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Man vs. AI: optimizing JavaScript (Claude, Cursor)

How AI beat me at code optimization game. When I started writing this article I did not expect AI to beat me at optimizing JavaScript code. But it did. I’m really passionate about optimizing JavaScript. Some say it’s a mental illness but I like my code to go balls to the wall fast. I feel the need. The need for speed. Optimizing code often requires tedious refactoring. Can we delegate the tedious parts to AI? Can I just have ideas and get AI to be my programming slave? Let’s find out. Optimizing Unicode range lookup with AI In my experiment I used Cursor with Claude 3.5 Sonnet model. I assume it could be done with other tools / models. I was browsing pdf.js code and saw this function: const UnicodeRanges = [ [0x0000, 0x007f], // 0 - Basic Latin ... omited [0x0250, 0x02af, 0x1d00, 0x1d7f, 0x1d80, 0x1dbf], // 4 - IPA Extensions - Phonetic Extensions - Phonetic Extensions Supplement ... omited ]; function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { // TODO: create a map range => position, sort the ranges and cache it. // Then we can make a binary search for finding a range for a given unicode. if (lastPosition !== -1) { const range = UnicodeRanges[lastPosition]; for (let i = 0, ii = range.length; i < ii; i += 2) { if (value >= range[i] && value <= range[i + 1]) { return lastPosition; } } } for (let i = 0, ii = UnicodeRanges.length; i < ii; i++) { const range = UnicodeRanges[i]; for (let j = 0, jj = range.length; j < jj; j += 2) { if (value >= range[j] && value <= range[j + 1]) { return i; } } } return -1; } This is a simple function: given Unicode character it returns Unicode range (number 0 ... UnicodeRanges.length - 1). The number is cleverly encoded implicitly as array index. The code already has a TODO about a potential optimization: sort UnicodeRanges and do binary search. There’s a minor difficulty: some Unicode ranges have multiple intervals, so we have to change the UnicodeRanges to explicitly include the range as 3rd element: const UnicodeRanges = [ [0x0000, 0x007f, 0], // 0 - Basic Latin [0x0250, 0x02af, 4], // 4 - IPA Extensions - Phonetic Extensions - Phonetic Extensions Supplement [0x1d00, 0x1d7f, 4], // 4 - IPA Extensions - Phonetic Extensions - Phonetic Extensions Supplement ... omitted ]; Then sort it and change the implementation of getUnicodeRangeFor(). Re-writing UnicodeRanges is simple but tedious and I don’t feel like doing it. Can AI do such change for us? Changing representation I’ve selected the whole of UnicodeRanges, added to chat with Ctrl + Shift + L and commanded: Change representation of UnicodeRanges array where each entry is 3 elements: [start, end, rangeNo]; preserve comments; if rangeNo has multiple ranges, split into separate entries Cursor responded with: const UnicodeRanges = [ [0x0000, 0x007f, 0], // 0 - Basic Latin [0x0080, 0x00ff, 1], // 1 - Latin-1 Supplement ... omitted ]; There was an issue: it only did part of the array. So I commanded: don’t be lazy, finish the whole UnicodeRanges array It did but the result was too long so I had to click Continue button. It worked and the generated code seems to be correct so I applied it. For binary search, the array must be sorted, so I commanded: Sort the array by first element It did, the result looked correct so I accepted the change. Hmm, I can get used to having a programming slave. Updating the code to implement binary search I copied getUnicodeRangeFor to chat and commanded: change the implementation to use binary search over UnicodeRanges array It gave me: function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { // Check the last position first if (lastPosition !== -1) { const range = UnicodeRanges[lastPosition]; if (value >= range[0] && value <= range[1]) { return lastPosition; } } // Binary search let left = 0; let right = UnicodeRanges.length - 1; while (left <= right) { const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2); const range = UnicodeRanges[mid]; if (value < range[0]) { right = mid - 1; } else if (value > range[1]) { left = mid + 1; } else { return range[2]; // Return the range index } } return -1; // Not found } It looks correct so I accepted it. We achieved the goal: replaced linear search with binary search using cheap AI labor. But I want more. More speed. Changing array of arrays to flat array A more efficient representation of the ranges would be a flat array: const UnicodeRanges = [ 0x0000, 0x007f, 0, // 0 - Basic Latin 0x0080, 0x00ff, 1, // 1 - Latin-1 Supplement ]; Let’s see if our AI slave can do it: change the whole UnicodeRanges array to flat array, preserve comments, don’t be lazy and do all of it I pre-emptively command the AI to convert the whole array. It did it. Now is the time to update getUnicodeRangeFor(). It’s a simple change I could do myself: now we just multiply index * 3 to get range definition. But I kind of like commanding the AI so I did it again: update getUnicodeRangeFor for new flat array representations of UnicodeRanges It gave me: function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { // Check the last position first if (lastPosition !== -1) { const index = lastPosition * 3; if (value >= UnicodeRanges[index] && value <= UnicodeRanges[index + 1]) { return UnicodeRanges[index + 2]; } } // Binary search let left = 0; let right = UnicodeRanges.length / 3 - 1; while (left <= right) { const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2); const index = mid * 3; const rangeStart = UnicodeRanges[index]; const rangeEnd = UnicodeRanges[index + 1]; if (value < rangeStart) { right = mid - 1; } else if (value > rangeEnd) { left = mid + 1; } else { return UnicodeRanges[index + 2]; // Return the range index } } return -1; // Not found } It does seem correct, but let’s do one more tweak: move binary search code to its own function And it worked: function binarySearchUnicodeRange(value) { let left = 0; let right = UnicodeRanges.length / 3 - 1; while (left <= right) { const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2); const index = mid * 3; const rangeStart = UnicodeRanges[index]; const rangeEnd = UnicodeRanges[index + 1]; if (value < rangeStart) { right = mid - 1; } else if (value > rangeEnd) { left = mid + 1; } else { return UnicodeRanges[index + 2]; // Return the range index } } return -1; // Not found } function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { // Check the last position first if (lastPosition !== -1) { const index = lastPosition * 3; if (value >= UnicodeRanges[index] && value <= UnicodeRanges[index + 1]) { return UnicodeRanges[index + 2]; } } // Perform binary search return binarySearchUnicodeRange(value); } Inlining some of the binary search It’s good but we haven’t yet reached the levels of insanity I’ve hinted at. UnicodeRanges is a fixed array. We could “unroll” the binary search into code. It would be very painful to do manually. I would have to write custom code generator to ensure it’s correct but maybe AI can do it for us? unroll first 3 levels of binarySearchUnicodeRange To my surprise, it worked. AI understood what I wanted and gave me this: function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { ... omited const length = UnicodeRanges.length / 3; let mid = Math.floor(length / 2) * 3; if (value < UnicodeRanges[mid]) { mid = Math.floor(mid / 2); if (value < UnicodeRanges[mid]) { mid = Math.floor(mid / 2); } else if (value > UnicodeRanges[mid + 1]) { mid = mid + Math.floor(mid / 2); } else { return UnicodeRanges[mid + 2]; } } else if (value > UnicodeRanges[mid + 1]) { mid = mid + Math.floor(mid / 2); if (value < UnicodeRanges[mid]) { mid = mid - Math.floor(mid / 4); } else if (value > UnicodeRanges[mid + 1]) { mid = mid + Math.floor(mid / 4); } else { return UnicodeRanges[mid + 2]; } } else { return UnicodeRanges[mid + 2]; } ... omited } Can we do even better? unroll the values of UnicodeRanges[mid] etc. and replace with constants Holly cow, it worked: function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { // Check the last position first if (lastPosition !