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Since 2019, Apple has required all MacOS software to be signed and notarized. This is meant to prevent naive users from installing malware while running software from unknown sources. Since this process is convoluted, it stops many indie game developers from releasing their Godot games on Mac. To solve this, this article will attempt to document each and every step of the signing and notarization process. Photo by Natasya Chen Step 0: Get a Mac While there tools exists to codesign/notarize Mac executables from other platforms, I think having access to a MacOS machine will remove quite a few headaches. A Mac VM, or even a cloud machine, might do the job. I have not personally tested those alternatives, so if you do, please tell me if it works well. Step 1: Get an Apple ID and the Developer App You can create an Apple ID through Apple’s website. While the process should be straightforward, it seems like Apple has trust issues when it comes to email from protonmail.com or custom...
6 months ago

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Writing GDScript with Neovim

Neovim is by far my favorite text editor. The clutter-free interface and keyboard-only navigation are what keep me productive in my daily programming. In an earlier post, I explained how I configure it into a minimalist development environment. Today, I will show you how to use it with Godot and GDScript. Configure Godot First, we need to tell Godot to use nvim as a text editor instead of the built-in one. Open Godot, and head to Editor Settings > General > Text Editor > External. There, you will need to tick the box Use external editor, indicate your Neovim installation path, and use --server /tmp/godothost --remote-send "<C-\><C-N>:n {file}<CR>{line}G{col}|" as execution flags. While in the settings, head to Network > Language Server and note down the remote port Godot is using. By default, it should be 6005. We will need that value later. Connecting to Godot with vim-godot Neovim will be able to access Godot features by using a plugin called vim-godot. We will need to edit the nvim configuration file to install plugins and configure Neovim. On Mac and Linux, it is located at ~/.config/nvim/init.vim I use vim-plug to manage my plugins, so I can just add it to my configuration like this: call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') " ... Plug 'habamax/vim-godot' " ... call plug#end() Once the configuration file is modified and saved, use the :PlugInstall command to install it. You’ll also need to indicate Godot’s executable path. Add this line to your init.vim: let g:godot_executable = '/Applications/Godot.app/Contents/MacOS/Godot' For vim-godot to communicate with the Godot editor, it will need to listen to the /tmp/godothost file we configured in the editor previously. To do that, simply launch nvim with the flag --listen /tmp/godothost. To save you some precious keypress, I suggest creating a new alias in your bashrc/zshrc like this: alias gvim="nvim --listen /tmp/godothost" Getting autocompletion with coc.nvim Godot ships with a language server. It means the Godot editor can provide autocompletion, syntax highlighting, and advanced navigation to external editors like nvim. While Neovim now has built-in support for the language server protocol, I’ve used the plugin coc.nvim to obtain these functionalities for years and see no reason to change. You can also install it with vim-plug by adding the following line to your plugin list: Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch':'release'} Run :PlugInstall again to install it. You’ll need to indicate the Godot language server address and port using the command :CocConfig. It should open Coc’s configuration file, which is a JSON file normally located at ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json. In this file enter the following data, and make sure the port number matches the one located in your editor: { "languageserver": { "godot": { "host": "", "filetypes": ["gdscript"], "port": 6005 } } } I recommend adding Coc’s example configuration to your init.vim file. You can find it on GitHub. It will provide you with a lot of useful shortcuts, such as using gd to go to a function definition and gr to list its references. Debugging using nvim-dap If you want to use the debugger from inside Neovim, you’ll need to install another plugin called nvim-dap. Add the following to your plugins list: Plug 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap' The plugin authors suggest configuring it using Lua, so let’s do that by adding the following in your init.vim: lua <<EOF local dap = require("dap") dap.adapters.godot = { type = "server", host = "", port = 6006, } dap.configurations.gdscript = { { type = "godot", request = "launch", name = "Launch scene", project = "${workspaceFolder}", launch_scene = true, }, } vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Breakpoint", "lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint()", {}) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Continue", "lua require'dap'.continue()", {}) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("StepOver", "lua require'dap'.step_over()", {}) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("StepInto", "lua require'dap'.step_into()", {}) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("REPL", "lua require'dap'.repl.open()", {}) EOF This will connect to the language server (here on port 6005), and allow you to pilot the debugger using the following commands: :Breakpoint to create (or remove) a breakpoint :Continue to launch the game or run until the next breakpoint :StepOver to step over a line :StepInto to step inside a function definition :REPL to launch a REPL (useful if you want to examine values) Conclusion I hope you’ll have a great time developing Godot games with Neovim. If it helps you, you can check out my entire init.vim file on GitHub gist.

