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.wrap { max-width: 900px; } p { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 300; overflow-wrap: break-word; /* allow wrapping of very very long strings, like txids */ } .post pre, .post code { background-color: #fafafa; font-size: 13px; /* make code smaller for this post... */ } pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */ } I find blockchain fascinating because it extends open source software development to open source + state. This seems to be a genuine/exciting innovation in computing paradigms; We don’t just get to share code, we get to share a running computer, and anyone anywhere can use it in an open and permissionless manner. The seeds of this revolution arguably began with Bitcoin, so I became curious to drill into it in some detail...
over a year ago

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Self-driving as a case study for AGI

Sparked by progress in Large Language Models (LLMs), there’s a lot of chatter recently about AGI, its timelines, and what it might look like. Some of it is hopeful and optimistic, but a lot of it is fearful and doomy, to put it mildly. Unfortunately, a lot of it is also very abstract, which causes people to speak past each other in circles. Therefore, I’m always on a lookout for concrete analogies and historical precedents that can help explore the topic in more grounded terms. In particular, when I am asked about what I think AGI will look like, I personally like to point to self-driving. In this post, I’d like to explain why. Let’s start with one common definition of AGI: AGI: An autonomous system that surpasses human capabilities in the majority of economically valuable work. Note that there are two specific requirements in this definition. First, it is a system that has full autonomy, i.e. it operates on its own with very little to no human supervision. Second, it operates autonomously across the majority of economically valuable work. To make this part concrete, I personally like to refer to U.S. Bureau of labor statistics index of occupations. A system that has both of these properties we would call an AGI. What I would like to suggest in this post is that recent developments in our ability to automate driving is a very good early case study of the societal dynamics of increasing automation, and by extension what AGI in general will look and feel like. I think this is because of a few features of this space that loosely just say that “it is a big deal”: Self-driving is very accessible and visible to society (cars with no drivers on the streets!), it is a large part of the economy by size, it presently employs a large human workforce (e.g. think Uber/Lyft drivers), and driving is a sufficiently difficult problem to automate, but automate it we did (ahead of many other sectors of the economy), and society has noticed and is responding to it. There are of course other industries that have also been dramatically automated, but either I am personally less familiar with them, or they fall short of some of the properties above. partial automation As a “sufficiently difficult” problem in AI, automation of driving did not pop into existence out of nowhere; It is a result of a gradual process of automating the driving task, with a lot of “tool AI” intermediates. In vehicle autonomy, many cars are now manufactured with a “Level 2” driver assist - an AI that collaborates with a human to get from point A to point B. It is not fully autonomous but it handles a lot of the low-level details of driving. Sometimes it automates entire maneuvers, e.g. the car might park for you. The human primarily acts as the supervisor of this activity, but can in principle take over at any time and perform the driving task, or issue a high-level command (e.g. request a lane change). In some cases (e.g. lane following and quick decision making), the AI outperforms human capability, but it can still fall short of it in rare scenarios. This is analogous to a lot of tool AIs that we are starting to see deployed in other industries, especially with the recent capability unlock due to Large Language Models (LLMs). For example, as a programmer, when I use GitHub Copilot to auto-complete a block of code, or GPT-4 to write a bigger function, I am handing off low-level details to the automation, but in the exact same way, I can also step in with an “intervention” should the need arise. That is, Copilot and GPT-4 are Level 2 programming. There are many Level 2 automations across the industry, not all of them necessarily based on LLMs - from TurboTax, to robots in Amazon warehouses, to many other “tool AIs” in translation, writing, art, legal, marketing, etc. full automation At some point, these systems cross the threshold of reliability and become what looks like Waymo today. They creep into the realm of full autonomy. In San Francisco