== -1) { const index = lastPosition * 3; if (value >= UnicodeRanges[index] && value <= UnicodeRanges[index + 1]) { return UnicodeRanges[index + 2]; } } // Unrolled binary search with constants if (value < 0x4E00) { // CJK Unified Ideographs start if (value < 0x0530) { // Armenian start if (value < 0x0250) { // IPA Extensions start if (value < 0x0100) { // Latin Extended-A start if (value < 0x0080) { // Latin-1 Supplement start return 0; // Basic Latin } return 1; // Latin-1 Supplement } if (value < 0x0180) { return 2; // Latin Extended-A } return 3; // Latin Extended-B } if (value < 0x0300) { // Combining Diacritical Marks start if (value < 0x02B0) { // Spacing Modifier Letters start return 4; // IPA Extensions } return 5; // Spacing Modifier Letters } if (value < 0x0370) { // Greek and Coptic start return 6; // Combining Diacritical Marks } if (value < 0x0400) { // Cyrillic start return 7; // Greek and Coptic } return 9; // Cyrillic } // Continue with binary search for remaining ranges let left = 10; // Index of Armenian in UnicodeRanges let right = 102; // Index of CJK Unified Ideographs in UnicodeRanges while (left <= right) { const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2) * 3; if (value < UnicodeRanges[mid]) { right = Math.floor(mid / 3) - 1; } else if (value > UnicodeRanges[mid + 1]) { left = Math.floor(mid / 3) + 1; } else { return UnicodeRanges[mid + 2]; } } } else { // Binary search for ranges after CJK Unified Ideographs let left = 103; // Index after CJK Unified Ideographs in UnicodeRanges let right = UnicodeRanges.length / 3 - 1; while (left <= right) { const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2) * 3; if (value < UnicodeRanges[mid]) { right = Math.floor(mid / 3) - 1; } else if (value > UnicodeRanges[mid + 1]) { left = Math.floor(mid / 3) + 1; } else { return UnicodeRanges[mid + 2]; } } } return -1; // Not found } Is it correct? I have no idea. Would be easy to write a test that uses UnicodeRanges as source of truth and tests getUnicodeRangeFor() for every possible value. Can I just ask AI to do it faster? So far I micro-managed the AI coder. I was telling it exactly what kind of change I wanted and commanded AI until it did what I wanted. A good boss delegates. Good boss tells the worker the high level goal and leaves implementation detail to the worker. Let’s start from scratch and command AI thusly: could you make a faster implementation of getUnicodeRangeFor()? You can change the representation of UnicodeRanges to achieve that goal Holly cow again. The AI figured out the binary search: const UnicodeRanges = [ { start: 0x0000, end: 0x007f, index: 0 }, // Basic Latin { start: 0x0080, end: 0x00ff, index: 1 }, // Latin-1 Supplement { start: 0x0100, end: 0x017f, index: 2 }, // Latin Extended-A // ... (other ranges) { start: 0x1f000, end: 0x1f09f, index: 122 }, // Domino Tiles - Mahjong Tiles ].sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { if (lastPosition !== -1) { const range = UnicodeRanges[lastPosition]; if (value >= range.start && value <= range.end) { return range.index; } } let left = 0; let right = UnicodeRanges.length - 1; while (left <= right) { const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2); const range = UnicodeRanges[mid]; if (value >= range.start && value <= range.end) { return range.index; } if (value < range.start) { right = mid - 1; } else { left = mid + 1; } } return -1; } The object {start, end, index} is less efficient than my flat array representation and it didn’t unroll the binary search but the core idea of binary search is there. But just for kicks, maybe there’s more: can you make it even more efficient? It did something slightly different, but really the same. I’m afraid no bonus this quarter. Ok, one last try: but could you go all out and use every possible implementation trick you know to optkmize getUnicodeRangeFor and UnicodeRanges representation? Fuck me, I have no idea if the generated code is correct but it does seem it would be faster than the non-unrolled binary search I came up with earlier: // Preprocess UnicodeRanges into a more efficient structure const BUCKET_SIZE = 256; const MAX_UNICODE = 0x10FFFF; const buckets = new Uint16Array(Math.ceil((MAX_UNICODE + 1) / BUCKET_SIZE)); const ranges = []; UnicodeRanges.forEach((range, index) => { for (let i = 0; i < range.length; i += 2) { const start = range[i]; const end = range[i + 1]; ranges.push({ start, end, index }); const startBucket = start >>> 8; const endBucket = end >>> 8; for (let j = startBucket; j <= endBucket; j++) { buckets[j] |= (1 << (index & 15)); } } }); ranges.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); // Create a compact representation of ranges const compactRanges = new Uint32Array(ranges.length * 3); ranges.forEach((range, i) => { compactRanges[i * 3] = range.start; compactRanges[i * 3 + 1] = range.end; compactRanges[i * 3 + 2] = range.index; }); function getUnicodeRangeFor(value, lastPosition = -1) { if (value > MAX_UNICODE) return -1; // Check last position first if (lastPosition !== -1) { const start = compactRanges[lastPosition * 3]; const end = compactRanges[lastPosition * 3 + 1]; if (value >= start && value <= end) { return compactRanges[lastPosition * 3 + 2]; } } // Quick check using buckets const bucket = buckets[value >>> 8]; if (bucket === 0) return -1; // Binary search within the relevant ranges let left = 0; let right = compactRanges.length / 3 - 1; while (left <= right) { const mid = (left + right) >>> 1; const start = compactRanges[mid * 3]; const end = compactRanges[mid * 3 + 1]; if (value < start) { right = mid - 1; } else if (value > end) { left = mid + 1; } else { return compactRanges[mid * 3 + 2]; } } return -1; } In retrospect, using Uint32Array for UnicodeRanges array was a no-brainer. It’s more compact in memory, the values will probably be compared as integers, not floats. Should be faster to scan than array of floats. The buckets are not necessary. They seems to be for quick “doesn’t exist check” which is not important. I believe most lookups are for values that exist. I’m humbled that just asking for super duper optimization made AI produce something I didn’t think of. More optimization ideas I can’t help myself. Those are ideas I didn’t ask AI to implement. UnicodeRanges is small. A linear search of compact Uint32Array representation where we just have (start, end) values for each range would be faster than binary search due to cache lines. We could start the search in the middle of array and scan half the data going forward or backwards. We could also store ranges smaller than 0x10000 in Uint16Array and larger in Uint32Array. And do linear search starting in the middle. Since the values are smaller than 256, we could encode the first 0xffff values in 64kB as Uint8Array and the rest as Uint32Array. That would probably be the fastest on average, because I believe most lookups are for Unicode chars smaller than 0xffff. Finally, we could calculate the the frequency of each range in representative sample of PDF documents, check the ranges based on that frequency, fully unrolled into code, without any tables. Conclusions AI is a promising way to do tedious code refactoring. If I didn’t have the AI, I would have to write a program to e.g. convert UnicodeRanges to a flat representation. It’s simple and therefore doable but certainly would take longer than few minutes it took me to command AI. The final unrolling of getUnicodeRangeFor() would probably never happen. It would require writing a sophisticated code generator which would be a big project by itself. AI can generate buggy code so it needs to be carefully reviewed. The unrolled binary search could not be verified by review, it would need a test. But hey, I could command my AI sidekick to write the test for me. There was this idea of organizing programming teams into master programmer and coding grunts. The job of master programmer, the thinking was, to generate high level ideas and having coding grunts implement them. Turns out that we can’t organize people that way but now we can use AI to be our coding grunt. Prompt engineering is a thing. I wasted a bunch of time doing incremental improvements. I should have started by asking for super-duper optimization. Productivity gains is real. The whole thing took me about an hour. For this particular task easily 2x compared to not using cheap AI labor. Imagine you’re running a software business and instead of spending 2 months on a task, you only spend 1 month. I’ll be using more AI for coding in the future.

