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Andrei is the creator of There's An AI For That (TAAFT), one of the first and biggest directories for AI tools.
5 months ago

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Making money from podcasts

Justin is the co-founder of Transistor FM, a very successful podcast hosting SaaS. He is very open about how his life has improved

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Beehiiv vs ConvertKit - the best newsletter software for 2025

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Living the digital nomad dream in Bangkok

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Making $15k a month from an AI app

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From Blacksmith to $200k exit

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Plus my new AI tool and the latest AI + Video tool I helped hunt on Product Hunt

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Educational Products: Month 5

Highlights I launched my first Kickstarter project and found Kickstarter surprisingly painless. I’m kind of on track to reach my Kickstarter goal, but I’ll need to get creative in raising the last 2/3rds. I’m soliciting suggestions for fun services to run on my 4x ARM CPU / 24 GB cloud server. Goal grades At the start of each month, I declare what I’d like to accomplish. Here’s how I did against those goals:

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What if Pinterest and Shopify had a baby?

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Never Pay the First Bill by Marshall Allen

I enjoy finding ways to exercise my rights as a consumer and push back against corporate abuse, so this was right up my alley. The book was eye-opening and made me infuriated with how corrupt the medical system is in the US and how much it extracts wealth by fleecing the middle class.

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Making money from podcasts

Justin is the co-founder of Transistor FM, a very successful podcast hosting SaaS. He is very open about how his life has improved

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