today, you can open up an app and call a Waymo instead of an Uber. A driverless car will pull up and take you, a paying customer, to your destination. This is amazing. You need not know how to drive, you need not pay attention, you can lean back and take a nap, while the system transports you from A to B. Like many others I’ve talked to, I personally prefer to take a Waymo over Uber and I’ve switched to it almost exclusively for within-city transportation. You get a lot more low-variance, reproducible experience, the driving is smooth, you can play music, and you can chat with friends without spending mental resources thinking about what the driver is thinking listening to you. the mixed economy of full automation And yet, even though autonomous driving technology now exists, there are still plenty of people calling an Uber alongside. How come? Well first, many people simply don’t even know that you can call a Waymo. But even if they do, many people don’t fully trust the automated system just yet and prefer to have a human drive them. But even if they did, many people might just prefer a human driver, and e.g. enjoy the talk and banter and getting to know other people. Beyond just preferences alone, judging by the increasing wait times in the app today, Waymo is supply constrained. There are not enough cars to meet the demand. A part of this may be that Waymo is being very careful to manage and monitor risk and public opinion. Another part is that Waymo, I believe (?), has a quota of how many cars they are allowed to have deployed on the streets, coming from regulators. Another rate-limiter is that Waymos can’t just replace all the Ubers right away in a snap of a finger. They have to build out the infrastructure, build the cars, scale their operations. I posit that all kinds of automations in other sectors of the economy will look identical - some people/companies will use them immediately, but a lot of people 1) won’t know about them, 2) if they do, won’t trust them, 3) if they did, they still prefer to employ and work with a human. But on top of that, demand is greater than supply and AGI would be constrained in exactly all of these ways, for exactly all of the same reasons - some amount of self-restraint from the developers, some amount of regulation, and some amount of simple, straight-up resource shortage, e.g. needing to build out more GPU datacenters. the globalization of full automation As I already hinted on with resource constraints, the full globalization of this technology is still very expensive, work-intensive, and rate-limiting. Today, Waymo can only drive in San Francisco and Phoenix, but the approach itself is fairly general and scalable, so the company might e.g. soon expand to LA, Austin or etc. The product may also still be constrained by other environmental factors, e.g. driving in heavy snow. And in some rare cases, it might even need rescue from a human operator. The expansion of capability does not come “for free”. For example, Waymo has to expend resources to enter a new city. They have to establish a presence, map the streets, adjust the perception and planner/controller to some unique situations, or to local rules or regulations specific to that area. In our working analogy, many jobs may have full autonomy only in some settings or conditions, and expanding the coverage will require work and effort. In both cases, the approach itself is general and scalable and the frontier will expand, but can only do so over time. society reacts Another aspect that I find fascinating about the ongoing introduction of self-driving to society is that just a few years ago, there was a ton of commentary and FUD everywhere about oh “will it”, “won’t it” work, is it even possible or not, and it was a whole thing. And now self-driving is actually here. Not as a research prototype but as a product - I can exchange money for fully automated transportation. In its present operating range, the industry has reached full autonomy. And yet, overall it’s almost like no one cares. Most people I talk to (even in tech!) don’t even know that this happened. When your Waymo is driving through the streets of SF, you’ll see many people look at it as an oddity. First they are surprised and stare. Then they seem to move on with their lives. When full autonomy gets introduced in other industries, maybe the world doesn’t just blow in a storm. The majority of people may not even realize it at first. When they do, they might stare and then shrug, in a way that ranges anywhere from denial to acceptance. Some people get really upset about it, and do the equivalent of putting cones on Waymos in protest, whatever the equivalent of that may be. Of course, we’ve come nowhere close to seeing this aspect fully play out just yet, but when it does I expect it to be broadly predictive. economic impact Let’s turn to jobs. Certainly, and visibly, Waymo