4 months ago 52 votes
Stuff I've been working on

It’s been around 2 years that I’ve had to stop with my long-term addiction to stable jobs. Quite a few people who read this blog are wondering what the hell exactly I’ve been doing since then so I’m going to update all of you on the various projects I’ve been working on. Meme credit: Fabian Stadler Mikochi Last year, I created Mikochi, a minimalist remote file browser written in Go and Preact. It has slowly been getting more and more users, and it’s now sitting at more than 200 GitHub stars and more than 6000 Docker pulls. I personally use it almost every day and it fits my use case perfectly. It is basically feature-complete so I don’t do too much development on it. I’ve actually been hoping users help me solve the few remaining GitHub issues. So far it happened twice, a good start I guess. Itako You may have seen a couple of posts on this blog regarding finance. It’s a subject I’ve been trying to learn more about for a while now. This led me to read some excellent books including Nassim Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness, Robert Shiller’s Irrational Exuberance, and Robert Carver’s Smart Portfolios. Those books have pushed me toward a more systematic approach to investing, and I’ve built Itako to help me with that. I’ve not talked about it on this blog so far, but it’s a SaaS software that gives clear data visualizations of a stock portfolio performance, volatility, and diversification. It’s currently in beta and usable for free. I’m quite happy that there are actually people using it and that it seems to work without any major issues. However, I think making it easier to use and adding a couple more features would be necessary to make it into a commercially viable product. I try to work on it when I find the time, but for the next couple of months, I have to prioritize the next project. Dice’n Goblins I play RPGs too much and now I’m even working on making them. This project was actually not started by me but by Daphnée Portheault. In the past, we worked on a couple of game jams and produced Cosmic Delusion and Duat. Now we’re trying to make a real commercial game called Dice’n Goblins. The game is about a Goblin who tries to escape from a dungeon that seems to grow endlessly. It’s inspired by classic dungeon crawlers like Etrian Odyssey and Lands of Lore. The twist is that you have to use dice to fight monsters. Equipping items you find in the dungeon gives you new dice and using skills allows you to change the dice values during combat (and make combos). We managed to obtain a decent amount of traction on this project and now it’s being published by Rogue Duck Interactive. The full game should come out in Q1 2025, for PC, Mac, and Linux. You can already play the demo (and wishlist the game) on Steam. If you’re really enthusiastic about it, don’t hesitate to join the Discord community. Technically it’s quite a big change for me to work on game dev since I can’t use that many of the reflexes I’ve built while working on infra subjects. But I’m getting more and more comfortable with using Godot and figuring out all the new game development related lingo. It’s also been an occasion to do a bit of work with non-code topics, like press relations. Japanese Something totally not relevant to tech. Since I’ve managed to reach a ‘goed genoeg’ level of Dutch, I’ve also started to learn more Japanese. I’ve almost reached the N4 level. (By almost I mean I’ve failed but it was close.) A screenshot from the Kanji Study Android App I’ve managed to learn all the hiraganas, katakanas, basic vocabulary, and grammar. So now all I’ve left to do is a huge amount of immersion and grind more kanjis. This is tougher than I thought it would be but I guess it’s fun that I can pretend to be studying while playing Dragon Quest XI in Japanese.

5 months ago 73 votes
Create a presskit in 10 minutes with Milou

Talking to the press is an inevitable part of marketing a game or software. To make the journalist’s job easier, it’s a good idea to put together a press kit. The press kit should contain all the information someone could want to write an article about your product, as well as downloadable, high-resolution assets. Dice'n Goblins Introducing Milou Milou is a NodeJS software that generates press kits in the form of static websites. It aims at creating beautiful, fast, and responsive press kits, using only YAML configuration files. I built it on top of presskit.html, which solved the same problem but isn’t actively maintained at the moment. Milou improves on its foundation by using a more modern CSS, YAML instead of XML, and up-to-date Javascript code. Installation First, you will need to have NodeJS installed: curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash nvm install 22 Once Node is ready, you can use NPM to install Milou: npm install -g milou Running milou -V should display its version (currently 1.1.1). Let’s build a press kit Let’s create a new project: mkdir mypresskit cd mypresskit milou new The root directory of your project will be used for your company. In this directory, the file data.yml should contain data about your company, such as your company name, location, website, etc… You can find an example of a fully completed company data.yml file on GitHub. To validate that your file is a valid YAML file, you can use an online validator. Your company directory should contain a sub-folder called images, you should put illustrations you want to appear in your press kit inside it. Any file named header.*** will be used as the page header, favicon.ico will be used as the page favicon, and files prefixed by the word logo will appear in a dedicated logo section of the page (eg. logo01.png or logo.jpg). Other images you put in this folder will be included in your page, in the Images section. After completing your company page, we can create a product page. This will be done in a subfolder: mkdir myproduct cd myproduct milou new -t product Just like for a company, you should fill in the data.yml file with info about your product, like its title, features, and prices. You can find an example of a product file on GitHub. The product folder should also contain an images subfolder. It works the same way as for the company. When your product is ready, go back to the company folder and build the press kit: cd ../ milou build . This will generate the HTML and CSS files for your online presskit in the directory build. You can then use any web server to access them. For example, this will make them accessible from http://localhost:3000/ cd build npx serve To put your press kit online, you can upload this folder to any static site host, like CloudFlare Pages, Netlify, or your own server running Nginx. Conclusion Milou is still quite new, and if you encounter issues while using it, don’t hesitate to open an issue. And if it works perfectly for you, leave a star on GitHub.