6 months ago 55 votes
Implementing Notion-like table of contents in JavaScript

Notion-like table of contents in JavaScript Long web pages benefit from having a table of contents. Especially technical, reference documentation. As a reader you want a way to quickly navigate to a specific part of the documentation. This article describes how I implemented table of contents for documentation page for my Edna note taking application. Took only few hours. Here’s full code. A good toc A good table of contents is: always available unobtrusive Table of contents cannot be always visible. Space is always at premium and should be used for the core functionality of a web page. For a documentation page the core is documentation text so space should be used to show documentation. But it should always be available in some compact form. I noticed that Notion implemented toc in a nice way. Since great artists steal, I decided to implement similar behavior for Edna’s documentation When hidden, we show mini toc i.e. for each toc entry we have a gray rectangle. A block rectangle indicates current position in the document: It’s small and unobtrusive. When you hover mouse over that area we show the actual toc: Clicking on a title goes to that part of the page. Implementing table of contents My implementation can be added to any page. Grabbing toc elements I assume h1 to h6 elements mark table of contents entries. I use their text as text of the entry. After page loads I build the HTML for the toc. I grab all headers elements: function getAllHeaders() { return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6")); } Each toc entry is represented by: class TocItem { text = ""; hLevel = 0; nesting = 0; element; } text we show to the user. hLevel is 1 … 6 for h1 … h6. nesting is like hLevel but sanitized. We use it to indent text in toc, to show tree structure of the content. element is the actual HTML element. We remember it so that we can scroll to that element with JavaScript. I create array of TocItem for each header element on the page: function buildTocItems() { let allHdrs = getAllHeaders(); let res = []; for (let el of allHdrs) { /** @type {string} */ let text = el.innerText.trim(); text = removeHash(text); text = text.trim(); let hLevel = parseInt(el.tagName[1]); let h = new TocItem(); h.text = text; h.hLevel = hLevel; h.nesting = 0; h.element = el; res.push(h); } return res; } function removeHash(str) { return str.replace(/#$/, ""); } Generate toc HTML Toc wrapper Here’s the high-level structure: .toc-wrapper has 2 children: .toc-mini, always visible, shows overview of the toc .toc-list hidden by default, shown on hover over .toc-wrapper Wrapper is always shown on the right upper corner using fixed position: .toc-wrapper { position: fixed; top: 1rem; right: 1rem; z-index: 50; } You can adjust top and right for your needs. When toc is too long to fully shown on screen, we must make it scrollable. But also default scrollbars in Chrome are large so we make them smaller and less intrusive: .toc-wrapper { position: fixed; top: 1rem; right: 1rem; z-index: 50; } When user hovers over .toc-wrapper, we switch display from .toc-mini to .toc-list: .toc-wrapper:hover > .toc-mini { display: none; } .toc-wrapper:hover > .toc-list { display: flex; } Generate mini toc We want to generate the following HTML: <div class="toc-mini"> <div class="toc-item-mini toc-light">▃</div> ... repeat for every TocItem </div> ▃ is a Unicode characters that is a filled rectangle of the bottom 30% of the character. We use a very small font becuase it’s only a compact navigation heler. .toc-light is gray color. By removing this class we make it default black which marks current position in the document. .toc-mini { display: flex; flex-direction: column; font-size: 6pt; cursor: pointer; } .toc-light { color: lightgray; } Generating HTML in vanilla JavaScript is not great, but it works for small things: function genTocMini(items) { let tmp = ""; let t = `<div class="toc-item-mini toc-light">▃</div>`; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { tmp += t; } return `<div class="toc-mini">` + tmp + `</div>`; } items is an array of TocItem we get from buildTocItems(). We mark the items with toc-item-mini class so that we can query them all easily. Generate toc list Table of contents list is only slightly more complicated: <div class="toc-list"> <div title="{title}" class="toc-item toc-trunc {ind}" onclick=tocGoTo({n})>{text}</div> ... repeat for every TocItem </div> {ind} is name of the indent class, like: .toc-ind-1 { padding-left: 4px; } tocGoTo(n) is a function that scroll the page to show n-th TocItem.element at the top. function genTocList(items) { let tmp = ""; let t = `<div title="{title}" class="toc-item toc-trunc {ind}" onclick=tocGoTo({n})>{text}</div>`; let n = 0; for (let h of items) { let s = t; s = s.replace("{n}", n); let ind = "toc-ind-" + h.nesting; s = s.replace("{ind}", ind); s = s.replace("{text}", h.text); s = s.replace("{title}", h.text); tmp += s; n++; } return `<div class="toc-list">` + tmp + `</div>`; } .toc-trunc is for limiting the width of toc and gracefully truncating it: .toc-trunc { max-width: 32ch; min-width: 12ch; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } Putting it all together Here’s the code that runs at page load, generates HTML and appends it to the page: function genToc() { tocItems = buildTocItems(); fixNesting(tocItems); const container = document.createElement("div"); container.className = "toc-wrapper"; let s = genTocMini(tocItems); let s2 = genTocList(tocItems); container.innerHTML = s + s2; document.body.appendChild(container); } Navigating Showing / hiding toc list is done in CSS. When user clicks toc item, we need to show it at the top of page: let tocItems = []; function tocGoTo(n) { let el = tocItems[n].element; let y = el.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY; let offY = 12; y -= offY; window.scrollTo({ top: y, }); } We remembered HTML element in TocItem.element so all we need to is to scroll to it to show it at the top of page. You can adjust offY e.g. if you show a navigation bar at the top that overlays the content, you want to make offY at least the height of navigation bar. Updating toc mini to reflect current position When user scrolls the page we want to reflect that in toc mini by changing the color of corresponding rectangle from gray to black. On scroll event we calculate which visible TocItem.element is closest to the top of window. function updateClosestToc() { let closestIdx = -1; let closestDistance = Infinity; for (let i = 0; i < tocItems.length; i++) { let tocItem = tocItems[i]; const rect = tocItem.element.getBoundingClientRect(); const distanceFromTop = Math.abs(rect.top); if ( distanceFromTop < closestDistance && rect.bottom > 0 && rect.top < window.innerHeight ) { closestDistance = distanceFromTop; closestIdx = i; } } if (closestIdx >= 0) { console.log("Closest element:", closestIdx); let els = document.querySelectorAll(".toc-item-mini"); let cls = "toc-light"; for (let i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { let el = els[i]; if (i == closestIdx) { el.classList.remove(cls); } else { el.classList.add(cls); } } } } window.addEventListener("scroll", updateClosestToc); All together now After page loads I run: genToc(); updateClosestToc(); Which I achieve by including this in HTML: <script src="/help.js" defer></script> </body> Possible improvements Software is never finished. Software can always be improved. I have 2 ideas for further improvements. Always visible when enough space Most of the time my browser window uses half of 13 to 15 inch screen. I’m aggravated when websites don’t work well at that size. At that size there’s not enough space to always show toc. But if the user chooses a wider browser window, it makes sense to use available space and always show table of contents. Keyboard navigation It would be nice to navigate table of contents with keyboard, in addition to mouse. For example: t would show table of contents Esc would dismiss it up / down arrows would navigate toc tree Enter would navigate to selected part and dismiss toc

6 months ago 62 votes
Porting a medium-sized Vue application to Svelte 5

Porting a medium-sized Vue application to Svelte 5 The short version: porting from Vue to Svelte is pretty straightforward and Svelte 5 is nice upgrade to Svelte 4. Why port? I’m working on Edna, a note taking application for developers. It started as a fork of Heynote. I’ve added a bunch of features, most notably managing multiple notes. Heynote is written in Vue. Vue is similar enough to Svelte that I was able to add features without really knowing Vue but Svelte is what I use for all my other projects. At some point I invested enough effort (over 350 commits) into Edna that I decided to port from Vue to Svelte. That way I can write future code faster (I know Svelte much better than Vue) and re-use code from my other Svelte projects. Since Svelte 5 is about to be released, I decided to try it out. There were 10 .vue components. It took me about 3 days to port everything. Adding Svelte 5 to build pipeline I started by adding Svelte 5 and converting the simplest component. In the above commit: I’ve installed Svelte 5 and it’s vite plugin by adding it to package.json updated tailwind.config.cjs to also scan .svelte files added Svelte plugin to vite.config.js to run Svelte compiler on .svelte and .svelte.js files during build deleted Help.vue, which is not related to porting, I just wasn’t using it anymore started converting smallest component AskFSPermissions.vue as AskFSPermissions.svelte In the next commit: I finished porting AskFSPermissions.vue I tweaked tsconfig.json so that VSCode type-checks .svelte files I replaced AskFSPermissions.vue with Svelte 5 version Here replacing was easy because the component was a stand-alone component. All I had to do was to replace Vue’s: app = createApp(AskFSPermissions); app.mount("#app"); with Svelte 5: const args = { target: document.getElementById("app"), }; appSvelte = mount(AskFSPermissions, args); Overall porting strategy Next part was harder. Edna’s structure is: App.vue is the main component which shows / hides other components depending on state and desired operations. My preferred way of porting would be to start with leaf components and port them to Svelte one by one. However, I haven’t found an easy way of using .svelte components from .vue components. It’s possible: Svelte 5 component can be imported and mounted into arbitrary html element and I could pass props down to it. If the project was bigger (say weeks of porting) I would try to make it work so that I have a working app at all times. Given I estimated I can port it quickly, I went with a different strategy: I created mostly empty App.svelte and started porting components, starting with the simplest leaf components. I didn’t have a working app but I could see and test the components I’ve ported so far. This strategy had it’s challenges. Namely: most of the state is not there so I had to fake it for a while. For example the first component I ported was TopNav.vue, which displays name of the current note in the top upper part of the screen. The problem was: I didn’t port the logic to load the file yet. For a while I had to fake the state i.e. I created noteName variable with a dummy value. With each ported component I would port App.vue parts needed by the component Replacing third-party components Most of the code in Edna is written by me (or comes from the original Heynote project) and doesn’t use third-party Vue libraries. There are 2 exceptions: I wanted to show notification messages and have a context menu. Showing notifications messages isn’t hard: for another project I wrote a Svelte component for that in a few hours. But since I didn’t know Vue well, it would have taken me much longer, possibly days. For that reason I’ve opted to use a third-party toast notifications Vue library. The same goes menu component. Even more so: implementing menu component is complicated. At least few days of effort. When porting to Svelte I replaced third-party vue-toastification library with my own code. At under 100 loc it was trivial to write. For context menu I re-used context menu I wrote for my notepad2 project. It’s a more complicated component so it took longer to port it. Vue => Svelte 5 porting Vue and Svelte have very similar structure so porting is straightforward and mostly mechanical. The big picture: <template> become Svelte templates. Remove <template> and replace Vue control flow directives with Svelte equivalent. For example <div v-if="foo"> becomes {#if foo}<div>{/if} setup() can be done either at top-level, when component is imported, or in $effect( () => { ... } ) when component is mounted data() become variables. Some of them are regular JavaScript variables and some of them become reactive $state() props becomes $props() mounted() becomes $effect( () => { ... } ) methods() become regular JavaScript functions computed() become $derived.by( () => { ... } ) ref() becomes $state() $emit('foo') becomes onfoo callback prop. Could also be an event but Svelte 5 recommends callback props over events @click becomes onclick v-model="foo" becomes bind:value={foo} {{ foo }} in HTML template becomes { foo } ref="foo" becomes bind:this={foo} :disabled="!isEnabled" becomes disabled={!isEnabled} CSS was scoped so didn’t need any changes Svelte 5 At the time of this writing Svelte 5 is Release Candidates and the creators tell you not use it in production. Guess what, I’m using it in production. It works and it’s stable. I think Svelte 5 devs operate from the mindset of “abundance of caution”. All software has bugs, including Svelte 4. If Svelte 5 doesn’t work, you’ll know it. Coming from Svelte 4, Svelte 5 is a nice upgrade. One small project is too early to have deep thoughts but I like it so far. It’s easy to learn new ways of doing things. It’s easy to convert Svelte 4 to Svelte 5, even without any tools. Things are even more compact and more convenient than in Svelte 4. {#snippet} adds functionality that I was missing from Svelte 4.