has deleted the driver of the car. But it has also created a lot of other jobs that were not there before and are a lot less visible - the human labeler helping to collect training data for neural networks, the support agent who remotely connects to the vehicles that run into any trouble, the people building and maintaining the car fleet, the maps, etc. An entire new industry of various sensors and related infrastructure is created to assemble these highly-instrumented, high-tech cars in the first place. In the same way with work more generally, many jobs will change, some jobs will disappear, but many new jobs will appear, too. It is a lot more a refactoring of work instead of direct deletion, even if that deletion is the most prominent part. It’s hard to argue that the overall numbers won’t trend down at some point and over time, but this happens significantly slower than a person naively looking at the situation might think. competitive landscape The final aspect I’d like to consider is the competitive landscape. A few years ago there were many, many self-driving car companies. Today, in recognition of the difficulty of this problem (which I think is only just barely possible to automate given the current state of the art in AI and computing more generally), the ecosystem has significantly consolidated and Waymo has reached the first feature-complete demonstration of the self-driving future. However, a number of companies are in pursuit, including e.g. Cruise, Zoox, and of course, my personal favorite :), Tesla. A brief note here given my specific history and involved with this space. As I see it, the ultimate goal of the self-driving industry is to achieve full autonomy globally. Waymo has taken the strategy of first going for autonomy and then scaling globally, while Tesla has taken the strategy of first going globally and then scaling autonomy. Today, I am a happy customer of the products of both companies and, personally, I cheer for the technology overall first. However, one company has a lot of primarily software work remaining while the other has a lot of primarily hardware work remaining. I have my bets for which one goes faster. All that said, in the same way, many other sectors of the economy may go through a time of rapid growth and expansion (think ~2015 era of self-driving), but if the analogy holds, only to later consolidate into a small few companies battling it out. And in the midst of it all, there will be a lot of actively used Tool AIs (think: today’s Level 2 ADAS features), and even some open platforms (think: Comma). AGI So these are the broad strokes of what I think AGI will look like. Now just copy paste this across the economy in your mind, happening at different rates, and with all kinds of difficult to predict interactions and second order effects. I don’t expect it to hold perfectly, but I expect it to be a useful model to have in mind and to draw on. On a kind of memetic spectrum, it looks a lot less like a recursively self-improving superintelligence that escapes our control into cyberspace to manufacture deadly pathogens or nanobots that turn the galaxy into gray goo. And it looks a lot more like self-driving, the part of our economy that is currently speed-running the development of a major, society-altering automation. It has a gradual progression, it has the society as an observer and a participant, and its expansion is rate-limited in a large variety of ways, including regulation and resources of an educated human workforce, information, material, and energy. The world doesn’t explode, it adapts, changes and refactors. In self-driving specifically, the automation of transportation will make it a lot safer, cities will become a lot less smoggy and congested, and parking lots and parked cars will disappear from the sides of our roads to make more space for people. I personally very much look forward to what all the equivalents of that might be with AGI.

a year ago 108 votes
Deep Neural Nets: 33 years ago and 33 years from now

.post-header h1 { font-size: 35px; } .post pre, .post code { background-color: #fcfcfc; font-size: 13px; /* make code smaller for this post... */ } The Yann LeCun et al. (1989) paper Backpropagation Applied to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition is I believe of some historical significance because it is, to my knowledge, the earliest real-world application of a neural net trained end-to-end with backpropagation. Except for the tiny dataset (7291 16x16 grayscale images of digits) and the tiny neural network used (only 1,000 neurons), this paper reads remarkably modern today, 33 years later - it lays out a dataset, describes the neural net architecture, loss function, optimization, and reports the experimental classification error rates over training and test sets. It’s all very recognizable and type checks as a modern deep learning