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In the UK, you’re never more than 70 miles from the sea, but why put any distance between your home and the shifting shoreline? The pull of our luminous and varied coastline is undeniable, which is why we’ve found five homes a stone’s throw from […]
9 months ago

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More from The Modern House

Box Fresh: five homes under five years old

As we are well aware, a modern house has multiple meanings and can span as far back as the early 20th century. This week however, we’ve decided to look to the more recent past and marvel at how architects and developers are translating the requirements […]

2 weeks ago 20 votes

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A Medieval Guard House Transformed Into A Contemporary Home

Architectural studio OOOOX has shared photos of a guard house with a history dating back to the Middle Ages, that they’ve transformed into a contemporary home. A wood staircase leads from the street entrance up to the front door, with the stone walls and exposed wood ceiling providing a glimpse of the details to come, […]

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A Cease and Desist Letter From the European Office of Classical Architecture Affairs

Re: America’s Unauthorized Use of Classical European Architectural Intellectual Property

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The Wide Open

When the Endangered Species Act passed in 1973, it was considered a bipartisan home run. The Act established protections for plants and animals on the endangered and threatened species lists, and across the aisle, everyone seemed to agree that it would be bad for a bunch of species to go extinct. When the act went

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