Pine Feroda, to learn Water Woodblock. Which was a fantastic experience and did change the way I produce my work. Then more recently in 2023 a rather enjoyable Collagraph weekend with Charles Shearer at our very own Handprinted studio. Other than that I learnt a great deal of the technique and process of woodblock printing working with the other members of the Pine Feroda collective over our ten year period. Why printmaking?  What’s that saying; “For those that know, no explanation is necessary, for those that don’t, no explanation will suffice. “ If that’s too trite, it’s just brilliant. It’s art and craft together. It’s mixing colours and playing with sharp tools, it’s traditional and modern, set about with technical limitations and yet somehow endlessly flexible. Frustrating and fabulous and you’ll never master it completely, so you have an absorbing task to try and get better at for as long as you want to put the work in.  Where do you work?

 I am very lucky to have a wonderful studio on the top floor of a building in Tywyn, on the coast of Mid Wales all to myself. It has all the things a good studio should have. Huge floor to ceiling north facing windows, South facing ceiling velux, worn wooden floors, and loads of space and a beautiful press. Oh and did I mention it’s above a cafe and Tapas bar? Describe a typical day in your studio Like most self employed artists, there isn’t really a ‘typical’ day. Though I tend to come to the studio Mon- Friday it really depends on what I have on. I could be printing, doing admin, framing work. A better question would be what is my ‘preferred’ type of day. Which is, of course, to spend the whole day lost in the carving of a block, or equally preferential is sitting on the side of a mountain, drawing the view, and eating a nice sandwich.   How long have you been printmaking?  I started using a rough form of printmaking in my Illustrations, once I’d left College, when I was about 22. So lets say over 30 years and leave it there. What inspires you? Outside. The landscape, pure and simple. The colours, the shapes, the light, the forms, the patterns, the textures and then how they all interact and balance and contrast with one other.  What is your favourite printmaking product? Bit of a cheat answer as it’s not a thing but a collection of ‘things’ that allows my favourite process. So my current favourite(s) are; A lovely sheet of Shin Ply or Japanese Ply, with some Ino Shi 18gsm tissue stuck face down onto it. Tissue on which I’ve traced out my sketch in Chinese brush and ink. Then, once it is dry, I spend weeks carving this key block with my trusty, left handed, hangito.  What have you made that you are most proud of?

 Not sure I like the word proud… however the work I am most satisfied with at the moment is the new experimental process, I am developing with Wuon Gean Ho and Judith Westcott, called Tabi Hanga. It’s really showing more and more depth the more I play with it and the more I use it the more I love the results it gives me.   Where can we see your work? Where do you sell?

 Through my website of course, on which there is a list of the galleries that hold my work. I’m also at brilliant shows like The Great Print Show at Rheged for example. See press for details.  What will we be seeing from you next?

 I’ll be working through the sketches for my Cadair Idris series and producing those prints. Which will give me a chance too further develop the Tabi Hanga process. After that I’ve got a few more projects in mind I’d like to get started on, perhaps a coastal path here, maybe a Ridgeway there.  Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives?
 Hmm one aways has to be careful about offering advice. Implies the offeree knows more than the person to whom the advice is offered. But here goes with a few pointers: Try sh*t out. Play around and have fun. Be brave and print/paint/draw as if no-one else is going to see it, ever. It doesn’t matter if other people love it or hate it, how do YOU feel about it. And never, ever, feel slighted if some anonymous selection committee rejects your work for some show or other. It really, really, is all completely subjective.