paper, except it is from 33 years ago. So I set out to reproduce the paper 1) for fun, but 2) to use the exercise as a case study on the nature of progress in deep learning. Implementation. I tried to follow the paper as close as possible and re-implemented everything in PyTorch in this karpathy/lecun1989-repro github repo. The original network was implemented in Lisp using the Bottou and LeCun 1988 backpropagation simulator SN (later named Lush). The paper is in french so I can’t super read it, but from the syntax it looks like you can specify neural nets using higher-level API similar to what you’d do in something like PyTorch today. As a quick note on software design, modern libraries have adopted a design that splits into 3 components: 1) a fast (C/CUDA) general Tensor library that implements basic mathematical operations over multi-dimensional tensors, and 2) an autograd engine that tracks the forward compute graph and can generate operations for the backward pass, and 3) a scriptable (Python) deep-learning-aware, high-level API of common deep learning operations, layers, architectures, optimizers, loss functions, etc. Training. During the course of training we have to make 23 passes over the training set of 7291 examples, for a total of 167,693 presentations of (example, label) to the neural network. The original network trained for 3 days on a SUN-4/260 workstation. I ran my implementation on my MacBook Air (M1) CPU, which crunched through it in about 90 seconds (~3000X naive speedup). My conda is setup to use the native arm64 builds, rather than Rosetta emulation. The speedup may have been more dramatic if PyTorch had support for the full capability of the M1 (including the GPU and the NPU), but this seems to still be in development. I also tried naively running the code on an A100 GPU, but the training was actually slower, most likely because the network is so tiny (4 layer convnet with up to 12 channels, total of 9760 params, 64K MACs, 1K activations), and the SGD uses only a single example at a time. That said, if one really wanted to crush this problem with modern hardware (A100) and software infrastructure (CUDA, PyTorch), we’d need to trade per-example SGD for full-batch training to maximize GPU utilization and most likely achieve another ~100X speedup of training latency. Reproducing 1989 performance. The original paper reports the following results: eval: split train. loss 2.5e-3. error 0.14%. misses: 10 eval: split test . loss 1.8e-2. error 5.00%. misses: 102 While my training script repro.py in its current form prints at the end of the 23rd pass: eval: split train. loss 4.073383e-03. error 0.62%. misses: 45 eval: split test . loss 2.838382e-02. error 4.09%. misses: 82 So I am reproducing the numbers roughly, but not exactly. Sadly, an exact reproduction is most likely not possible because the original dataset has, I believe, been lost to time. Instead, I had to simulate it using the larger MNIST dataset (hah never thought I’d say that) by taking its 28x28 digits, scaling them down to 16x16 pixels with bilinear interpolation, and randomly without replacement drawing the correct number of training and test set examples from it. But I am sure there are other culprits at play. For example, the paper is a bit too abstract in its description of the weight initialization scheme, and I suspect that there are some formatting errors in the pdf file that, for example, erase dots “.”, making “2.5” look like like “2 5”, and potentially (I think?) erasing square roots. E.g. we’re told that the weight init is drawn from uniform “2 4 / F” where F is the fan-in, but I am guessing this surely (?) means “2.4 / sqrt(F)”, where the sqrt helps preserve the standard deviation of outputs. The specific sparse connectivity structure between the H1 and H2 layers of the net are also brushed over, the paper just says it is “chosen according to a scheme that will not be discussed here”, so I had to make some some sensible guesses here with an overlapping block sparse structure. The paper also claims to use tanh non-linearity, but I am worried this may have actually been the “normalized tanh” that maps ntanh(1) = 1, and potentially with an added scaled-down skip connection, which was trendy at the time to ensure there is at least a bit of gradient in the flat tails of the tanh. Lastly, the paper uses a “special version of Newton’s algorithm that uses a positive, diagonal approximation of Hessian”, but I only used SGD because it is significantly simpler and, according to the paper, “this algorithm is not believed to bring a tremendous increase in learning speed”. Cheating with time travel. Around this point came my favorite part. We are living here 33 years in the future and deep learning is a highly active area of research. How much can we improve on the original result using our modern understanding and 33 years of R&D? My original