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English version follows. Aujourd’hui, Khronos Group a sorti la spécification 1.4 de l’API graphique standard Vulkan. Le projet Asahi Linux est fier d’annoncer le premier pilote Vulkan 1.4 pour le matériel d’Apple. En effet, notre pilote graphique Honeykrisp est reconnu par Khronos comme conforme à cette nouvelle version dès aujourd’hui. Ce pilote est déjà disponible dans nos dépôts officiels. Après avoir installé Fedora Asahi Remix, executez dnf upgrade --refresh pour obtenir la dernière version du pilote. Vulkan 1.4 standardise plusieurs fonctionnalités importantes, y compris les horodatages et la lecture locale avec le rendu dynamique. L’industrie suppose que ces fonctionnalités devront être plus courantes, et nous y sommes préparés. Sortir un pilote conforme reflète notre engagement en faveur des standards graphiques et du logiciel libre. Asahi Linux est aussi compatible avec OpenGL 4.6, OpenGL ES 3.2, et OpenCL 3.0, tous conformes aux spécifications pertinentes. D’ailleurs, les notres sont les seules pilotes conformes pour le materiel d’Apple de n’importe quel standard graphique. Même si le pilote est sorti, il faut encore compiler une version expérimentale de Vulkan-Loader pour accéder à la nouvelle version de Vulkan. Toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités sont néanmoins disponsibles comme extensions à notre pilote Vulkan 1.3 pour en profiter tout de suite. Pour plus d’informations, consultez l’article de blog de Khronos. Today, the Khronos Group released the 1.4 specification of Vulkan, the standard graphics API. The Asahi Linux project is proud to announce the first Vulkan 1.4 driver for Apple hardware. Our Honeykrisp driver is Khronos-recognized as conformant to the new version since day one. That driver is already available in our official repositories. After installing Fedora Asahi Remix, run dnf upgrade --refresh to get the latest drivers. Vulkan 1.4 standardizes several important features, including timestamps and dynamic rendering local read. The industry expects that these features will become more common, and we are prepared. Releasing a conformant driver reflects our commitment to graphics standards and software freedom. Asahi Linux is also compatible with OpenGL 4.6, OpenGL ES 3.2, and OpenCL 3.0, all conformant to the relevant specifications. For that matter, ours are the only conformant drivers on Apple hardware for any graphics standard graphics. Although the driver is released, you still need to build an experimental version of Vulkan-Loader to access the new Vulkan version. Nevertheless, you can immediately use all the new features as extensions in Vulkan 1.3 driver. For more information, see the Khronos blog post.
Gaming on Linux on M1 is here! We’re thrilled to release our Asahi game playing toolkit, which integrates our Vulkan 1.3 drivers with x86 emulation and Windows compatibility. Plus a bonus: conformant OpenCL 3.0. Asahi Linux now ships the only conformant OpenGL®, OpenCL™, and Vulkan® drivers for this hardware. As for gaming… while today’s release is an alpha, Control runs well! Installation First, install Fedora Asahi Remix. Once installed, get the latest drivers with dnf upgrade --refresh && reboot. Then just dnf install steam and play. While all M1/M2-series systems work, most games require 16GB of memory due to emulation overhead. The stack Games are typically x86 Windows binaries rendering with DirectX, while our target is Arm Linux with Vulkan. We need to handle each difference: FEX emulates x86 on Arm. Wine translates Windows to Linux. DXVK and vkd3d-proton translate DirectX to Vulkan. There’s one curveball: page size. Operating systems allocate memory in fixed size “pages”. If an application expects smaller pages than the system uses, they will break due to insufficient alignment of allocations. That’s a problem: x86 expects 4K pages but Apple systems use 16K pages. While Linux can’t mix page sizes between processes, it can virtualize another Arm Linux kernel with a different page size. So we run games inside a tiny virtual machine using muvm, passing through devices like the GPU and game controllers. The hardware is happy because the system is 16K, the game is happy because the virtual machine is 4K, and you’re happy because you can play Fallout 4. Vulkan The final piece is an adult-level Vulkan driver, since translating DirectX requires Vulkan 1.3 with many extensions. Back in April, I wrote Honeykrisp, the only Vulkan 1.3 driver for Apple hardware. I’ve since added DXVK support. Let’s look at some new features. Tessellation Tessellation enables games like The Witcher 3 to generate geometry. The M1 has hardware tessellation, but it is too limited for DirectX, Vulkan, or OpenGL. We must instead tessellate with arcane compute shaders, as detailed in today’s talk