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Company So, I sorta see Zip as two problems right now. Problem #1: How can we grow the # of people paying for Zip at least +10%-20% week over week? What levers can we pull to reliably send traffic to Zip either by referrals, ads, or other more grassroot style strategies?
over a year ago

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me and the beatles just ate some waffles in tokyo

I've raised $12M for my company + hired amazing people -- and until very recently, whenever anyone would ask me my 10-year plan I would flat out say "I have no idea".

9 months ago 103 votes
we bought a matcha machine and im caf'd out my mind help

what the hell is going on

a year ago 54 votes
put a sandwich in my pocket and tsa told me to get rid of it thats messed up

a short post about investors and getting money for what you're building.

a year ago 90 votes
drinking a spanish latte but i dont speak spanish is this legal

I come from a Pakistani family. Unless your new initiative is a big success, you're a big flop. As a society, no matter where you're from -- we have a tendency to look at those that did something really hard, but didn't figure it out as a person who "failed".

a year ago 42 votes

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My Buy Nothing baby changed my relationship with consumption

Buy Nothing communities, neighborhood lending libraries, economic boycotts, and being intentional with where our money goes

20 hours ago 4 votes
The Upper Middle Path and Tech Bro Buddhism

Analyzing how progressive politics and Silicon Valley thinking have domesticated the revolutionary potential of Buddhist practice

7 hours ago 2 votes
Why Journalism Is Like Stinky Cheese

And updates on previous stories

14 hours ago 2 votes
how can I write when *gestures at…everything*

between certainty and silence, a third path "forward"

3 hours ago 1 votes
Do Jerks Get Hired For Management Roles, or Does Management Create Jerks?

I assumed that certain rude personalities were promoted to leadership positions. Then I both found myself being promoted, and adopting some of those behaviors.

yesterday 4 votes