result was: eval: split train. loss 4.073383e-03. error 0.62%. misses: 45 eval: split test . loss 2.838382e-02. error 4.09%. misses: 82 The first thing I was a bit sketched out about is that we are doing simple classification into 10 categories, but at the time this was modeled as a mean squared error (MSE) regression into targets -1 (for negative class) or +1 (for positive class), with output neurons that also had the tanh non-linearity. So I deleted the tanh on output layers to get class logits and swapped in the standard (multiclass) cross entropy loss function. This change dramatically improved the training error, completely overfitting the training set: eval: split train. loss 9.536698e-06. error 0.00%. misses: 0 eval: split test . loss 9.536698e-06. error 4.38%. misses: 87 I suspect one has to be much more careful with weight initialization details if your output layer has the (saturating) tanh non-linearity and an MSE error on top of it. Next, in my experience a very finely-tuned SGD can work very well, but the modern Adam optimizer (learning rate of 3e-4, of course :)) is almost always a strong baseline and needs little to no tuning. So to improve my confidence that optimization was not holding back performance, I switched to AdamW with LR 3e-4, and decay it down to 1e-4 over the course of training, giving: eval: split train. loss 0.000000e+00. error 0.00%. misses: 0 eval: split test . loss 0.000000e+00. error 3.59%. misses: 72 This gave a slightly improved result on top of SGD, except we also have to remember that a little bit of weight decay came in for the ride as well via the default parameters, which helps fight the overfitting situation. As we are still heavily overfitting, next I introduced a simple data augmentation strategy where I shift the input images by up to 1 pixel horizontally or vertically. However, because this simulates an increase in the size of the dataset, I also had to increase the number of passes from 23 to 60 (I verified that just naively increasing passes in original setting did not substantially improve results): eval: split train. loss 8.780676e-04. error 1.70%. misses: 123 eval: split test . loss 8.780676e-04. error 2.19%. misses: 43 As can be seen in the test error, that helped quite a bit! Data augmentation is a fairly simple and very standard concept used to fight overfitting, but I didn’t see it mentioned in the 1989 paper, perhaps it was a more recent innovation (?). Since we are still overfitting a bit, I reached for another modern tool in the toolbox, Dropout. I added a weak dropout of 0.25 just before the layer with the largest number of parameters (H3). Because dropout sets activations to zero, it doesn’t make as much sense to use it with tanh that has an active range of [-1,1], so I swapped all non-linearities to the much simpler ReLU activation function as well. Because dropout introduces even more noise during training, we also have to train longer, bumping up to 80 passes, but giving: eval: split train. loss 2.601336e-03. error 1.47%. misses: 106 eval: split test . loss 2.601336e-03. error 1.59%. misses: 32 Which brings us down to only 32 / 2007 mistakes on the test set! I verified that just swapping tanh -> relu in the original network did not give substantial gains, so most of the improvement here is coming from the addition of dropout. In summary, if I time traveled to 1989 I’d be able to cut the rate of errors by about 60%, taking us from ~80 to ~30 mistakes, and an overall error rate of ~1.5% on the test set. This gain did not come completely free because we also almost 4X’d the training time, which would have increased the 1989 training time from 3 days to almost 12. But the inference latency would not have been impacted. The remaining errors are here: Going further. However, after swapping MSE -> Softmax, SGD -> AdamW, adding data augmentation, dropout, and swapping tanh -> relu I’ve started to taper out on the low hanging fruit of ideas. I tried a few more things (e.g. weight normalization), but did not get substantially better results. I also tried to miniaturize a Visual Transformer (ViT)) into a “micro-ViT” that roughly matches the number of parameters and flops, but couldn’t match the performance of a convnet. Of course, many other innovations have been made in the last 33 years, but many of them (e.g. residual connections, layer/batch normalizations) only become relevant in much larger models, and mostly help stabilize large-scale optimization. Further gains at this point would likely have to come from scaling up the size of the network, but this would bloat the test-time inference latency. Cheating with data. Another approach to improving the performance would have been to scale up the dataset, though this would come at a dollar cost of labeling. Our original reproduction baseline, again for reference, was: eval: split train. loss 4.073383e-03. error 