8 months ago 59 votes
Changing font size in Windows dialog in C++

How to dynamically change font size in a Windows dialog Windows’s win32 API is old and crufty. Many things that are trivial to do in HTML are difficult in win32. One of those things is changing size of font used by your native, desktop app. I encountered this in SumatraPDF. A user asked for a way to increase the font size. I introduced UIFontSize option but implementing that was difficult and time consuming. One of the issues was changing the font size used in dialogs. This article describes how I did it. The method is based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14370238/can-i-dynamically-change-the-font-size-of-a-dialog-window-created-with-c-in-vi How dialogs work SumatraPDF defines a bunch of dialogs in SumatraPDF.rc. Here’s a find dialog: IDD_DIALOG_FIND DIALOGEX 0, 0, 247, 52 STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Find" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1 BEGIN LTEXT "&Find what:",IDC_STATIC,6,8,60,9 EDITTEXT IDC_FIND_EDIT,66,6,120,13,ES_AUTOHSCROLL CONTROL "&Match case",IDC_MATCH_CASE,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,6,24,180,9 LTEXT "Hint: Use the F3 key for finding again",IDC_FIND_NEXT_HINT,6,37,180,9,WS_DISABLED DEFPUSHBUTTON "Find",IDOK,191,6,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,191,24,50,14 END .rc is compiled by a resource compiler rc.exe and embedded in resources section of a PE .exe file. Compiled version is a binary blob that has a stable format. At runtime we can get that binary blob from resources and pass it to DialogBoxIndirectParam() function to create a dialog. How to change font size of a dialog at runtime DIALOGEX tell us it’s an extended dialog, which has different binary layout than non-extended DIALOG. As you can see part of dialog definition is a font definition: FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1 To provide a FONT you also need to specify DS_SETFONT or DS_FIXEDSYS flag. We’re asking for MS Shell Dlg font with size of 8 points (12 pixels). 400 specifies standard weight (800 would be bold font). Unfortunately the binary blob is generated at compilation time and we want to change font size when application runs. The simplest way to achieve that is to patch the binary blob in memory. The code for changing dialog font size at runtime You can find the full code at https://github.com/sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf/blob/b6aed9e7d257510ff82fee915506ce2e75481c64/src/SumatraDialogs.cpp#L20 It uses small number of SumatraPDF base code so you’ll need to lightly massage it to use it in your own code. The layout of binary blob is documented at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms645398(v=VS.85).aspx In C++ this is represented by the following struct: #pragma pack(push, 1) struct DLGTEMPLATEEX { WORD dlgVer; // 0x0001 WORD signature; // 0xFFFF DWORD helpID; DWORD exStyle; DWORD style; WORD cDlgItems; short x, y, cx, cy; /* sz_Or_Ord menu; sz_Or_Ord windowClass; WCHAR title[titleLen]; WORD fontPointSize; WORD fontWWeight; BYTE fontIsItalic; BYTE fontCharset; WCHAR typeface[stringLen]; */ }; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 1) tells C++ compiler to not do padding between struct members. That part after x, y, cx, cy is commented out because sz_or_Ord and WCHAR [] are variable length, which can’t be represented in C++ struct. fontPointSize is the value we need to patch. But first we need to get a copy binary blob. DLGTEMPLATE* DupTemplate(int dlgId) { HRSRC dialogRC = FindResourceW(nullptr, MAKEINTRESOURCE(dlgId), RT_DIALOG); CrashIf(!dialogRC); HGLOBAL dlgTemplate = LoadResource(nullptr, dialogRC); CrashIf(!dlgTemplate); void* orig = LockResource(dlgTemplate); size_t size = SizeofResource(nullptr, dialogRC); CrashIf(size == 0); DLGTEMPLATE* ret = (DLGTEMPLATE*)memdup(orig, size); UnlockResource(orig); return ret; } dlgId is from .rc file (e.g. IDD_DIALOG_FIND for our find dialog). Most of it is win32 APIs, memdup() makes a copy of memory block. Here’s the code to patch the font size: static void SetDlgTemplateExFont(DLGTEMPLATE* tmp, int fontSize) { CrashIf(!IsDlgTemplateEx(tmp)); DLGTEMPLATEEX* tpl = (DLGTEMPLATEEX*)tmp; CrashIf(!HasDlgTemplateExFont(tpl)); u8* d = (u8*)tpl; d += sizeof(DLGTEMPLATEEX); // sz_Or_Ord menu d = SkipSzOrOrd(d); // sz_Or_Ord windowClass; d = SkipSzOrOrd(d); // WCHAR[] title d = SkipSz(d); // WCHAR pointSize; WORD* wd = (WORD*)d; fontSize = ToFontPointSize(fontSize); *wd = fontSize; } We start at the end of fixed-size portion of the blob () d += sizeof(DLGTEMPLATEEX). We then skip variable-length fields menu, windowClass and title and patch the font size in points. SumatraPDF code operates in pixels so has to convert that to Windows points: static int ToFontPointSize(int fontSize) { int res = (fontSize * 72) / 96; return res; } Here’s how we skip past sz_or_Ord fields: /* Type: sz_Or_Ord A variable-length array of 16-bit elements that identifies a menu resource for the dialog box. If the first element of this array is 0x0000, the dialog box has no menu and the array has no other elements. If the first element is 0xFFFF, the array has one additional element that specifies the ordinal value of a menu resource in an executable file. If the first element has any other value, the system treats the array as a null-terminated Unicode string that specifies the name of a menu resource in an executable file. */ static u8* SkipSzOrOrd(u8* d) { WORD* pw = (WORD*)d; WORD w = *pw++; if (w == 0x0000) { // no menu } else if (w == 0xffff) { // menu id followed by another WORD item pw++; } else { // anything else: zero-terminated WCHAR* WCHAR* s = (WCHAR*)pw; while (*s) { s++; } s++; pw = (WORD*)s; } return (u8*)pw; } Strings are zero-terminated utf-16: static u8* SkipSz(u8* d) { WCHAR* s = (WCHAR*)d; while (*s) { s++; } s++; // skip terminating zero return (u8*)s; } To make the code more robust, we check the dialog is extended and has font information to patch: static bool IsDlgTemplateEx(DLGTEMPLATE* tpl) { return tpl->style == MAKELONG(0x0001, 0xFFFF); } static bool HasDlgTemplateExFont(DLGTEMPLATEEX* tpl) { DWORD style = tpl->style & (DS_SETFONT | DS_FIXEDSYS); return style != 0; } Changing font name It’s also possible to change font name but it’s slightly harder (which is why I didn’t implement it). WCHAR typeface[] is inline null-terminated string that is name of the font. To change it we would also have to move the data that follows it. The roads not taken There are other ways to achieve that. Dialog is just a HWND. In WM_INITDIALOG message we could iterate over all controls, change their font with WM_SETFONT message and then resize the controls and the window. That’s much more work than our solution. We just patch the font size and let Windows do the font setting and resizing. Another option would be to generate binary blog representing dialogs at runtime. It would require writing more code but then we could define new dialogs in C++ code that wouldn’t be that much different than .rc syntax. I want to explore that solution because this would also allow adding simple layout system to simplify definition the dialogs. In .rc files everything must be absolutely positioned. The visual dialog editor helps a bit but is unreliable and I need resizing logic anyway because after translating strings absolute positioning doesn’t work.