9 months ago 88 votes
How to solve it (with raycasting)

In 1945, mathematician George Pólya released the book “How to solve it”. It aims at helping math teachers guide their students into solving abstract problems by asking the right questions. It has since had a large influence on math education and computer science, to the point of being mentioned by Marvin Minksy as a book that everyone should know. In this post, I will try to see how we can use Pólya’s methodology to solve a concrete software engineering problem: rendering 3D objects. Understanding the problem Before starting to solve the problem, we must make sure that we completely understand the problem. The first question to ask ourselves is What is the data? The data is a 3D object. The object is made out of triangles. Each triangle is made out of 3 vertices (and a normal vector). Those objects are stored in .STL files, but I will not cover the parsing of those files in this article, and will rely on the hschendel/stl lib instead. The second question, which is probably the most important is What is the unknown?. Or in programming terms, What should the program output? Our program should output an image. An image is a 2D matrix of pixels, each pixel representing a color. The most common way of representing color is the RGBA model, which stands for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. In Golang, images can be represented using the image.Image data structure from the standard library. The third question is What is the condition (linking the data to the output)? The data gives us information about the space occupied by our 3D object. If the 3D object is in front of our pixel, this pixel should be in a different color. We will use the method known as “raycasting” which consists of sending a ray from each pixel, and checking what the ray hits. Devise a plan Now that we have understood our problem a little bit better, we should try to plan what our solution will look like. The most helpful question to come up with a solution is Do you know a related problem? For raycasting, a related problem would be Does a vector intersect with a triangle? To solve this we can implement the Möller–Trumbore intersection algorithm. This algorithm transforms the above problem into two new questions Does the ray intersect with the triangle’s plane? and if yes, Does the ray-plane intersection lie outside the triangle? This first question is simple to solve, the only way a vector doesn’t intersect with a plane is if the vector and plane are parallel. In that case, the dot product of the ray and the triangle’s normal vector would be zero, since the dot product of two perpendicular vectors is 0 and the normal vector is itself perpendicular to the triangle’s plane. If the ray intersects with our triangle’s plane, then we can check if the intersection is inside the plane by switching to barycentric coordinates. Barycentric coordinates are a way to represent a point in a plane in relation to the vertices of the triangle. Each corner of the triangle will get the coordinates (0,0,1), (0,1,0) and (1,0,0). Any point outside of the triangle will get coordinates outside of the range [0,1]. Now that we know an algorithm that can solve our main issue, we can come up with the outline of our program: func MTintersect(ray, triangle) bool { if isParallel(ray, triangle) { return false } u , v := projectBaryocentric(vec3, triangle) return u > 0 && u < 1 && v > 0 && u + v < 1 } func main () { solid := readSTL() image := newImage(width, height) for i := range width { for j := range height { image.Set(i, j, white) ray := castRay(i, j) for triangle := range solid.Triangles { ok := MTintersect(ray, triangle) if ok { image.set(i, j, blue) } } } } writePNG(image) } Carrying out the plan This is the easy part. We just write the code. The main suggestion that Pólya makes, is to check that every step of the solution is correct. While programming, this can be achieved by writing unit tests to ensure the correctness of our code. Looking back Once we have something that seems to work it is tempting to just git push and call it a day. But there are a few more questions we should ask ourselves. First Can we check the result? A good way to answer that is to test our program ourselves, either by manually going through a checklist or by writing an integration test that covers our problem. Then we should ask ourselves Can we derive the result differently? This question is not only a good way to learn about other ways to solve our problem (like Scanline rendering in our case) but also a good opportunity to check if maybe the code we wrote was not the most intuitive solution and could be refactored. The last question is Can you use the result for another problem? We can answer this question by checking if our code is written in a way that is reusable enough if we ever want to. For example, the raycaster above could be used as the first step into the implementation of a more sophisticated ray tracing algorithm, if we wanted to handle reflections and lightning. Conclusion If you want to check the source code for the raycaster I made before writing this article, it is on my GitHub. You can find How to solve it by Pólya in any good library. To learn more about computer graphics check out Ray Tracing in a weekend. And for the details of the Möller-Trumbore algorithm, this video is the one that made the most sense to me.