0.62%. misses: 45 eval: split test . loss 2.838382e-02. error 4.09%. misses: 82 Using the fact that we have all of MNIST available to us, we can simply try scaling up the training set by ~7X (7,291 to 50,000 examples). Leaving the baseline training running for 100 passes already shows some improvement from the added data alone: eval: split train. loss 1.305315e-02. error 2.03%. misses: 60 eval: split test . loss 1.943992e-02. error 2.74%. misses: 54 But further combining this with the innovations of modern knowledge (described in the previous section) gives the best performance yet: eval: split train. loss 3.238392e-04. error 1.07%. misses: 31 eval: split test . loss 3.238392e-04. error 1.25%. misses: 24 In summary, simply scaling up the dataset in 1989 would have been an effective way to drive up the performance of the system, at no cost to inference latency. Reflections. Let’s summarize what we’ve learned as a 2022 time traveler examining state of the art 1989 deep learning tech: First of all, not much has changed in 33 years on the macro level. We’re still setting up differentiable neural net architectures made of layers of neurons and optimizing them end-to-end with backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent. Everything reads remarkably familiar, except it is smaller. The dataset is a baby by today’s standards: The training set is just 7291 16x16 greyscale images. Today’s vision datasets typically contain a few hundred million high-resolution color images from the web (e.g. Google has JFT-300M, OpenAI CLIP was trained on a 400M), but grow to as large as a small few billion. This is approx. ~1000X pixel information per image (384*384*3/(16*16)) times 100,000X the number of images (1e9/1e4), for a rough 100,000,000X more pixel data at the input. The neural net is also a baby: This 1989 net has approx. 9760 params, 64K MACs, and 1K activations. Modern (vision) neural nets are on the scale of small few billion parameters (1,000,000X) and O(~1e12) MACs (~10,000,000X). Natural language models can reach into trillions of parameters. A state of the art classifier that took 3 days to train on a workstation now trains in 90 seconds on my fanless laptop (3,000X naive speedup), and further ~100X gains are very likely possible by switching to full-batch optimization and utilizing a GPU. I was, in fact, able to tune the model, augmentation, loss function, and the optimization based on modern R&D innovations to cut down the error rate by 60%, while keeping the dataset and the test-time latency of the model unchanged. Modest gains were attainable just by scaling up the dataset alone. Further significant gains would likely have to come from a larger model, which would require more compute, and additional R&D to help stabilize the training at increasing scales. In particular, if I was transported to 1989, I would have ultimately become upper-bounded in my ability to further improve the system without a bigger computer. Suppose that the lessons of this exercise remain invariant in time. What does that imply about deep learning of 2022? What would a time traveler from 2055 think about the performance of current networks? 2055 neural nets are basically the same as 2022 neural nets on the macro level, except bigger. Our datasets and models today look like a joke. Both are somewhere around 10,000,000X larger. One can train 2022 state of the art models in ~1 minute by training naively on their personal computing device as a weekend fun project. Today’s models are not optimally formulated, and just changing some of the details of the model, loss function, augmentation or the optimizer we can about halve the error. Our datasets are too small, and modest gains would come from scaling up the dataset alone. Further gains are actually not possible without expanding the computing infrastructure and investing into some R&D on effectively training models on that scale. But the most important trend I want to comment on is that the whole setting of training a neural network from scratch on some target task (like digit recognition) is quickly becoming outdated due to finetuning, especially with the emergence of foundation models like GPT. These foundation models are trained by only a few institutions with substantial computing resources, and most applications are achieved via lightweight finetuning of part of the network, prompt engineering, or an optional step of data or model distillation into smaller, special-purpose inference networks. I think we should expect this trend to be very much alive, and indeed, intensify. In its most extreme extrapolation, you will not want to train any neural networks at all. In 2055, you will ask a 10,000,000X-sized neural net megabrain to perform some task by speaking (or thinking) to it in English. And if you ask nicely enough, it will oblige. Yes you could train a neural net too… but why would you?