at XDC2024. Geometry shaders Geometry shaders are an older, cruder method to generate geometry. Like tessellation, the M1 lacks geometry shader hardware so we emulate with compute. Is that fast? No, but geometry shaders are slow even on desktop GPUs. They don’t need to be fast – just fast enough for games like Ghostrunner. Enhanced robustness “Robustness” permits an application’s shaders to access buffers out-of-bounds without crashing the hardware. In OpenGL and Vulkan, out-of-bounds loads may return arbitrary elements, and out-of-bounds stores may corrupt the buffer. Our OpenGL driver exploits this definition for efficient robustness on the M1. Some games require stronger guarantees. In DirectX, out-of-bounds loads return zero, and out-of-bounds stores are ignored. DXVK therefore requires VK_EXT_robustness2, a Vulkan extension strengthening robustness. Like before, we implement robustness with compare-and-select instructions. A naïve implementation would compare a loaded index with the buffer size and select a zero result if out-of-bounds. However, our GPU loads are vector while arithmetic is scalar. Even if we disabled page faults, we would need up to four compare-and-selects per load. load R, buffer, index * 16 ulesel R[0], index, size, R[0], 0 ulesel R[1], index, size, R[1], 0 ulesel R[2], index, size, R[2], 0 ulesel R[3], index, size, R[3], 0 There’s a trick: reserve 64 gigabytes of zeroes using virtual memory voodoo. Since every 32-bit index multiplied by 16 fits in 64 gigabytes, any index into this region loads zeroes. For out-of-bounds loads, we simply replace the buffer address with the reserved address while preserving the index. Replacing a 64-bit address costs just two 32-bit compare-and-selects. ulesel buffer.lo, index, size, buffer.lo, RESERVED.lo ulesel buffer.hi, index, size, buffer.hi, RESERVED.hi load R, buffer, index * 16 Two instructions, not four. Next steps Sparse texturing is next for Honeykrisp, which will unlock more DX12 games. The alpha already runs DX12 games that don’t require sparse, like Cyberpunk 2077. While many games are playable, newer AAA titles don’t hit 60fps yet. Correctness comes first. Performance improves next. Indie games like Hollow Knight do run full speed. Beyond gaming, we’re adding general purpose x86 emulation based on this stack. For more information, see the FAQ. Today’s alpha is a taste of what’s to come. Not the final form, but enough to enjoy Portal 2 while we work towards “1.0”. Acknowledgements This work has been years in the making with major contributions from… Alyssa Rosenzweig Asahi Lina chaos_princess Davide Cavalca Dougall Johnson Ella Stanforth Faith Ekstrand Janne Grunau Karol Herbst marcan Mary Guillemard Neal Gompa Sergio López TellowKrinkle Teoh Han Hui Rob Clark Ryan Houdek … Plus hundreds of developers whose work we build upon, spanning the Linux, Mesa, Wine, and FEX projects. Today’s release is thanks to the magic of open source. We hope you enjoy the magic. Happy gaming.
For years, the M1 has only supported OpenGL 4.1. That changes today – with our release of full OpenGL® 4.6 and OpenGL® ES 3.2! Install Fedora for the latest M1/M2-series drivers. Already installed? Just dnf –refresh upgrade. Unlike the vendor’s non-conformant 4.1 drivers, our open source Linux drivers are conformant to the latest OpenGL versions, finally promising broad compatibility with modern OpenGL workloads, like Blender, Ryujinx, and Citra. Conformant 4.6/3.2 drivers must pass over 100,000 tests to ensure correctness. The official list of conformant drivers now includes our OpenGL 4.6 and ES 3.2. While the vendor doesn’t yet support graphics standards like modern OpenGL, we do. For this Valentine’s Day, we want to profess our love for interoperable open standards. We want to free users and developers from lock-in, enabling applications to run anywhere the heart wants without special ports. For that, we need standards conformance. Six months ago, we became the first conformant driver for any standard graphics API for the M1 with the release of OpenGL ES 3.1 drivers. Today, we’ve finished OpenGL with the full 4.6… and we’re well on the road to Vulkan. Compared to 4.1, OpenGL 4.6 adds dozens of required features, including: Robustness SPIR-V Clip control Cull distance Compute shaders Upgraded transform feedback Regrettably, the M1 doesn’t map well to any graphics standard newer than OpenGL ES 3.1. While Vulkan makes some of these features optional, the missing features are required to layer DirectX and OpenGL on top. No existing solution on M1 gets past the OpenGL 4.1 feature set. How do we break the 4.1 barrier? Without hardware support, new features need new tricks. Geometry shaders, tessellation, and transform feedback become compute shaders. Cull distance becomes a transformed interpolated value. Clip control becomes a vertex