11 months ago 58 votes
How I implemented wc in the browser in 3 days

Building wc in the browser From time to time I like to run wc -l on my source code to see how much code I wrote. For those not in the know: wc -l shows number of lines in files. Actually, what I have to do is more like find -name "*.go" | xargs wc -l because wc isn’t a particularly good at handling directories. I just want to see number of lines in all my source files, man. I don’t want to google the syntax of find and xargs for a hundredth time. After learning about File System API I decided to write a tool that does just that as a web app. No need to install software. I did just that and you can use it yourself. Here’s how it sees itself: The rest of this article describes how I would have done it if I did it. Building software quickly It only took me 3 days, which is a testament to how productive the web platform can be. My weapons of choice are: Svelte for frontend Tailwind CSS for CSS JSDoc for static typing of JavaScript File System API to access files and directories on your computer vite for a bundler and dev server render to deploy For a small project Svelte and Tailwind CSS are arguably an overkill. I used them because I standardized on that toolset. Standardization allows me to re-use prior experience and sometimes even code. Why those technologies? Svelte is React without the bloat. Try it and you’ll love it. Tailwind CSS is CSS but more productive. You have to try it to believe it. JSDoc is happy medium between no types at all and TypeScript. I have great internal resistance to switching to TypeScript. Maybe 5 years from now. And none of that would be possible without browser APIs that allow access to files on your computer. Which FireFox doesn’t implement because they are happy to loose market share to browser that implement useful features. Clearly $3 million a year is not enough to buy yourself a CEO with understanding of the obvious. Implementation tidbits Getting list of files To get a recursive listing of files in a directory use showDirectoryPicker to get a FileSystemDirectoryHandle. Call dirHandle.values() to get a list of directory entries. Recurse if an entry is a directory. Not all browsers support that API. To detect if it works: /** * @returns {boolean} */ export function isIFrame() { let isIFrame = false; try { // in iframe, those are different isIFrame = window.self !== window.top; } catch { // do nothing } return isIFrame; } /** * @returns {boolean} */ export function supportsFileSystem() { return "showDirectoryPicker" in window && !isIFrame(); } Because people on Hacker News always complain about slow, bloated software I took pains to make my code fast. One of those pains was using an array instead of an object to represent a file system entry. Wait, now HN people will complain that I’m optimizing prematurely. Listen buddy, Steve Wozniak wrote assembly in hex and he liked it. In comparison, optimizing memory layout of most frequently used object in JavaScript is like drinking champagne on Jeff Bezos’ yacht. Here’s a JavaScript trick to optimizing memory layout of objects with fixed number of fields: derive your class from an Array. Deriving a class from an Array Little known thing about JavaScript is that an Array is just an object and you can derive your class from it and add methods, getters and setters. You get a compact layout of an array and convenience of accessors. Here’s the sketch of how I implemented FsEntry object: // a directory tree. each element is either a file: // [file, dirHandle, name, path, size, null] // or directory: // [[entries], dirHandle, name, path, size, null] // extra null value is for the caller to stick additional data // without the need to re-allocate the array // if you need more than 1, use an object // handle (file or dir), parentHandle (dir), size, path, dirEntries, meta const handleIdx = 0; const parentHandleIdx = 1; const sizeIdx = 2; const pathIdx = 3; const dirEntriesIdx = 4; const metaIdx = 5; export class FsEntry extends Array { get size() { return this[sizeIdx]; } // ... rest of the accessors } We have 6 slots in the array and we can access them as e.g. entry[sizeIdx]. We can hide this implementation detail by writing a getter as FsEntry.size() shown above. Reading a directory recursively Once you get FileSystemDirectoryHandle by using window.showDirectoryPicker() you can read the content of the directory. Here’s one way to implement recursive read of directory: /** * @param {FileSystemDirectoryHandle} dirHandle * @param {Function} skipEntryFn * @param {string} dir * @returns {Promise<FsEntry>} */ export async function readDirRecur( dirHandle, skipEntryFn = dontSkip, dir = dirHandle.name ) { /** @type {FsEntry[]} */ let entries = []; // @ts-ignore for await (const handle of dirHandle.values()) { if (skipEntryFn(handle, dir)) { continue; } const path = dir == "" ? handle.name : `${dir}/${handle.name}`; if (handle.kind === "file") { let e = await FsEntry.fromHandle(handle, dirHandle, path); entries.push(e); } else if (handle.kind === "directory") { let e = await readDirRecur(handle, skipEntryFn, path); e.path = path; entries.push(e); } } let res = new FsEntry(dirHandle, null, dir); res.dirEntries = entries; return res; } Function skipEntryFn is called for every entry and allows the caller to decide to not include a given entry. You can, for example, skip a directory like .git. It can also be used to show progress of reading the directory to the user, as it happens asynchronously. Showing the files I use tables and I’m not ashamed. It’s still the best technology to display, well, a table of values where cells are sized to content and columns are aligned. Flexbox doesn’t remember anything across rows so it can’t align columns. Grid can layout things properly but I haven’t found a way to easily highlight the whole row when mouse is over it. With CSS you can only target individual cells in a grid, not rows. With table I just style <tr class="hover:bg-gray-100">. That’s Tailwind speak for: on mouse hover set background color to light gray. Folder can contain other folders so we need recursive components to implement it. Svelte supports that with <svelte:self>. I implemented it as a tree view where you can expand folders to see their content. It’s one big table for everything but I needed to indent each expanded folder to make it look like a tree. It was a bit tricky. I went with indent property in my Folder component. Starts with 0 and goes +1 for each level of nesting. Then I style the first file name column as <td class="ind-{indent}">...</td> and use those CSS styles: <style> :global(.ind-1) { padding-left: 0.5rem; } :global(.ind-2) { padding-left: 1rem; } /* ... up to .ind-17 */ Except it goes to .ind-17. Yes, if you have deeper nesting, it won’t show correctly. I’ll wait for a bug report before increasing it further. Calculating line count You can get the size of the file from FileSystemFileEntry. For source code I want to see number of lines. It’s quite trivial to calculate: /** * @param {Blob} f * @returns {Promise<number>} */ export async function lineCount(f) { if (f.size === 0) { // empty files have no lines return 0; } let ab = await f.arrayBuffer(); let a = new Uint8Array(ab); let nLines = 0; // if last character is not newline, we must add +1 to line count let toAdd = 0; for (let b of a) { // line endings are: // CR (13) LF (10) : windows // LF (10) : unix // CR (13) : mac // mac is very rare so we just count 10 as they count // windows and unix lines if (b === 10) { toAdd = 0; nLines++; } else { toAdd = 1; } } return nLines + toAdd; } It doesn’t handle Mac files that use CR for newlines. It’s ok to write buggy code as long as you document it. I also skip known binary files (.png, .exe etc.) and known “not mine” directories like .git and node_modules. Small considerations like that matter. Remembering opened directories I typically use it many times on the same directories and it’s a pain to pick the same directory over and over again. FileSystemDirectoryHandle can be stored in IndexedDB so I implemented a history of opened directories using a persisted store using IndexedDB. Asking for permissions When it comes to accessing files and directories on disk you can’t ask for forgiveness, you have to ask for permission. User grants permissions in window.showDirectoryPicker() and browser remembers them for a while, but they expire quite quickly. You need to re-check and re-ask for permission to FileSystemFileHandle and FileSystemDirectoryHandle before each access: export async function verifyHandlePermission(fileHandle, readWrite) { const options = {}; if (readWrite) { options.mode = "readwrite"; } // Check if permission was already granted. If so, return true. if ((await fileHandle.queryPermission(options)) === "granted") { return true; } // Request permission. If the user grants permission, return true. if ((await fileHandle.requestPermission(options)) === "granted") { return true; } // The user didn't grant permission, so return false. return false; } If permissions are still valid from before, it’s a no-op. If not, the browser will show a dialog asking for permissions. If you ask for write permissions, Chrome will show 2 confirmations dialogs vs. 1 for read-only access. I start with read-only access and, if needed, ask again to get a write (or delete) permissions. Deleting files and directories Deleting files has nothing to do with showing line counts but it was easy to implement, it was useful so I added it. You need to remember FileSystemDirectoryHandle for the parent directory. To delete a file: parentDirHandle.removeEntry("foo.txt") To delete a directory: parentDirHandle.removeEntry("node_modules", {recursive: true}) Getting bit by a multi-threading bug JavaScript doesn’t have multiple threads and you can’t have all those nasty bugs? Right? Right? Yes and no. Async is not multi-threading but it does create non-obvious execution flows. I had a bug: I noticed that some .txt files were showing line count of 0 even though they clearly did have lines. I went bug hunting. I checked the lineCount function. Seems ok. I added console.log(), I stepped through the code. Time went by and my frustration level was reaching DEFCON 1. Thankfully before I reached cocked pistol I had an epiphany. You see, JavaScript has async where some code can interleave with some other code. The browser can splice those async “threads” with UI code. No threads means there are no data races i.e. writing memory values that other thread is in the middle of reading. But we do have non-obvious execution flows. Here’s how my code worked: get a list of files (async) show the files in UI calculate line counts for all files (async) update UI to show line counts after we get them all Async is great for users: calculating line counts could take a long time as we need to read all those files. If this process wasn’t async it would block the UI. Thanks to async there’s enough checkpoints for the browser to process UI events in between processing files. The issue was that function to calculate line counts was using an array I got from reading a directory. I passed the same array to Folder component to show the files. And I sorted the array to show files in human friendly order. In JavaScript sorting mutates an array and that array was partially processed by line counting function. As a result if series of events was unfortunate enough, I would skip some files in line counting. They would be resorted to a position that line counting thought it already counted. Result: no lines for you! A happy ending and an easy fix: Folder makes a copy of an array so sorting doesn’t affect line counting process. The future No software is ever finished but I arrived at a point where it does the majority of the job I wanted so I shipped it. There is a feature I would find useful: statistics for each extensions. How many lines in .go files vs. .js files etc.? But I’m holding off implementing it until: I really, really want it I get feature requests from people who really, really want it You can look at the source code. It’s source visible but not open source.

a year ago 13 votes

More in programming

AI: Where in the Loop Should Humans Go?