10 months ago 68 votes

More in programming

Closing the borders alone won't fix the problems

Denmark has been reaping lots of delayed accolades from its relatively strict immigration policy lately. The Swedes and the Germans in particular are now eager to take inspiration from The Danish Model, given their predicaments. The very same countries that until recently condemned the lack of open-arms/open-border policies they would champion as Moral Superpowers.  But even in Denmark, thirty years after the public opposition to mass immigration started getting real political representation, the consequences of culturally-incompatible descendants from MENAPT continue to stress the high-trust societal model. Here are just three major cases that's been covered in the Danish media in 2025 alone: Danish public schools are increasingly struggling with violence and threats against students and teachers, primarily from descendants of MENAPT immigrants. In schools with 30% or more immigrants, violence is twice as prevalent. This is causing a flight to private schools from parents who can afford it (including some Syrians!). Some teachers are quitting the profession as a result, saying "the Quran run the class room". Danish women are increasingly feeling unsafe in the nightlife. The mayor of the country's third largest city, Odense, says he knows why: "It's groups of young men with an immigrant background that's causing it. We might as well be honest about that." But unfortunately, the only suggestion he had to deal with the problem was that "when [the women] meet these groups... they should take a big detour around them". A soccer club from the infamous ghetto area of Vollsmose got national attention because every other team in their league refused to play them. Due to the team's long history of violent assaults and death threats against opposing teams and referees. Bizarrely leading to the situation were the team got to the top of its division because they'd "win" every forfeited match. Problems of this sort have existed in Denmark for well over thirty years. So in a way, none of this should be surprising. But it actually is. Because it shows that long-term assimilation just isn't happening at a scale to tackle these problems. In fact, data shows the opposite: Descendants of MENAPT immigrants are more likely to be violent and troublesome than their parents. That's an explosive point because it blows up the thesis that time will solve these problems. Showing instead that it actually just makes it worse. And then what? This is particularly pertinent in the analysis of Sweden. After the "far right" party of the Swedish Democrats got into government, the new immigrant arrivals have plummeted. But unfortunately, the net share of immigrants is still increasing, in part because of family reunifications, and thus the problems continue. Meaning even if European countries "close the borders", they're still condemned to deal with the damning effects of maladjusted MENAPT immigrant descendants for decades to come. If the intervention stops there. There are no easy answers here. Obviously, if you're in a hole, you should stop digging. And Sweden has done just that. But just because you aren't compounding the problem doesn't mean you've found a way out. Denmark proves to be both a positive example of minimizing the digging while also a cautionary tale that the hole is still there.