shader epilogue. The list goes on. For a taste of the challenges we overcame, let’s look at robustness. Built for gaming, GPUs traditionally prioritize raw performance over safety. Invalid application code, like a shader that reads a buffer out-of-bounds, can trigger undefined behaviour. Drivers exploit that to maximize performance. For applications like web browsers, that trade-off is undesirable. Browsers handle untrusted shaders, which they must sanitize to ensure stability and security. Clicking a malicious link should not crash the browser. While some sanitization is necessary as graphics APIs are not security barriers, reducing undefined behaviour in the API can assist “defence in depth”. “Robustness” features can help. Without robustness, out-of-bounds buffer access in a shader can crash. With robustness, the application can opt for defined out-of-bounds behaviour, trading some performance for less attack surface. All modern cross-vendor APIs include robustness. Many games even (accidentally?) rely on robustness. Strangely, the vendor’s proprietary API omits buffer robustness. We must do better for conformance, correctness, and compatibility. Let’s first define the problem. Different APIs have different definitions of what an out-of-bounds load returns when robustness is enabled: Zero (Direct3D, Vulkan with robustBufferAccess2) Either zero or some data in the buffer (OpenGL, Vulkan with robustBufferAccess) Arbitrary values, but can’t crash (OpenGL ES) OpenGL uses the second definition: return zero or data from the buffer. One approach is to return the last element of the buffer for out-of-bounds access. Given the buffer size, we can calculate the last index. Now consider the minimum of the index being accessed and the last index. That equals the index being accessed if it is valid, and some other valid index otherwise. Loading the minimum index is safe and gives a spec-compliant result. As an example, a uniform buffer load without robustness might look like: load.i32 result, buffer, index Robustness adds a single unsigned minimum (umin) instruction: umin idx, index, last load.i32 result, buffer, idx Is the robust version slower? It can be. The difference should be small percentage-wise, as arithmetic is faster than memory. With thousands of threads running in parallel, the arithmetic cost may even be hidden by the load’s latency. There’s another trick that speeds up robust uniform buffers. Like other GPUs, the M1 supports “preambles”. The idea is simple: instead of calculating the same value in every thread, it’s faster to calculate once and reuse the result. The compiler identifies eligible calculations and moves them to a preamble executed before the main shader. These redundancies are common, so preambles provide a nice speed-up. We usually move uniform buffer loads to the preamble when every thread loads the same index. Since the size of a uniform buffer is fixed, extra robustness arithmetic is also moved to the preamble. The robustness is “free” for the main shader. For robust storage buffers, the clamping might move to the preamble even if the load or store cannot. Armed with robust uniform and storage buffers, let’s consider robust “vertex buffers”. In graphics APIs, the application can set vertex buffers with a base GPU address and a chosen layout of “attributes” within each buffer. Each attribute has an offset and a format, and the buffer has a “stride” indicating the number of bytes per vertex. The vertex shader can then read attributes, implicitly indexing by the vertex. To do so, the shader loads the address: Some hardware implements robust vertex fetch natively. Other hardware has bounds-checked buffers to accelerate robust software vertex fetch. Unfortunately, the M1 has neither. We need to implement vertex fetch with raw memory loads. One instruction set feature helps. In addition to a 64-bit base address, the M1 GPU’s memory loads also take an offset in elements. The hardware shifts the offset and adds to the 64-bit base to determine the address to fetch. Additionally, the M1 has a combined integer multiply-add instruction imad. Together, these features let us implement vertex loads in two instructions. For example, a 32-bit attribute load looks like: imad idx, stride/4, vertex, offset/4 load.i32 result, base, idx The hardware load can perform an additional small shift. Suppose our attribute is a vector of 4 32-bit values, densely packed into a buffer with no offset. We can load that attribute in one instruction: load.v4i32 result, base, vertex << 2 …with the hardware calculating the address: What about robustness? We want to implement robustness with a clamp, like we did for uniform buffers. The problem is that the vertex buffer size is given in bytes, while our optimized load takes an index in “vertices”. A single vertex buffer can contain multiple