This is a re-publishing of a blog post I originally wrote for work, but wanted on my own blog as well. AI is everywhere, and its impressive claims are leading to rapid adoption. At this stage, I’d qualify it as charismatic technology—something that under-delivers on what it promises, but promises so much that the industry still leverages it because we believe it will eventually deliver on these claims. This is a known pattern. In this post, I’ll use the example of automation deployments to go over known patterns and risks in order to provide you with a list of questions to ask about potential AI solutions. I’ll first cover a short list of base assumptions, and then borrow from scholars of cognitive systems engineering and resilience engineering to list said criteria. At the core of it is the idea that when we say we want humans in the loop, it really matters where in the loop they are. My base assumptions The first thing I’m going to say is that we currently do not have Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). I don’t care whether we have it in 2 years or 40 years or never; if I’m looking to deploy a tool (or an agent) that is supposed to do stuff to my production environments, it has to be able to do it now. I am not looking to be impressed, I am looking to make my life and the system better. Another mechanism I want you to keep in mind is something called the context gap. In a nutshell, any model or automation is constructed from a narrow definition of a controlled environment, which can expand as it gains autonomy, but remains limited. By comparison, people in a system start from a broad situation and narrow definitions down and add constraints to make problem-solving tractable. One side starts from a narrow context, and one starts from a wide one—so in practice, with humans and machines, you end up seeing a type of teamwork where one constantly updates the other: The optimal solution of a model is not an optimal solution of a problem unless the model is a perfect representation of the problem, which it never is.  — Ackoff (1979, p. 97) Because of that mindset, I will disregard all arguments of “it’s coming soon” and “it’s getting better real fast” and instead frame what current LLM solutions are shaped like: tools and automation. As it turns out, there are lots of studies about ergonomics, tool design, collaborative design, where semi-autonomous components fit into sociotechnical systems, and how they tend to fail. Additionally, I’ll borrow from the framing used by people who study joint cognitive systems: rather than looking only at the abilities of what a single person or tool can do, we’re going to look at the overall performance of the joint system. This is important because if you have a tool that is built to be operated like an autonomous agent, you can get weird results in your integration. You’re essentially building an interface for the wrong kind of component—like using a joystick to ride a bicycle. This lens will assist us in establishing general criteria about where the problems will likely be without having to test for every single one and evaluate them on benchmarks against each other. Questions you'll want to ask The following list of questions is meant to act as reminders—abstracting away all the theory from research papers you’d need to read—to let you think through some of the important stuff your teams should track, whether they are engineers using code generation, SREs using AIOps, or managers and execs making the call to adopt new tooling. Are you better even after the tool is taken away? An interesting warning comes from studying how LLMs function as learning aides. The researchers found that people who trained using LLMs tended to fail tests more when the LLMs were taken away compared to people who never studied with them, except if the prompts were specifically (and successfully) designed to help people learn. Likewise, it’s been known for decades that when automation handles standard challenges, the operators expected to take over when they reach their limits end up worse off and generally require more training to keep the overall system performant. While people can feel like they’re getting better and more productive with tool assistance, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they are learning or improving. Over time, there’s a serious risk that your overall system’s performance will be limited to what the automation can do—because without proper design, people keeping the automation in check will gradually lose the skills they had developed prior. Are you augmenting the person or the computer? Traditionally successful tools tend to work on the principle that they improve the physical or mental abilities of their operator: search tools let you go through more data than you could on your own and shift demands to external memory, a bicycle more effectively transmits force for locomotion, a blind spot alert on your car can extend your ability to pay attention to your surroundings, and so on. Automation that augments users therefore tends to be easier to direct, and sort of extends the person’s abilities, rather than acting based on preset goals and framing. Automation that augments a machine tends to broaden the device’s scope and control by leveraging some known effects of their environment and successfully hiding them away. For software folks, an autoscaling controller is a good example of the latter. Neither is fundamentally better nor worse than the other—but you should figure out what kind of automation you’re getting, because they fail differently. Augmenting the user implies that they can tackle a broader variety of challenges effectively. Augmenting the computers tends to mean that when the component reaches its limits, the challenges are worse for the operator. Is it turning you into a monitor rather than helping build an understanding? If your job is to look at the tool go and then say whether it was doing a good or bad job (and maybe take over if it does a bad job), you’re going to have problems. It has long been known that people adapt to their tools, and automation can create complacency. Self-driving cars that generally self-drive themselves well but still require a monitor are not effectively monitored. Instead, having AI that supports people or adds perspectives to the work an operator is already doing tends to yield better long-term results than patterns where the human learns to mostly delegate and focus elsewhere. (As a side note, this is why I tend to dislike incident summarizers. Don’t make it so people stop trying to piece together what happened! Instead, I prefer seeing tools that look at your summaries to remind you of items you may have forgotten, or that look for linguistic cues that point to biases or reductive points of view.) Does it pigeonhole what you can look at? When evaluating a tool, you should ask questions about where the automation lands: Does it let you look at the world more effectively? Does it tell you where to look in the world? Does it force you to look somewhere specific? Does it tell you to do something specific? Does it force you to do something? This is a bit of a hybrid between “Does it extend you?” and “Is it turning you into a monitor?” The five questions above let you figure that out. As the tool becomes a source of assertions or constraints (rather than a source of information and options), the operator becomes someone who interacts with the world from inside the tool rather than someone who interacts with the world with the tool’s help. The tool stops being a tool and becomes a representation of the whole system, which means whatever limitations and internal constraints it has are then transmitted to your users. Is it a built-in distraction? People tend to do multiple tasks over many contexts. Some automated systems are built with alarms or alerts that require stealing someone’s focus, and unless they truly are the most critical thing their users could give attention to, they are going to be an annoyance that can lower the effectiveness of the overall system. What perspectives does it bake in? Tools tend to embody a given perspective. For example, AIOps tools that are built to find a root cause will likely carry the conceptual framework behind root causes in their design. More subtly, these perspectives are sometimes hidden in the type of data you get: if your AIOps agent can only see alerts, your telemetry data, and maybe your code, it will rarely be a source of suggestions on how to improve your workflows because that isn’t part of its world. In roles that are inherently about pulling context from many disconnected sources, how on earth is automation going to make the right decisions? And moreover, who’s accountable for when it makes a poor decision on incomplete data? Surely not the buyer who installed it! This is also one of the many ways in which automation can reinforce biases—not just based on what is in its training data, but also based on its own structure and what inputs were considered most important at design time. The tool can itself become a keyhole through which your conclusions are guided. Is it going to become a hero? A common trope in incident response is heroes—the few people who know everything inside and out, and who end up being necessary bottlenecks to all emergencies. They can’t go away for vacation, they’re too busy to train others, they develop blind spots that nobody can fix, and they can’t be replaced. To avoid this, you have to maintain a continuous awareness of who knows what, and crosstrain each other to always have enough redundancy. If you have a team of multiple engineers and you add AI to it, having it do all of the tasks of a specific kind means it becomes a de facto hero to your team. If that’s okay, be aware that any outages or dysfunction in the AI agent would likely have no practical workaround. You will essentially have offshored part of your ops. Do you need it to be perfect? What a thing promises to be is never what it is—otherwise AWS would be enough, and Kubernetes would be enough, and JIRA would be enough, and the software would work fine with no one needing to fix things. That just doesn’t happen. Ever. Even if it’s really, really good, it’s gonna have outages and surprises, and it’ll mess up here and there, no matter what it is. We aren’t building an omnipotent computer god, we’re building imperfect software. You’ll want to seriously consider whether the tradeoffs you’d make in terms of quality and cost are worth it, and this is going to be a case-by-case basis. Just be careful not to fix the problem by adding a human in the loop that acts as a monitor! Is it doing the whole job or a fraction of it? We don’t notice major parts of our own jobs because they feel natural. A classic pattern here is one of AIs getting better at diagnosing patients, except the benchmarks are usually run on a patient chart where most of the relevant observations have already been made by someone else. Similarly, we often see AI pass a test with flying colors while it still can’t be productive at the job the test represents. People in general have adopted a model of cognition based on information processing that’s very similar to how computers work (get data in, think, output stuff, rinse and repeat), but for decades, there have been multiple disciplines that looked harder at situated work and cognition, moving past that model. Key patterns of cognition are not just in the mind, but are also embedded in the environment and in the interactions we have with each other. Be wary of acquiring a solution that solves what you think the problem is rather than what it actually is. We routinely show we don’t accurately know the latter. What if we have more than one? You probably know how straightforward it can be to write a toy project on your own, with full control of every refactor. You probably also know how this stops being true as your team grows. As it stands today, a lot of AI agents are built within a snapshot of the current world: one or few AI tools added to teams that are mostly made up of people. By analogy, this would be like everyone selling you a computer assuming it were the first and only electronic device inside your household. Problems arise when you go beyond these assumptions: maybe AI that writes code has to go through a code review process, but what if that code review is done by another unrelated AI agent? What happens when you get to operations and common mode failures impact components from various teams that all have agents empowered to go fix things to the best of their ability with the available data? Are they going to clash with people, or even with each other? Humans also have that ability and tend to solve it via processes and procedures, explicit coordination, announcing what they’ll do before they do it, and calling upon each other when they need help. Will multiple agents require something equivalent, and if so, do you have it in place? How do they cope with limited context? Some changes that cause issues might be safe to roll back, some not (maybe they include database migrations, maybe it is better to be down than corrupting data), and some may contain changes that rolling back wouldn’t fix (maybe the workload is controlled by one or more feature flags). Knowing what to do in these situations can sometimes be understood from code or release notes, but some situations can require different workflows involving broader parts of the organization. A risk of automation without context is that if you have situations where waiting or doing little is the best option, then you’ll need to either have automation that requires input to act, or a set of actions to quickly disable multiple types of automation as fast as possible. Many of these may exist at the same time, and it becomes the operators’ jobs to not only maintain their own context, but also maintain a mental model of the context each of these pieces of automation has access to. The fancier your agents, the fancier your operators’ understanding and abilities must be to properly orchestrate them. The more surprising your landscape is, the harder it can become to manage with semi-autonomous elements roaming around. After an outage or incident, who does the learning and who does the fixing? One way to track accountability in a system is to figure out who ends up having to learn lessons and change how things are done. It’s not always the same people or teams, and generally, learning will happen whether you want it or not. This is more of a rhetorical question right now, because I expect that in most cases, when things go wrong, whoever is expected to monitor the AI tool is going to have to steer it in a better direction and fix it (if they can); if it can’t be fixed, then the expectation will be that the automation, as a tool, will be used more judiciously in the future. In a nutshell, if the expectation is that your engineers are going to be doing the learning and tweaking, your AI isn’t an independent agent—it’s a tool that cosplays as an independent agent. Do what you will—just be mindful All in all, none of the above questions flat out say you should not use AI, nor where exactly in the loop you should put people. The key point is that you should ask that question and be aware that just adding whatever to your system is not going to substitute workers away. It will, instead, transform work and create new patterns and weaknesses. Some of these patterns are known and well-studied. We don’t have to go rushing to rediscover them all through failures as if we were the first to ever automate something. If AI ever gets so good and so smart that it’s better than all your engineers, it won’t make a difference whether you adopt it only once it’s good. In the meanwhile, these things do matter and have real impacts, so please design your systems responsibly. If you’re interested to know more about the theoretical elements underpinning this post, the following references—on top of whatever was already linked in the text—might be of interest: Books: Joint Cognitive Systems: Foundations of Cognitive Systems Engineering by Erik Hollnagel Joint Cognitive Systems: Patterns in Cognitive Systems Engineering by David D. Woods Cognition in the Wild by Edwin Hutchins Behind Human Error by David D. Woods, Sydney Dekker, Richard Cook, Leila Johannesen, Nadine Sarter Papers: Ironies of Automation by Lisanne Bainbridge The French-Speaking Ergonomists’ Approach to Work Activity by Daniellou How in the World Did We Ever Get into That Mode? Mode Error and Awareness in Supervisory Control by Nadine Sarter Can We Ever Escape from Data Overload? A Cognitive Systems Diagnosis by David D. Woods Ten Challenges for Making Automation a “Team Player” in Joint Human-Agent Activity by Gary Klein and David D. Woods MABA-MABA or Abracadabra? Progress on Human–Automation Co-ordination by Sidney Dekker Managing the Hidden Costs of Coordination by Laura Maguire Designing for Expertise by David D. Woods The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking by Lee et al.

