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I’ve changed my home server setup a lot over the past decade, mainly because I keep changing the goals all the time. I’ve now realized why that keeps happening. I want the perfect home server. What is the perfect home server? I’d phrase it like this: The perfect home server uses very little power, offers plenty of affordable storage and provides a lot of performance when it’s actually being relied upon. In my case, low power means less than 5 W while idling, 10+ TB of redundant storage for data resilience and integrity concerns, and performance means about 4 modern CPU cores’ worth (low-to-midrange desktop CPU performance). I seem to only ever get one or two at most. Low power usage? Your performance will likely suffer, and you can’t run too many storage drives. You can run SSD-s, but they are not affordable if you need higher capacities. Lots of storage? Well, there goes the low power consumption goal, especially if you run 3.5" hard drives. Lots of performance? Lots of power consumed! There’s just something that annoys me whenever I do things on my home server and I have to wait longer than I should, and yet I’m bothered when my monitoring tells me that my home server is using 50+ watts.1 I keep an eye out for developments in the self-hosting and home server spaces with the hopes that I’ll one day stumble upon the holy grail, that one server that fits all my needs. I’ve gotten close, but no matter what setup I have, there’s always something that keeps bothering me. I’ve seen a few attempts at the perfect home server, covered by various tech reviewers, but they always have at least one critical flaw. Sometimes the whole package is actually great, the functionality rocks, and then you find that the hardware contains prototype-level solutions that result in the power consumption ballooning to over 30 W. Or the price is over 1000 USD/EUR, not including the drives. Or it’s only available in certain markets and the shipping and import duties destroy its value proposition. There is no affordable platform out there that provides great performance, flexibility and storage space, all while being quiet and using very little power.2 Desktop PC-s repurposed as home servers can provide room for a lot of storage, and they are by design very flexible, but the trade-off is the higher power consumption of the setup. Single board computers use very little power, but they can’t provide a lot of performance and connecting storage to them gets tricky and is overall limited. They can also get surprisingly expensive. NAS boxes provide a lot of storage space and are generally low power if you exclude the power consumption of hard drives, but the cheaper ones are not that performant, and the performant ones cost almost as much as a high-end PC. Laptops can be used as home servers, they are quite efficient and performant, but they lack the flexibility and storage options of desktop PC-s and NAS boxes. You can slap a USB-based DAS to it to add storage, but I’ve had poor experiences with these under high load, meaning that these approaches can’t be relied on if you care about your data and server stability. Then there’s the option of buying used versions of all of the above. Great bang for buck, but you’re likely taking a hit on the power efficiency part due to the simple fact that technology keeps evolving and getting more efficient. I’m still hopeful that one day a device exists that ticks all the boxes while also being priced affordably, but I’m afraid that it’s just a pipe dream. There are builds out there that fill in almost every need, but the parts list is very specific and the bulk of the power consumption wins come from using SSD-s instead of hard drives, which makes it less affordable. In the meantime I guess I’ll keep rocking my ThinkPad-as-a-server approach and praying that the USB-attached storage does not cause major issues. perhaps it’s an undiagnosed medical condition. Homeserveritis? ↩︎ if there is one, then let me know, you can find the contact details below! ↩︎
Yes, you read that right. I’m a prolific open-source influencer now. Some years ago I set up a Google Alert with my name, for fun. Who knows what it might show one day? On 7th of February, it fired an alert. Turns out that my thoughts on Ubuntu were somewhat popular, and it ended up being ingested by an AI slop generator over at Fudzilla, with no links back to the source or anything.1 Not only that, but their choice of spicy autocomplete confabulation bot a large language model completely butchered the article, leaving out critical information, which lead to one reader gloating about Windows. Not linking back to the original source? Not a good start. Misrepresenting my work? Insulting. Giving a Windows user the opportunity to boast about how happy they are with using it? Absolutely unacceptable. Here’s the full article in case they ever delete their poor excuse of a “news” “article”. two can play at that game. ↩︎
When you’re dealing with a particularly large service with a slow deployment pipeline (15-30 minutes), and a rollback delay of up to 10 minutes, you’re going to need feature toggles (some also call them feature flags) to turn those half-an-hour nerve-wrecking major incidents into a small whoopsie-daisy that you can fix in a few seconds. Make a change, gate it behind a feature toggle, release, enable the feature toggle and monitor the impact. If there is an issue, you can immediately roll it back with one HTTP request (or database query 1). If everything looks good, you can remove the usage of the feature toggle from your code and move on with other work. Need to roll out the new feature gradually? Implement the feature toggle as a percentage and increase it as you go. It’s really that simple, and you don’t have to pay 500 USD a month to get similar functionality from a service provider and make critical paths in your application depend on them.2 As my teammate once said, our service is perfectly capable of breaking down on its own. All you really need is one database table containing the keys and values for the feature toggles, and two HTTP endpoints, one to GET the current value of the feature toggle, and one to POST a new value for an existing one. New feature toggles will be introduced using tools like Flyway or Liquibase, and the same method can be used for also deleting them later on. You can also add convenience columns containing timestamps, such as created and modified, to track when these were introduced and when the last change was. However, there are a few considerations to take into account when setting up such a system. Feature toggles implemented as database table rows can work fantastically, but you should also monitor how often these get used. If you implement a feature toggle on a hot path in your service, then you can easily generate thousands of queries per second. A properly set up feature toggles system can sustain it without any