attributes with different formats and offsets, so we can’t convert the size in bytes to a size in “vertices”. Let’s handle the latter problem. We can rewrite the addressing equation as: That is: one buffer with many attributes at different offsets is equivalent to many buffers with one attribute and no offset. This gives an alternate perspective on the same data layout. Is this an improvement? It avoids an addition in the shader, at the cost of passing more data – addresses are 64-bit while attribute offsets are 16-bit. More importantly, it lets us translate the vertex buffer size in bytes into a size in “vertices” for each vertex attribute. Instead of clamping the offset, we clamp the vertex index. We still make full use of the hardware addressing modes, now with robustness: umin idx, vertex, last valid load.v4i32 result, base, idx << 2 We need to calculate the last valid vertex index ahead-of-time for each attribute. Each attribute has a format with a particular size. Manipulating the addressing equation, we can calculate the last byte accessed in the buffer (plus 1) relative to the base: The load is valid when that value is bounded by the buffer size in bytes. We solve the integer inequality as: The driver calculates the right-hand side and passes it into the shader. One last problem: what if a buffer is too small to load anything? Clamping won’t save us – the code would clamp to a negative index. In that case, the attribute is entirely invalid, so we swap the application’s buffer for a small buffer of zeroes. Since we gave each attribute its own base address, this determination is per-attribute. Then clamping the index to zero correctly loads zeroes. Putting it together, a little driver math gives us robust buffers at the cost of one umin instruction. In addition to buffer robustness, we need image robustness. Like its buffer counterpart, image robustness requires that out-of-bounds image loads return zero. That formalizes a guarantee that reasonable hardware already makes. …But it would be no fun if our hardware was reasonable. Running the conformance tests for image robustness, there is a single test failure affecting “mipmapping”. For background, mipmapped images contain multiple “levels of detail”. The base level is the original image; each successive level is the previous level downscaled. When rendering, the hardware selects the level closest to matching the on-screen size, improving efficiency and visual quality. With robustness, the specifications all agree that image loads return… Zero if the X- or Y-coordinate is out-of-bounds Zero if the level is out-of-bounds Meanwhile, image loads on the M1 GPU return… Zero if the X- or Y-coordinate is out-of-bounds Values from the last level if the level is out-of-bounds Uh-oh. Rather than returning zero for out-of-bounds levels, the hardware clamps the level and returns nonzero values. It’s a mystery why. The vendor does not document their hardware publicly, forcing us to rely on reverse engineering to build drivers. Without documentation, we don’t know if this behaviour is intentional or a hardware bug. Either way, we need a workaround to pass conformance. The obvious workaround is to never load from an invalid level: if (level <= levels) { return imageLoad(x, y, level); } else { return 0; } That involves branching, which is inefficient. Loading an out-of-bounds level doesn’t crash, so we can speculatively load and then use a compare-and-select operation instead of branching: vec4 data = imageLoad(x, y, level); return (level <= levels) ? data : 0; This workaround is okay, but it could be improved. While the M1 GPU has combined compare-and-select instructions, the instruction set is scalar. Each thread processes one value at a time, not a vector of multiple values. However, image loads return a vector of four components (red, green, blue, alpha). While the pseudo-code looks efficient, the resulting assembly is not: image_load R, x, y, level ulesel R[0], level, levels, R[0], 0 ulesel R[1], level, levels, R[1], 0 ulesel R[2], level, levels, R[2], 0 ulesel R[3], level, levels, R[3], 0 Fortunately, the vendor driver has a trick. We know the hardware returns zero if either X or Y is out-of-bounds, so we can force a zero output by setting X or Y out-of-bounds. As the maximum image size is 16384 pixels wide, any X greater than 16384 is out-of-bounds. That justifies an alternate workaround: bool valid = (level <= levels); int x_ = valid ? x : 20000; return imageLoad(x_, y, level); Why is this better? We only change a single scalar, not a whole vector, compiling to compact scalar assembly: ulesel x_, level, levels, x, #20000 image_load R, x_, y, level If we preload the constant to a uniform register, the workaround is a single instruction. That’s optimal – and it passes conformance. Blender “Wanderer” demo by Daniel Bystedt, licensed CC BY-SA.