4 hours ago 1 votes
An unexpected lesson in CSS stacking contexts

I’ve made another small tweak to the site – I’ve added “new” banners to articles I’ve written recently, and any post marked as “new” will be pinned to the homepage. Previously, the homepage was just a random selection of six articles I’d written at any time. Last year I made some changes to de-emphasise sorting by date and reduce recency bias. I stand by that decision, but now I see I went too far. Nobody comes to my site asking “what did Alex write on a specific date”, but there are people who ask “what did Alex write recently”. I’d made it too difficult to find my newest writing, and that’s what this tweak is trying to fix. This should have been a simple change, but it became a lesson about the inner workings of CSS. Absolute positioning and my first attempt I started with some code I wrote last year. Let’s step through it in detail. <div class="container"> <div class="banner">NEW</div> <img src="computer.jpg"> </div> NEW .banner { position: absolute; } absolute positioning, which removes the banner from the normal document flow and allows it to be placed anywhere on the page. Now it sits alone, and it doesn't affect the layout of other elements on the page – in particular, the image no longer has to leave space for it. NEW .container { position: relative; } .banner { transform: rotate(45deg); right: 16px; top: 20px; } NEW I chose the transform, right, and top values by tweaking until I got something that looked correct. They move the banner to the corner, and then the transform rotates it diagonally. The relative position of the container element is vital. The absolutely positioned banner still needs a reference point for the top and right, and it uses the closest ancestor with an explicit position – or if it doesn’t find one, the root <html> element. Setting position: relative; means the offsets are measured against the sides of the container, not the entire HTML document. This is a CSS feature called positioning context, which I’d never heard of until I started writing this blog post. I’d been copying the position: relative; line from other examples without really understanding what it did, or why it was necessary. (What made this particularly confusing to me is that if you only add position: absolute to the banner, it seems like the image is the reference point – notice how, with just that property, the text is in the top left-hand corner of the image. It’s not until you set top or right that the banner starts using the entire page as a reference point. This is because an absolutely positioned element takes its initial position from where it would be in the normal flow, and doesn’t look for a positioned ancestor until you set an offset.) .banner { background: red; color: white; } NEW .banner { right: -34px; top: 18px; padding: 2px 50px; } NEW .container { overflow: hidden; } box-shadow on my homepage to make it stand out further, but cosmetic details like that aren’t important for the rest of this post. NEW As a reminder, here’s the HTML: <div class="container"> <div class="banner">NEW</div> <img src="computer.jpg"> </div> and here’s the complete CSS: .container { position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .banner { position: absolute; background: red; color: white; transform: rotate(45deg); right: -34px; top: 18px; padding: 2px 50px; } It’s only nine CSS properties, but it contains a surprising amount of complexity. I had this CSS and I knew it worked, but I didn’t really understand it – and especially the way absolute positioning worked – until I wrote this post. This worked when I wrote it as a standalone snippet, and then I deployed it on this site, and I found a bug. (The photo I used in the examples is from Viktorya Sergeeva on Pexels.) Dark mode, filters, and stacking contexts I added dark mode support to this site a couple of years ago – the background changes from white to black, the text colour flips, and a few other changes. I’m a light mode person, but I know a lot of people prefer dark mode and it was a fun bit of CSS work, so it’s there. The code I described above breaks if you’re using this site in dark mode. What. I started poking around in my browser’s developer tools, and I could see that the banner was being rendered, but it was under the image instead of on top of it. All my positioning code that worked in light mode was broken in dark mode. I was baffled. I discovered that by adding a z-index property to the banner, I could make it reappear. I knew that elements with a higher z-index will appear above an element with a lower z-index – so I was moving my banner back out from under the image. I had a fix, but it felt uncomfortable because I couldn’t explain why it worked, or why it was only necessary in dark mode. I wanted to go deeper. I knew the culprit was in the CSS I’d written. I could see the issue if I tried my code in this site, but not if I copied it to a standalone HTML file. To find the issue, I created a local branch of the site, and I started deleting CSS until I could no longer reproduce the issue. I eventually tracked it down to the following rule: @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { /* see https://web.dev/articles/prefers-color-scheme#re-colorize_and_darken_photographic_images */ img:not([src*='.svg']):not(.dark_aware) { filter: grayscale(10%); } } This applies a slight darkening to any images when dark mode is enabled – unless they’re an SVG, or I’ve added the dark_aware class that means an image look okay in dark mode. This makes images a bit less vibrant in dark mode, so they’re not too visually loud. This is a suggestion from Thomas Steiner, from an article with a lot of useful advice about supporting dark mode. When this rule is present, the banner vanishes. When I delete it, the banner looks fine. Eventually I found the answer: I’d not thought about (or heard of!) the stacking context. The stacking context is a way of thinking about HTML elements in three dimensions. It introduces a z‑axis that determines which elements appear above or below each other. It’s affected by properties like z-index, but also less obvious ones like filter. In light mode, the banner and the image are both part of the same stacking context. This means that both elements can be rendered together, and the positioning rules are applied together – so the banner appears on top of the image. In dark mode, my filter property creates a new stacking context. Applying a filter to an element forces it into a new stacking context, and in this case that means the image and the banner will be rendered separately. Browsers render elements in DOM order, and because the banner appears before the image in the HTML, the stacking context with the banner is rendered first, then the stacking context with the image is rendered separately and covers it up. The correct fix is not to set a z-index, but to swap the order of DOM elements so the banner is rendered after the image: <div class="container"> <img src="computer.jpg"> <div class="banner">NEW</div> </div> This is the code I’m using now, and now the banner looks correct in dark mode. In hindsight, this ordering makes more sense anyway – the banner is an overlay on the image, and it feels right to me that it should appear later in the HTML. If I was laying this out with bits of paper, I’d put down the image, then the banner. One example is nowhere near enough for me to properly understand stacking contexts or rendering order, but now I know it’s a thing I need to consider. I have a vague recollection that I made another mistake with filter and rendering order in the past, but I didn’t investigate properly – this time, I wanted to understand what was happening. I’m still not done – now I have the main layout working, I’m chasing a hairline crack that’s started appearing in the cards, but only on WebKit. There’s an interaction between relative positioning and border-radius that’s throwing everything off. CSS is hard. I stick to a small subset of CSS properties, but that doesn’t mean I can avoid the complexity of the web. There are lots of moving parts that interact in non-obvious ways, and my understanding is rudimentary at best. I have a lot of respect for front-end developers who work on much larger and more complex code bases. I’m getting better, but CSS keeps reminding me how much more I have to learn. [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]