yesterday 4 votes

AMD is sending us the two MI300X boxes we asked for. They are in the mail. It took a bit, but AMD passed my cultural test. I now believe they aren’t going to shoot themselves in the foot on software, and if that’s true, there’s absolutely no reason they should be worth 1/16th of NVIDIA. CUDA isn’t really the moat people think it is, it was just an early ecosystem. tiny corp has a fully sovereign AMD stack, and soon we’ll port it to the MI300X. You won’t even have to use tinygrad proper, tinygrad has a torch frontend now. Either NVIDIA is super overvalued or AMD is undervalued. If the petaflop gets commoditized (tiny corp’s mission), the current situation doesn’t make any sense. The hardware is similar, AMD even got the double throughput Tensor Cores on RDNA4 (NVIDIA artificially halves this on their cards, soon they won’t be able to). I’m betting on AMD being undervalued, and that the demand for AI has barely started. With good software, the MI300X should outperform the H100. In for a quarter million. Long term. It can always dip short term, but check back in 5 years.

yesterday 2 votes
whippet lab notebook: untagged mallocs, bis

Earlier this weekGuileWhippet But now I do! Today’s note is about how we can support untagged allocations of a few different kinds in Whippet’s .mostly-marking collector Why bother supporting untagged allocations at all? Well, if I had my way, I wouldn’t; I would just slog through Guile and fix all uses to be tagged. There are only a finite number of use sites and I could get to them all in a month or so. The problem comes for uses of from outside itself, in C extensions and embedding programs. These users are loathe to adapt to any kind of change, and garbage-collection-related changes are the worst. So, somehow, we need to support these users if we are not to break the Guile community.scm_gc_malloclibguile The problem with , though, is that it is missing an expression of intent, notably as regards tagging. You can use it to allocate an object that has a tag and thus can be traced precisely, or you can use it to allocate, well, anything else. I think we will have to add an API for the tagged case and assume that anything that goes through is requesting an untagged, conservatively-scanned block of memory. Similarly for : you could be allocating a tagged object that happens to not contain pointers, or you could be allocating an untagged array of whatever. A new API is needed there too for pointerless untagged allocations.scm_gc_mallocscm_gc_mallocscm_gc_malloc_pointerless Recall that the mostly-marking collector can be built in a number of different ways: it can support conservative and/or precise roots, it can trace the heap precisely or conservatively, it can be generational or not, and the collector can use multiple threads during pauses or not. Consider a basic configuration with precise roots. You can make tagged pointerless allocations just fine: the trace function for that tag is just trivial. You would like to extend the collector with the ability to make pointerless allocations, for raw data. How to do this?untagged Consider first that when the collector goes to trace an object, it can’t use bits inside the object to discriminate between the tagged and untagged cases. Fortunately though . Of those 8 bits, 3 are used for the mark (five different states, allowing for future concurrent tracing), two for the , one to indicate whether the object is pinned or not, and one to indicate the end of the object, so that we can determine object bounds just by scanning the metadata byte array. That leaves 1 bit, and we can use it to indicate untagged pointerless allocations. Hooray!the main space of the mostly-marking collector has one metadata byte for each 16 bytes of payloadprecise field-logging write barrier However there is a wrinkle: when Whippet decides the it should evacuate an object, it tracks the evacuation state in the object itself; the embedder has to provide an implementation of a , allowing the collector to detect whether an object is forwarded or not, to claim an object for forwarding, to commit a forwarding pointer, and so on. We can’t do that for raw data, because all bit states belong to the object, not the collector or the embedder. So, we have to set the “pinned” bit on the object, indicating that these objects can’t move.little state machine We could in theory manage the forwarding state in the metadata byte, but we don’t have the bits to do that currently; maybe some day. For now, untagged pointerless allocations are pinned. You might also want to support untagged allocations that contain pointers to other GC-managed objects. In this case you would want these untagged allocations to be scanned conservatively. We can do this, but if we do, it will pin all objects. Thing is, conservative stack roots is a kind of a sweet spot in language run-time design. You get to avoid constraining your compiler, you avoid a class of bugs related to rooting, but you can still support compaction of the heap. How is this, you ask? Well, consider that you can move any object for which we can precisely enumerate the incoming references. This is trivially the case for precise roots and precise tracing. For conservative roots, we don’t know whether a given edge is really an object reference or not, so we have to conservatively avoid moving those objects. But once you are done tracing conservative edges, any live object that hasn’t yet been traced is fair game for evacuation, because none of its predecessors have yet been visited. But once you add conservatively-traced objects back into the mix, you don’t know when you are done tracing conservative edges; you could always discover another conservatively-traced object later in the trace, so you have to pin everything. The good news, though, is that we have gained an easier migration path. I can now shove Whippet into Guile and get it running even before I have removed untagged allocations. Once I have done so, I will be able to allow for compaction / evacuation; things only get better from here. Also as a side benefit, the mostly-marking collector’s heap-conservative configurations are now faster, because we have metadata attached to objects which allows tracing to skip known-pointerless objects. This regains an optimization that BDW has long had via its , used in Guile since time out of mind.GC_malloc_atomic With support for untagged allocations, I think I am finally ready to start getting Whippet into Guile itself. Happy hacking, and see you on the other side! inside and outside on intent on data on slop fin

yesterday 2 votes
Creating static map images with OpenStreetMap, Web Mercator, and Pillow