Conformant OpenGL® ES 3.1 drivers are now available for M1- and M2-family GPUs. That means the drivers are compatible with any OpenGL ES 3.1 application. Interested? Just install Linux! For existing Asahi Linux users, upgrade your system with dnf upgrade (Fedora) or pacman -Syu (Arch) for the latest drivers. Our reverse-engineered, free and open source graphics drivers are the world’s only conformant OpenGL ES 3.1 implementation for M1- and M2-family graphics hardware. That means our driver passed tens of thousands of tests to demonstrate correctness and is now recognized by the industry. To become conformant, an “implementation” must pass the official conformance test suite, designed to verify every feature in the specification. The test results are submitted to Khronos, the standards body. After a 30-day review period, if no issues are found, the implementation becomes conformant. The Khronos website lists all conformant implementations, including our drivers for the M1, M1 Pro/Max/Ultra, M2, and M2 Pro/Max. Today’s milestone isn’t just about OpenGL ES. We’re releasing the first conformant implementation of any graphics standard for the M1. And we don’t plan to stop here ;-) Unlike ours, the manufacturer’s M1 drivers are unfortunately not conformant for any standard graphics API, whether Vulkan or OpenGL or OpenGL ES. That means that there is no guarantee that applications using the standards will work on your M1/M2 (if you’re not running Linux). This isn’t just a theoretical issue. Consider Vulkan. The third-party MoltenVK layers a subset of Vulkan on top of the proprietary drivers. However, those drivers lack key functionality, breaking valid Vulkan applications. That hinders developers and users alike, if they haven’t yet switched their M1/M2 computers to Linux. Why did we pursue standards conformance when the manufacturer did not? Above all, our commitment to quality. We want our users to know that they can depend on our Linux drivers. We want standard software to run without M1-specific hacks or porting. We want to set the right example for the ecosystem: the way forward is implementing open standards, conformant to the specifications, without compromises for “portability”. We are not satisfied with proprietary drivers, proprietary APIs, and refusal to implement standards. The rest of the industry knows that progress comes from cross-vendor collaboration. We know it, too. Achieving conformance is a win for our community, for open source, and for open graphics. Of course, Asahi Lina and I are two individuals with minimal funding. It’s a little awkward that we beat the big corporation… It’s not too late though. They should follow our lead! OpenGL ES 3.1 updates the experimental OpenGL ES 3.0 and OpenGL 3.1 we shipped in June. Notably, ES 3.1 adds compute shaders, typically used to accelerate general computations within graphics applications. For example, a 3D game could run its physics simulations in a compute shader. The simulation results can then be used for rendering, eliminating stalls that would otherwise be required to synchronize the GPU with a CPU physics simulation. That lets the game run faster. Let’s zoom in on one new feature: atomics on images. Older versions of OpenGL ES allowed an application to read an image in order to display it on screen. ES 3.1 allows the application to write to the image, typically from a compute shader. This new feature enables flexible image processing algorithms, which previously needed to fit into the fixed-function 3D pipeline. However, GPUs are massively parallel, running thousands of threads at the same time. If two threads write to the same location, there is a conflict: depending which thread runs first, the result will be different. We have a race condition. “Atomic” access to memory provides a solution to race conditions. With atomics, special hardware in the memory subsystem guarantees consistent, well-defined results for select operations, regardless of the order of the threads. Modern graphics hardware supports various atomic operations, like addition, serving as building blocks to complex parallel algorithms. Can we put these two features together to write to an image atomically? Yes. A ubiquitous OpenGL ES extension, required for ES 3.2, adds atomics operating on pixels in an image. For example, a compute shader could atomically increment the value at pixel (10, 20). Other GPUs have dedicated instructions to perform atomics on an images, making the driver implementation straightforward. For us, the story is more complicated. The M1 lacks hardware instructions for image atomics, even though it has non-image atomics and non-atomic images. We need to reframe the problem. The idea is simple: to perform an atomic on a pixel, we instead calculate the address of the pixel in memory and perform a regular atomic