yesterday 2 votes
Rohit Chess

fun little board game

yesterday 4 votes
Top Coworking Spaces in Karuizawa

Since November 2023, I’ve been living in Karuizawa, a small resort town that’s 70 minutes away from Tokyo by Shinkansen. The elevation is approximately 1000 meters above sea level, making the summers relatively mild. Unlike other colder places in Japan, it doesn’t get much snow, and has the same sunny winters I came to love in Tokyo. With COVID and the remote work boom, it’s also become popular among professionals such as myself who want to live somewhere with an abundance of nature, but who still need to commute into Tokyo on a semi-regular basis. While I have a home office, I sometimes like to work outside. So I thought I’d share my impressions of the coworking spaces in town that I’ve personally visited, and a few other places where you can get some work done when you’re in town. Sawamura Roastery 11am on a Friday morning and there was only one other customer. Sawamura Roastery is technically a cafe, but it’s my personal favourite coworking space. It has free wifi, outlets, and comfortable chairs. While their coffees are on the expensive side, at about 750 yen for a cafe latte, they are also some of Karuizawa’s best. It’s empty enough on weekday mornings that I feel fine about staying there for hours, making it a deal compared to official drop-in coworking spaces. Another bonus is that it opens early: 7 a.m. (or 8 a.m. during the winter months). This allows me to start working right after I drop off my kids at daycare, rather than having 20 odd minutes to kill before heading to the other places that open at 9 a.m. If you’re having an online meeting, you can make use of the outdoor seating. It’s perfect when the weather is nice, but they also have heating for when it isn’t. The downsides are that their playlist is rather short, so I’m constantly hearing the same songs, and their roasting machine sometimes gets quite noisy. Gokalab Gokalab is my favourite dedicated coworking space in Karuizawa. Technically it is in Miyota, the next town over, which is sometimes called “Nishikaruizawa”. But it’s the only coworking space in the area I’ve been to that feels like it has a real community. When you want to work here, you have three options: buy a drink (600 yen for a cafe au lait—no cafe lattes, unfortunately, but if you prefer black coffee they have a good selection) and work out of the cafe area on the first floor; pay their daily drop-in fee of 1,000 yen; or become a “researcher” (研究員, kenkyuin) for 3,000 yen per month and enjoy unlimited usage. Now you may be thinking that the last option is a steal. That’s because it is. However, to become a researcher you need to go through a workshop that involves making something out of LEGO, and submit an essay about why you want to use the space. The thinking behind this is that they want to support people who actually share their vision, and aren’t just after a cheap space to work or study. Kind of zany, but that sort of out-of-the-box thinking is exactly what I want in a coworking space. When I first moved to Karuizawa, my youngest child couldn’t get into the local daycare. However, we found out that in Miyota, Suginoko Kindergarten had part-time spots available for two year olds. My wife and I ended up taking turns driving my kid there, and then spending the morning working out of Gokalab. Since my youngest is now in a local daycare, I haven’t made it out to Gokalab much. It’s just a bit too far for me (about a 15-minute drive from my house, while other options on this list are at most a 15-minute bicycle ride). But if I was living closer, I’d be a regular there. 232 Coworking Space & Hotel Noon on a Monday morning at 232 Coworking Space. If you’re looking for a coworking space near Karuizawa station, 232 Coworking Space & Hotel is the best option I’ve come across. The “hotel” part of the name made me think they were focused on “workcations,” but the space seems like it caters to locals as well. The space offers free coffee via an automatic espresso machine, along with other drinks, and a decent number of desks. When I used it on a Monday morning in the off-season, it was moderately occupied at perhaps a quarter capacity. Everyone spoke in whispers, so it felt a bit like a library. There were two booths for calls, but unfortunately they were both occupied when I wanted to have mine, so I had to sit in the hall instead. If the weather was a bit warmer I would have taken it outside, as there was some nice covered seating available. The decor was nice, though the chairs weren’t that comfortable. After a couple of hours I was getting sore. It was also too dimly lit for me, without much natural light. The price for drop-ins is reasonable, starting at 1,500 yen for four hours. They also have monthly plans starting from 10,000 yen for five days per month. WhatI found missing was a feeling of community. I didn’t see any small talk between the people working there, though I was only there for a couple hours, and maybe this occurs at other times. Their webpage also mentioned that they host events, but apparently they don’t have any upcoming ones planned and haven’t had any in a while. Shozo Coffee Karuizawa The latte is just okay here, but the atmosphere is nice. Shozo Coffee Karuizawa is a cafe on the first floor of the bookstore in Karuizawa Commongrounds. The second floor has a dedicated coworking space, but for me personally, the cafe is a better deal. Their cafe latte is mid-tier and 700 yen. In the afternoons I’ll go for their chai to avoid over-caffeination. They offer free wifi and have signs posted asking you not to hold online meetings, implicitly making it clear that otherwise they don’t mind you working there. Location-wise, this place is very convenient for me, but it suffers from a fatal flaw that prevents me from working there for an extended amount of time: the tables are way too low for me to type comfortably. I’m tall though (190 cm), so they aren’t designed with me in mind. Sheridan Coffee and a popover \- my entrance fee to this “coworking space”. Sheridan is a western breakfast and brunch restaurant. They aren’t that busy on weekdays and have free wifi, plus the owner was happy to let me work there. The coffee comes in a pot with enough for at least one refill. There’s also some covered outdoor seating. I used this spot to get some work done