3 weeks ago 12 votes

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Meet The Maker: Bethan Designs

Hi! I’m Beth (Bethan) a printmaker who found a love for linocut relief printing. I’m based in a little village in the middle of Derbyshire.  Describe your printmaking process. My printmaking process probably isn’t as traditional as others, I draw my designs digitally and transfer them to my lino block. For some, drawing my designs on my iPad might be seen as cheating, and that’s fine! It works well for me as I often don’t have a plan when I begin a design, and I make numerous changes throughout the drawing before transferring it to the block. I have a Woodzilla printing press which both me and my dodgy back adore! But I still finish most of my prints by hand, using my trusty candle lid as a barren. How and where did you learn to print? I’m an entirely self taught printmaker - is that the term you use for “kind of making it up as I go along?” I have always been a creative person, and in 2019 I fractured my spine and was left bedbound. To help with my struggling mental health while in bed I began painting and illustrating, it kept my mind busy and truly got me through such a difficult time (still does!). Then on a random trip to Hobbycraft, I saw an Essdee printmaking starter kit, and decided to give it a go. A few hours later my first, wobbly (and backwards) print came to life. Since then, my love for printmaking has just grown and grown and my process has expanded through lots of trial and error to find ways that work for me.  Why printmaking? I loved digital art (and I still do!) and put dozens of hours into drawings, but even after all of that time, just printing the pieces on my desktop printer didn’t feel overly rewarding. With relief printmaking, each print is a labour of love and the feeling you get knowing that the entire printing process was done with your own two hands just can’t be beaten. I find carving meditative, I adore the excitement of being close to finishing a piece knowing you can take the first proof print and see your hours of work come to life. Where do you work? At my home office/studio, it isn’t the most organised space because it’s one relatively small room packed with possessions from my different hobbies over the years. It’s just me and hundreds of plants in a (slightly) organised chaos.  Describe a typical day in your studio. My days always start with taking my dog, Max, for a walk across the fields. Once we get home and finish the small business admin I'll make a start on packaging orders. After that, it’s different each day! Some days I'll be printing for hours on end, others will be drawing or carving new designs. I really wish I could be the type of printmaker that will just carve for a couple of hours a day. But when I start a new design, I’ll spend 10+ hours carving because once I start, I struggle to stop. How long have you been printmaking? My first print was in January 2022, so it’s been 3 years of learning! What inspires you? Plants and nature are the main inspirations within my work, but more specifically, my love for houseplants. Over the years I’ve collected a couple of hundred different species from all over the world and met some incredible people along the way. I began my botanical garden lino series because I wanted to capture not only the beauty of the plants, their resilience, and the way they grow within the architecture of the beautiful glasshouses, but also the feeling of walking through them—the humid air and familiar sounds and smells—all of which I aim to capture in my prints. What is your favourite printmaking product? Pfeil tools and Caligo Safe Wash, hands down. You just can’t beat the quality of the Pfeil tools or the amount of detail you can bring to your block with them. Caligo Safe Wash speaks for itself, you’re a printmaker and somehow haven't used it yet, it will change your whole printmaking experience. What have you made that you are most proud of? It has to be my print of the Palm House at Kew Gardens, it was my first really detailed block because I'd finally got my hands on the Pfeil 11/0.5 and could actually carve tiny details. It isn’t my best work to date, but my designs before this had only taken a maximum of 8 hours to carve. This one took me 26 hours to carve so the feeling of rolling that first bit of ink was incredible. Where can we see your work? Where do you sell? My work is available on my website and my Etsy. You can also find some of my work at a few independent shops around Derbyshire. What will we be seeing from you next? If I'd written this a couple of months ago, I’d have said my absolute dream would be to have my botanical prints sold in one of the corresponding botanical gardens. But my work is now stocked at Birmingham Botanical Gardens! My next goal is to expand my series and have them stocked at more gardens! I also want to start using more colours in my prints, black will be my one true love but I'm really enjoying experimenting with more colour. Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives? Do the thing you’ve been wanting to try! As a creative you’re told to ‘stick to what you know’, but if I’d have done that I’d still be trying to convince myself to continue with my mediocre watercolour paintings. Being seen as a jack of all trades isn’t a bad thing, especially if it leads to you finding your passion as I did with printmaking. To see more from Beth, follow her on Instagram and TikTok

2 days ago 5 votes