More from Paul Cudenec
As I have pointed out before, a big disruptive event like a war serves multiple purposes for the criminocrats.
I have been writing a lot recently about Zionism, as is sadly unavoidable for anyone genuinely intent on exploring and exposing the nature of the single global mafia.
In the last of these 14 profiles from The Single Global Mafia, we turn to the president of The Rockefeller Foundation itself, who acts as an ex-officio member of its board of trustees.
James Stavridis, chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation’s board of trustees, projects a wholesome and all-American image for the organisation, with his impressive list of military decorations.
More in life
A recording from Alex Dobrenko`'s live video
I am still recovering from my failed root canal (and still have one visit to complete the procedure), so I have been hesitant in taking up my regular exercise again because I...
Everything I’m learning about uselessness, thriving, and not needing to scale from our backyard ginkgo tree.