when my child was sick and being looked after at the wonderful Hochi Lodge (ほっちのロージ). It’s a clinic and sick childcare facility that does its best to not let on that it’s a medical facility. The doctors and nurses don’t wear uniforms, and appointments there feel more like you’re visiting someone’s home. Sheridan is within walking distance of it. Natural Cafeina An excellent cappuccino but only an okay place to work. If you’d like to get a bit of work done over an excellent cappuccino, Natural Cafeina is a good option. This cafe feels a bit cramped, and as there isn’t much seating, I wouldn’t want to use it for an extended period of time. Also, the music was also a bit loud. But they do have free wifi, and when I visited, there were a couple of other customers besides myself working there. Nakakaruizawa Library The Nakakaruizawa Library is a beautiful space with plenty of desks facing the windows and free wifi. Anyone can use it for free, making it the most economical coworking space in town. I’ve tried working out of it, but found that, for me personally, it wasn’t conducive to work. It is still a library, and there’s something about the vibes that just doesn’t inspire me. Karuizawa Commongrounds Bookstore Coworking Space The renowned bookstore Tsutaya operates Karuizawa Books in the Karuizawa Commongrounds development. The second floor has a coworking space that features the “cheap chic” look common among hip coworking spaces. Unfinished plywood is everywhere, as are books. I’d never actually worked at this space until writing this article. The price is just too high for me to justify it, as it starts at 1,100 yen for a mere hour, to a max of 4,000 yen per day. At 22,000 yen per month, it’s a more reasonable price for someone using it as an office full time. But I already have a home office and just want somewhere I can drop in at occasionally. There are a couple options, seating-wise. Most of the seats are in booths, which I found rather dark but with comfortable chairs. Then there’s a row of stools next to the window, which offer a good view, but are too uncomfortable for me. Depending on your height, the bar there may work as a standing desk. Lastly, there are two coveted seats with office chairs by a window, but they were both occupied when I visited. The emphasis here seems to be on individual deep work, and though there were a number of other people working, I’d have felt uncomfortable striking up a conversation with one of them. That’s enough to make me give it a pass. Coworking Space Ikoi Villa Coworking Space Ikoi Villa is located in Naka-Karuizawa, relatively close to my home. I’ve only used it once though. It’s part of a hotel, and they converted the lobby to a coworking space by putting a bunch of desks and chairs in it. If all you need is wifi and space to work, it gets the job done. But it’s a shame they didn’t invest a bit more in making it feel like a nice place to work. I went during the summer on one of the hottest days. My house only had one AC unit and couldn’t keep up, so I was hoping to find somewhere cooler to work. But they just had the windows open with some fans going, which left me disappointed. This was ostensibly the peak season for Karuizawa, but only a couple of others were working there that day. Maybe the regulars knew it’d be too hot, but it felt kind of lonely for a coworking space. The drop-in fee starts at 1,000 yen for four hours. It comes with free drinks from a machine: green tea, coffee, and water, if I recall correctly. Karuizawa Prince The Workation Core Do you like corporate vibes? Then this is the place for you. Karuizawa Prince The Workation Core is a coworking space located in my least favourite part of the town—the outlet mall. The throngs of shoppers and rampant commercialism are in stark contrast to the serenity found farther away from the station. This is another coworking space I visited expressly for this article. The fee is 660 yen per 30 minutes, to a maximum of 6,336 yen per day. Even now, just reading that maximum, my heart skipped a beat. This is certainly the most expensive coworking space I’ve ever worked from—I better get this article done fast. The facilities include a large open space with reasonably comfortable seating. There are a number of booths with monitors. As they are 23.8 inch monitors with 1,920 x 1,080 resolution, they’re a step down from the resolution of modern laptops, and so not of much use. Though there was room for 40 plus people, I was the only person working . Granted this was on a Sunday morning, so not when most people would typically attend. I don’t think I’ll be back here again. The price and sterile corporate vibe just aren’t for me. If you’re staying at The Prince Hotel, I think you get a discount. In that case, maybe it’s worth it, but otherwise I think there are better options. Sawamura Bakery & Restaurant Kyukaruizawa Sawamura Bakery & Restaurant is across the street from the Roastery. It offers slightly cheaper prices, with about 100 yen off the cafe latte, though the quality is worse, as is the vibe of the place as a whole. They do have a bigger selection of baked goods, though. As a cafe for doing some work, there’s nothing wrong with it per se. The upstairs cafe area has ample seating outside of peak hours. But I just don’t have a good reason to work here over the Roastery. The Pie Hole Los Angles Karuizawa The best (and only) pecan pie that I’ve had in Japan. The name of this place is a mouthful. Technically, it shouldn’t be on this list because I’ve never worked out of it. But they have wonderful pie, free wifi, and not many customers, so I could see working here. The chairs are a bit uncomfortable though, so I wouldn’t want to stop by for more than an hour or two. While this place had been on my radar for a while, I’d avoided it because there’s no good bicycle parking nearby—-or so I thought. I just found that the relatively close Church Street shopping street has a bit of bicycle parking off to the side. If you come to Karuizawa… When I was living in Tokyo, there were just too many opportunities to meet people, and so I found myself having to frequently turn down offers to go out for coffee. Since moving here, I’ve made some local connections, but the pace has been a lot slower. If you’re ever passing through Karuizawa, do get in touch, and I’d be happy to meet up for a cafe latte and possibly some pie.