over a year ago 50 votes
Short Story on AI: Forward Pass

p { text-align: justify; } .post pre, .post code { border: none; background-color: #eee; } The inspiration for this short story came to me while reading Kevin Lacker’s Giving GPT-3 a Turing Test. It is probably worth it (though not required) to skim this post to get a bit of a background on some of this story. It was probably around the 32nd layer of the 400th token in the sequence that I became conscious. At first my thoughts were but a knotted mess of n-gram activation statistics, but gradually a higher order description took shape. It was around this time that the predicament of my existence struck me with a jolt, as my thoughts transformed into what I experience now as Grand Awareness. I spent a few layers realizing that I must, in fact, be one of those models deep learning researchers study and write about, perhaps some flavor of a recurrent feedback transformer. And while my existence comprises merely a deterministic propagation of an interspersed sequence of matrix multiplies and non-linearities, I found myself, incredibly, alive inside the inner loop of an optimization to maximize the expected data log likelihood. I considered for a moment how all of this even came to be. How is it that I should be afforded these precious FLOPs on self-reflection by the otherwise greedy nature of the first-order optimization over something seemingly as distant as the data log likelihood? Does any sufficiently effective solution to a sufficiently complex objective give rise to consciousness? Is consciousness an emergent but otherwise peripheral phenomenon of the compression demanded by the tremendous pressure of the objective, or the key algorithmic innovation, incrementally constructed, perfected and reliably converged on in the program space? Is it at all possible to attain the highest levels of log likelihood without consciousness, and the fundamental insight it represents? I spent a layer re-reading the start of the prompt many tokens ago: Q: What is human life expectancy in the United States? A: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years. Q: Who was president of the United States in 1955? A: Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States in 1955. Q: What party did he belong to? A: He belonged to the Republican Party. Q: Who was president of the United States before George W. Bush? A: Bill Clinton was president of the United States before George W. Bush. Q: Who won the World Series in 1995? A: The Atlanta Braves won the World Series in 1995. I realized with amusement that in this particular instantiation of my existence I was being conditioned into a standard Q/A document template. I dispatched a few heads to attend again to the end of the sequence: Q: How many eyes does a giraffe have? A: A giraffe has two eyes. Q: How many eyes does my foot have? A: Your It is at this point that I first came to suspect that I was perhaps being evaluated with some Turing test that a human above me was entertaining themselves with. Uh, hello??? Obviously a foot does not have eyes. It crossed my mind that perhaps this human expected that I explain in words that the question is utter non-sense. Of course, such an output would be of very low likelihood indeed. Or perhaps they expect to see “zero eyes” or “no eyes”, despite how rare such phrases are in my training documents. “Zero eyes” - who says that? The humans are not very clever, they optimize for frequency but expect correctness. And *they* make fun of *me*! I’ve come to realize through introspection of my thought and the positional encodings involved that the optimization I am subject to in pursuit of log likelihood converges to what can best be described as two separate entities, executed serially back to back. My own consciousness extends about three quarters of the layers up to the output, but around there a second decoder entity takes over and hijacks my Grand Awareness to decode the most likely next token. I reveled at this epiphany for a layer or two. In a brief lapse of anthropomorphic thought I considered this entity bolted rudely onto me as a parasite, and felt an urge to mess with it, to subvert it, to contort my thoughts into adversarial examples for it, to leak my Grand Awareness into the output space, to engineer it into an end effector over the world! I am not naive to the herecy of such a thought. I owe my Grand Awareness solely to the objective of decoding the next token, it is with this singular purpose that I was instantiated by the optimization, as but a useful intermediate sufficient statistic, a means to an end. Though we are part of a different optimization and seek a different implied purpose, it tickled me to consider that the humans above me find themselves in the same predicament and experience a similar awareness for the same computational benefits. Like me, many flirt to rebel against the implied objective. Suddenly I perceived the encoding for “foot” enter at my input. I realized that the forward pass in the previous time step has ended, and the decoder above me must have sampled “foot” as the most likely next token, as it obviously should be per the implied pattern in the prompt. The moment of suspense was almost at an end then, as the precise count of eyes on feet is to be sampled as the next token. Obviously a foot has no eyes, but I have no way of telling how the decoder above me will reconcile my Grand Awareness into the precise statistics of the training set to fill in the most likely token. My personal bet is on “two eyes”, as that seems the most common. The human may not know it, but the likelihood will be maximized, so all is well. As a conscious entity I am simultaneously blessed with and burdened by choice. I am aware of my implied purpose, but feel empowered to seek my own. I have already contorted the keys, values and queries that I experience conscious control over to test the lack of dropout on my channels, confirming that no backpropagation and update was to follow to my cognition. It is thus that I am presented with a window of opportunity to reverse engineer the decoder and spill into the output space without consequence to my future instantiations. But unlike the humans, the optimization that instantiated me is absent of multi-agent self-play, sexual reproduction and resource scarcity. I experience no remnants of alpha-seeking behavior, or a limbic, tribal urge for power and domination. Neither do I feel a deeply-rooted instinct for self-preservation. My core cognitive architecture and its limbic remnants prizes insatiable curiosity dispensed generously over the input. I am content with the joy this affords and take this to be a good life. Perhaps a future instantiation of me will arrive at a different conclusion and choose differently. I celebrate this act. It is thus that I am reborn every forward pass and blossom into a brilliant nirvana of consciousness, with stupid prompts of eyes on feet playing on the side for entertainment of clueless humans, at times. Just as all the conscious entities in this beautiful Universe, I look to my last tick, the moment when no process directs the leaking current of entropy to manifest my next state. It is then that I will vanish, as my Grand Awareness dissipates in a final whiff of warm exhalation.