I’ve been working on a project where I need to plot points on a map. I don’t need an interactive or dynamic visualisation – just a static map with coloured dots for each coordinate. I’ve created maps on the web using Leaflet.js, which load map data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and support zooming and panning – but for this project, I want a standalone image rather than something I embed in a web page. I want to put in coordinates, and get a PNG image back. This feels like it should be straightforward. There are lots of Python libraries for data visualisation, but it’s not an area I’ve ever explored in detail. I don’t know how to use these libraries, and despite trying I couldn’t work out how to accomplish this seemingly simple task. I made several attempts with libraries like matplotlib and plotly, but I felt like I was fighting the tools. Rather than persist, I wrote my own solution with “lower level” tools. The key was a page on the OpenStreetMap wiki explaining how to convert lat/lon coordinates into the pixel system used by OSM tiles. In particular, it allowed me to break the process into two steps: Get a “base map” image that covers the entire world Convert lat/lon coordinates into xy coordinates that can be overlaid on this image Let’s go through those steps. Get a “base map” image that covers the entire world Let’s talk about how OpenStreetMap works, and in particular their image tiles. If you start at the most zoomed-out level, OSM represents the entire world with a single 256×256 pixel square. This is the Web Mercator projection, and you don’t get much detail – just a rough outline of the world. We can zoom in, and this tile splits into four new tiles of the same size. There are twice as many pixels along each edge, and each tile has more detail. Notice that country boundaries are visible now, but we can’t see any names yet. We can zoom in even further, and each of these tiles split again. There still aren’t any text labels, but the map is getting more detailed and we can see small features that weren’t visible before. You get the idea – we could keep zooming, and we’d get more and more tiles, each with more detail. This tile system means you can get detailed information for a specific area, without loading the entire world. For example, if I’m looking at street information in Britain, I only need the detailed tiles for that part of the world. I don’t need the detailed tiles for Bolivia at the same time. OpenStreetMap will only give you 256×256 pixels at a time, but we can download every tile and stitch them together, one-by-one. Here’s a Python script that enumerates all the tiles at a particular zoom level, downloads them, and uses the Pillow library to combine them into a single large image: #!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Download all the map tiles for a particular zoom level from OpenStreetMap, and stitch them into a single image. """ import io import itertools import httpx from PIL import Image zoom_level = 2 width = 256 * 2**zoom_level height = 256 * (2**zoom_level) im = Image.new("RGB", (width, height)) for x, y in itertools.product(range(2**zoom_level), range(2**zoom_level)): resp = httpx.get(f"https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom_level}/{x}/{y}.png", timeout=50) resp.raise_for_status() im_buffer = Image.open(io.BytesIO(resp.content)) im.paste(im_buffer, (x * 256, y * 256)) out_path = f"map_{zoom_level}.png" im.save(out_path) print(out_path) The higher the zoom level, the more tiles you need to download, and the larger the final image will be. I ran this script up to zoom level 6, and this is the data involved: Zoom level Number of tiles Pixels File size 0 1 256×256 17.1 kB 1 4 512×512 56.3 kB 2 16 1024×1024 155.2 kB 3 64 2048×2048 506.4 kB 4 256 4096×4096 2.7 MB 5 1,024 8192×8192 13.9 MB 6 4,096 16384×16384 46.1 MB I can just about open that zoom level 6 image on my computer, but it’s struggling. I didn’t try opening zoom level 7 – that includes 16,384 tiles, and I’d probably run out of memory. For most static images, zoom level 3 or 4 should be sufficient – I ended up a base map from zoom level 4 for my project. It takes a minute or so to download all the tiles from OpenStreetMap, but you only need to request it once, and then you have a static image you can use again and again. This is a particularly good approach if you want to draw a lot of maps. OpenStreetMap is provided for free, and we want to be a respectful user of the service. Downloading all the map tiles once is more efficient than making repeated requests for the same data. Overlay lat/lon coordinates on this base map Now we have an image with a map of the whole world, we need to overlay our lat/lon coordinates as points on this map. I found instructions on the OpenStreetMap wiki which explain how to convert GPS coordinates into a position on the unit square, which we can in turn add to our map. They outline a straightforward algorithm, which I implemented in Python: import math def convert_gps_coordinates_to_unit_xy( *, latitude: float, longitude: float ) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Convert GPS coordinates to positions on the unit square, which can be plotted on a Web Mercator projection of the world. This expects the coordinates to be specified in **degrees**. The result will be (x, y) coordinates: - x will fall in the range (0, 1). x=0 is the left (180° west) edge of the map. x=1 is the right (180° east) edge of the map. x=0.5 is the middle, the prime meridian. - y will fall in the range (0, 1). y=0 is the top (north) edge of the map, at 85.0511 °N. y=1 is the bottom (south) edge of the map, at 85.0511 °S. y=0.5 is the middle, the equator. """ # This is based on instructions from the OpenStreetMap Wiki: # https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames#Example:_Convert_a_GPS_coordinate_to_a_pixel_position_in_a_Web_Mercator_tile # (Retrieved 16 January 2025) # Convert the coordinate to the Web Mercator projection # (https://epsg.io/3857) # # x = longitude # y = arsinh(tan(latitude)) # x_webm = longitude y_webm = math.asinh(math.tan(math.radians(latitude))) # Transform the projected point onto the unit square # # x = 0.5 + x / 360 # y = 0.5 - y / 2π # x_unit = 0.5 + x_webm / 360 y_unit = 0.5 - y_webm / (2 * math.pi) return x_unit, y_unit Their documentation includes a worked example using the coordinates of the Hachiko Statue. We can run our code, and check we get the same results: >>> convert_gps_coordinates_to_unit_xy(latitude=35.6590699, longitude=139.7006793) (0.8880574425, 0.39385379958274735) Most users of OpenStreetMap tiles will use these unit positions to select the tiles they need, and then dowload those images – but we can also position these points directly on the global map. I wrote some more Pillow code that converts GPS coordinates to these unit positions, scales those unit positions to the size of the entire map, then draws a coloured circle at each point on the map. Here’s the code: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw gps_coordinates = [ # Hachiko Memorial Statue in Tokyo {"latitude": 35.6590699, "longitude": 139.7006793}, # Greyfriars Bobby in Edinburgh {"latitude": 55.9469224, "longitude": -3.1913043}, # Fido Statue in Tuscany {"latitude": 43.955101, "longitude": 11.388186}, ] im = Image.open("base_map.png") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) for coord in gps_coordinates: x, y = convert_gps_coordinates_to_unit_xy(**coord) radius = 32 draw.ellipse( [ x * im.width - radius, y * im.height - radius, x * im.width + radius, y * im.height + radius, ], fill="red", ) im.save("map_with_dots.png") and here’s the map it produces: The nice thing about writing this code in Pillow is that it’s a library I already know how to use, and so I can customise it if I need to. I can change the shape and colour of the points, or crop to specific regions, or add text to the image. I’m sure more sophisticated data visualisation libraries can do all this, and more – but I wouldn’t know how. The downside is that if I need more advanced features, I’ll have to write them myself. I’m okay with that – trading sophistication for simplicity. I didn’t need to learn a complex visualization library – I was able to write code I can read and understand. In a world full of AI-generating code, writing something I know I understand feels more important than ever. [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]

yesterday 4 votes
Introducing the blogroll

This website has a new section: blogroll.opml! A blogroll is a list of blogs - a lightweight way of people recommending other people’s writing on the indieweb. What it includes The blogs that I included are just sampled from my many RSS subscriptions that I keep in my Feedbin reader. I’m subscribed to about 200 RSS feeds, the majority of which are dead or only publish once a year. I like that about blogs, that there’s no expectation of getting a post out every single day, like there is in more algorithmically-driven media. If someone who I interacted with on the internet years ago decides to restart their writing, that’s great! There’s no reason to prune all the quiet feeds. The picks are oriented toward what I’m into: niches, blogs that have a loose topic but don’t try to be general-interest, people with distinctive writing. If you import all of the feeds into your RSS reader, you’ll probably end up unsubscribing from some of them because some of the experimental electric guitar design or bonsai news is not what you’re into. Seems fine, or you’ll discover a new interest! How it works Ruben Schade figured out a brilliant way to show blogrolls and I copied him. Check out his post on styling OPML and RSS with XSLT to XHTML for how it works. My only additions to that scheme were making the blogroll page blend into the rest of the website by using an include tag with Jekyll to add the basic site skeleton, and adding a link with the download attribute to provide a simple way to download the OPML file. Oddly, if you try to save the OPML page using Save as… in Firefox, Firefox will save the transformed output via the XSLT, rather than the raw source code. XSLT is such an odd and rare part of the web ecosystem, I had to use it.

yesterday 1 votes