issues on any competent database engine, but you should still try to monitor the impact and remove unused feature toggles as soon as possible. For hot code paths (1000+ requests/second) you might be better off implementing feature toggles as application properties. There’s no call to the database and reading a static property is darn fast, but you lose out on the ability to update it while the application is running. Alternatively, you can rely on the same database-based feature toggles system and keep a cached copy in-memory, while also refreshing it from time to time. Toggling won’t be as responsive as it will depend on the cache expiry time, but the reduced load on the database is often worth it. If your service receives contributions from multiple teams, or you have very anxious product managers that fill your backlog faster than you can say “story points”, then it’s a good idea to also introduce expiration dates for your feature toggles, with ample warning time to properly remove them. Using this method, you can make sure that old feature toggles get properly removed as there is no better prioritization reason than a looming major incident. You don’t want them to stick around for years on end, that’s just wasteful and clutters up your codebase. If your feature toggling needs are a bit more complicated, then you may need to invest more time in your DIY solution, or you can use one of the SaaS options if you really want to, just account for the added expense and reliance on yet another third party service. At work, I help manage a business-critical monolith that handles thousands of requests per second during peak hours, and the simple approach has served us very well. All it took was one motivated developer and about a day to implement, document and communicate the solution to our stakeholders. Skip the latter two steps, and you can be done within two hours, tops. letting inexperienced developers touch the production database is a fantastic way to take down your service, and a very expensive way to learn about database locks. ↩︎ I hate to refer to specific Hacker News comments like this, but there’s just something about paying 6000 USD a year for such a service that I just can’t understand. Has the Silicon Valley mindset gone too far? Or are US-based developers just way too expensive, resulting in these types of services sounding reasonable? You can hire a senior developer in Estonia for that amount of money for 2-3 weeks (including all taxes), and they can pop in and implement a feature toggles system in a few hours at most. The response comment with the status page link that’s highlighting multiple outages for LaunchDarkly is the cherry on top. ↩︎
I liked Ubuntu. For a very long time, it was the sensible default option. Around 2016, I used the Ubuntu GNOME flavor, and after they ditched the Unity desktop environment, GNOME became the default option. I was really happy with it, both for work and personal computing needs. Estonian ID card software was also officially supported on Ubuntu, which made Ubuntu a good choice for family members. But then something changed. Upgrades suck Like many Ubuntu users, I stuck to the long-term support releases and upgraded every two years to the next major version. There was just one tiny little issue: every upgrade broke something. Usually it was a relatively minor issue, with some icons, fonts or themes being a bit funny. Sometimes things went completely wrong. The worst upgrade was the one I did on my mothers’ laptop. During the upgrade process from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04, everything blew up spectacularly. The UI froze, the machine was completely unresponsive. After a 30-minute wait and a forced restart later, the installation was absolutely fucked. In frustration, I ended up installing Windows so that I don’t have to support Ubuntu. Another family member, another upgrade. This is one that they did themselves on Lubuntu 18.04, and they upgraded to the latest version. The result: Firefox shortcuts stopped working, the status bar contained duplicate icons, and random errors popped up after logging in. After making sure that ID card software works on Fedora 40, I installed that instead. All they need is a working browser, and that’s too difficult for Ubuntu to handle. Snaps ruined Ubuntu Snaps. I hate them. They sound great in theory, but the poor implementation and heavy-handed push by Canonical has been a mess. Snaps auto-update by default. Great for security1, but horrible for users who want to control what their personal computer is doing. Snaps get forced upon users as more and more system components are forcibly switched from Debian-based packages to Snaps, which breaks compatibility, functionality and introduces a lot of new issues. You can upgrade your Ubuntu installation and then discover that your browser is now contained within a Snap, the desktop shortcut for it doesn’t work and your government ID card does not work for logging in to your bank any longer. Snaps also destroy productivity. A colleague was struggling to get any work done because the desktop environment on their Ubuntu installation was flashing certain UI elements, being unresponsive and blocking them from doing any work. Apparently the whole GNOME desktop environment is a Snap now, and that lead to issues. The fix was super easy, barely an inconvenience: roll back to the previous version of the GNOME snap restart still broken update to the latest version again restart still broken restart again it is fixed now What was the issue? Absolutely no clue, but a days’ worth of developers’ productivity was completely wasted. Some of these issues have probably been fixed by now, but if I executed migration projects at my day job with a similar track record, I would be fired.2 Snaps done right: Flatpak Snaps can be implemented in a way that doesn’t suck for end users. It’s called a Flatpak. They work reasonably well, you can update them whenever you want and they are optional. Your Firefox installation won’t suddenly turn into a Flatpak overnight. On the Steam Deck, Flatpaks are the main distribution method for user-installed apps and I don’t mind it at all. The only issue is the software selection, not every app is available as a Flatpak just yet. Consider Fedora Fedora works fine. It’s not perfect, but I like it. At this point I’ve used it for longer than Ubuntu and unless IBM ruins it for all of us, I think it will be a perfectly cromulent distro go get work done on. Hopefully it’s not too late for Canonical to reconsider their approach to building a Linux distro. the xz backdoor demonstrated that getting the latest versions of all software can also be problematic from the security angle. ↩︎ technical failures themselves are not the issue, but not responding to users’ feedback and not testing things certainly is, especially if you keep repeatedly making the same mistake. ↩︎
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