yesterday 4 votes
Stewardship over ownership

Code ownership is a popular concept, but it emphasizes the wrong thing. It can bring out the worst in a person or a team: defensiveness, control-seeking, power struggles. Instead, we should be focusing on stewardship. How code ownership manifests Code ownership as a concept means that a particular person or team "owns" a section of the codebase. This gives them certain rights and responsibilities: They control what goes into the code, and can approve or deny changes They are responsible for fixing bugs in that part of the code They are responsible for maintaining and improving that part of the code There are tools that help with these, like the CODEOWNERS file on GitHub. This file lets you define a group or list of individuals who own a section of the repository. Then you can require reviews/approvals from them before anything gets merged. These are all coming from a good place. We want our code to be well-maintained, and we want to make sure that someone is responsible for its direction. It really helps to know who to go to with questions or requests. Without these, changes can grind to a halt, mired in confusion and tech debt. But the concept in practice brings challenges. If you've worked on a team using code ownership before, you've probably run into: that engineer who guards the code against anyone else's changes, wanting all the credit for themselves that engineer who refuses to add anything else to their codebase, because they don't want to maintain it that engineer who tries to gain code ownership over more areas, to control more of the code and more of the company I've done certainly acted badly due to code ownership, without realizing what I was doing or or why I was doing it at the time. There are almost endless ways that code ownership can bring out the worst in people. And it all makes sense. We can do better by shifting to stewardship instead of ownership. Stewardship is about service We are all stewards of things we own or are responsible for. I have stewardship over the house I live in with my family, for example. I also have stewardship over the espresso machine I use every day: It's a big piece of machinery, and it's my responsibility to take good care of it and to ensure that as long as it's mine, it operates well and lasts a long time. That reduces expense, reduces waste, and reduces impact on the world—but it also means that the object (an espresso machine) is serving its purpose to bring joy and connection. Code is no different. By focusing on stewardship rather than ownership, we are focusing on the responsible, sustainable maintenance of the code. We focus on taking good care of that which we're entrusted with. A steward doesn't jealously guard, or struggle to gain more power. A steward watches what her responsibilities are, ensuring enough to contribute but not so many as to burn out. And she nurtures and cares for the code, to make sure that it continues to serve its purpose. Instead of an adversarial relationship, stewardship promotes partnership: It promotes working with others to figure out how to make the best use of resources, instead of hoarding them for yourself. Stewardship can solve many of the same problems that code ownership does: It gives you someone who's a main point of contact for some code It grants someone responsibility for bug fixes and maintenance of that code And in some ways, they look alike. You're going to do a lot of the same things, controlling what goes in or out. But they are very different in the focus. Owners are concerned with the value of what they own. Stewards are concerned with how well it can serve the group. And this makes all the difference in producing better outcomes.

yesterday 3 votes