on that address. Since the hardware supports regular atomics, our task is “just” calculating the pixel’s address. If the image were laid out linearly in memory, this would be straightforward: multiply the Y-coordinate by the number of bytes per row (“stride”), multiply the X-coordinate by the number of bytes per pixel, and add. That gives the pixel’s offset in bytes relative to the first pixel of the image. To get the final address, we add that offset to the address of the first pixel. Alas, images are rarely linear in memory. To improve cache efficiency, modern graphics hardware interleaves the X- and Y-coordinates. Instead of one row after the next, pixels in memory follow a spiral-like curve. We need to amend our previous equation to interleave the coordinates. We could use many instructions to mask one bit at a time, shifting to construct the interleaved result, but that’s inefficient. We can do better. There is a well-known “bit twiddling” algorithm to interleave bits. Rather than shuffle one bit at a time, the algorithm shuffles groups of bits, parallelizing the problem. Implementing this algorithm in shader code improves performance. In practice, only the lower 7-bits (or less) of each coordinate are interleaved. That lets us use 32-bit instructions to “vectorize” the interleave, by putting the X- and Y-coordinates in the low and high 16-bits of a 32-bit register. Those 32-bit instructions let us interleave X and Y at the same time, halving the instruction count. Plus, we can exploit the GPU’s combined shift-and-add instruction. Putting the tricks together, we interleave in 10 instructions of M1 GPU assembly: # Inputs x, y in r0l, r0h. # Output in r1. add r2, #0, r0, lsl 4 or r1, r0, r2 and r1, r1, #0xf0f0f0f add r2, #0, r1, lsl 2 or r1, r1, r2 and r1, r1, #0x33333333 add r2, #0, r1, lsl 1 or r1, r1, r2 and r1, r1, #0x55555555 add r1, r1l, r1h, lsl 1 We could stop here, but what if there’s a dedicated instruction to interleave bits? PowerVR has a “shuffle” instruction shfl, and the M1 GPU borrows from PowerVR. Perhaps that instruction was borrowed too. Unfortunately, even if it was, the proprietary compiler won’t use it when compiling our test shaders. That makes it difficult to reverse-engineer the instruction – if it exists – by observing compiled shaders. It’s time to dust off a powerful reverse-engineering technique from magic kindergarten: guess and check. Dougall Johnson provided the guess. When considering the instructions we already know about, he took special notice of the “reverse bits” instruction. Since reversing bits is a type of bit shuffle, the interleave instruction should be encoded similarly. The bit reverse instruction has a two-bit field specifying the operation, with value 01. Related instructions to count the number of set bits and find the first set bit have values 10 and 11 respectively. That encompasses all known “complex bit manipulation” instructions. tr:first-child > td:nth-child(2) { text-align:center !important } td > strong > a:visited { color: #0000EE } 00 ? ? ? 01 Reverse bits 10 Count set bits 11 Find first set There is one value of the two-bit enumeration that is unobserved and unknown: 00. If this interleave instruction exists, it’s probably encoded like the bit reverse but with operation code 00 instead of 01. There’s a difficulty: the three known instructions have one single input source, but our instruction interleaves two sources. Where does the second source go? We can make a guess based on symmetry. Presumably to simplify the hardware decoder, M1 GPU instructions usually encode their sources in consistent locations across instructions. The other three instructions have a gap where we would expect the second source to be, in a two-source arithmetic instruction. Probably the second source is there. Armed with a guess, it’s our turn to check. Rather than handwrite GPU assembly, we can hack our compiler to replace some two-source integer operation (like multiply) with our guessed encoding of “interleave”. Then we write a compute shader using this operation (by “multiplying” numbers) and run it with the newfangled compute support in our driver. All that’s left is writing a shader that checks that the mystery instruction returns the interleaved result for each possible input. Since the instruction takes two 16-bit sources, there are about 4 billion (\(2^32\)) inputs. With our driver, the M1 GPU manages to check them all in under a second, and the verdict is in: this is our interleave instruction. As for our clever vectorized assembly to interleave coordinates? We can replace it with one instruction. It’s anticlimactic, but it’s fast and it passes the conformance tests. And that’s what matters. Thank you to Khronos and Software in the Public Interest for supporting open drivers.
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