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Everything you didn't realize you wanted to know about the non-Japanese people who love Japanese pop culture.
a year ago

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More from Noahpinion

Why America betrayed Europe

There are lots of reasons, actually.

yesterday 2 votes
There is no utopia waiting on the other side of Trump's economy

It's just pain now in exchange for more pain later.

2 days ago 3 votes
This thing will fail

Trump will not restore the "strong gods" of community, family, and faith.

4 days ago 5 votes
At least five interesting things: Bananas republic edition (#60)

Trump's chaos; GDP and government spending; DOGE; AI and growth; The baby bust

5 days ago 4 votes
Trump takes a baseball bat to the U.S. economy

Destroying Americans' livelihoods and wealth to satisfy the whims of a crazy ideology.

a week ago 6 votes

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How BYD undercuts Tesla around the world, by the numbers

BYD is more affordable than Tesla in at least 10 places outside the West.

23 hours ago 2 votes
Why America betrayed Europe

There are lots of reasons, actually.

yesterday 2 votes
Starlink is coming to India. Here’s what to know

An alliance with Airtel, one of India’s largest telcos, opens the door for Elon Musk’s satellite giant to access the world’s second-largest internet user base.

2 days ago 3 votes
There is no utopia waiting on the other side of Trump's economy

It's just pain now in exchange for more pain later.

2 days ago 3 votes
Chinese food delivery giant dishes out deep discounts to win Saudi customers

Can Keeta, Meituan’s global brand, sustain its low-cost strategy in the Middle East’s highly competitive market?

3 days ago 3 votes