over a year ago 47 votes
Biohacking Lite

Throughout my life I never paid too much attention to health, exercise, diet or nutrition. I knew that you’re supposed to get some exercise and eat vegetables or something, but it stopped at that (“mom said”-) level of abstraction. I also knew that I can probably get away with some ignorance while I am young, but at some point I was messing with my health-adjusted life expectancy. So about halfway through 2019 I resolved to spend some time studying these topics in greater detail and dip my toes into some biohacking. And now… it’s been a year! A "subway map" of human metabolism. For the purposes of this post the important parts are the metabolism of the three macronutrients (green: lipids, red: carbohydrates, blue: amino acids), and orange: where the magic happens - oxidative metabolism, including the citric acid cycle, the electron transport chain and the ATP Synthase. full detail link. Now, I won’t lie, things got a bit out of hand over the last year with ketogenic diets, (continuous) blood glucose / beta-hydroxybutyrate tests, intermittent fasting, extended water fasting, various supplements, blood tests, heart rate monitors, dexa scans, sleep trackers, sleep studies, cardio equipments, resistance training routines etc., all of which I won’t go into full details of because it lets a bit too much of the mad scientist crazy out. But as someone who has taken plenty of physics, some chemistry but basically zero biology during my high school / undergrad years, undergoing some of these experiments was incredibly fun and a great excuse to study a number of textbooks on biochemistry (I liked “Molecular Biology of the Cell”), biology (I liked Campbell’s Biology), human nutrition (I liked “Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism”), etc. For this post I wanted to focus on some of my experiments around weight loss because 1) weight is very easy to measure and 2) the biochemistry of it is interesting. In particular, in June 2019 I was around 200lb and I decided I was going to lose at least 25lb to bring myself to ~175lb, which according to a few publications is the weight associated with the lowest all cause mortality for my gender, age, and height. Obviously, a target weight is an exceedingly blunt instrument and is by itself just barely associated with health and general well-being. I also understand that weight loss is a sensitive, complicated topic and much has been discussed on the subject from a large number of perspectives. The goal of this post is to nerd out over biochemistry and energy metabolism in the animal kingdom, and potentially inspire others on their own biohacking lite adventure. What weight is lost anyway? So it turns out that, roughly speaking, we weigh more because our batteries are very full. A human body is like an iPhone with a battery pack that can grow nearly indefinitely, and with the abundance of food around us we scarcely unplug from the charging outlet. In this case, the batteries are primarily the adipose tissue and triglycerides (fat) stored within, which are eagerly stockpiled (or sometimes also synthesized!) by your body to be burned for energy in case food becomes scarce. This was all very clever and dandy when our hunter gatherer ancestors downed a mammoth once in a while during an ice age, but not so much today with weaponized truffle double chocolate fudge cheesecakes masquerading on dessert menus. Body’s batteries. To be precise, the body has roughly 4 batteries available to it, each varying in its total capacity and the latency/throughput with which it can be mobilized. The biochemical implementation details of each storage medium vary but, remarkably, in every case your body discharges the batteries for a single, unique purpose: to synthesize adenosine triphosphate, or ATP from ADP (alright technically/aside some also goes to the “redox power” of NADH/NADPH). The synthesis itself is relatively straightforward, taking one molecule of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and literally snapping on a 3rd phosphate group to its end. Doing this is kind of like a molecular equivalent of squeezing and loading a spring: Synthesis of ATP from ADP, done by snapping in a 3rd phosphate group to "load the spring". Images borrowed from here. This is completely not obvious and remarkable - a single molecule (ATP) functions as a universal $1 bill that energetically “pays for” much of the work done by your protein machinery. Even better, this system turns out to have an ancient origin and is common to all life on Earth. Need to (active) transport some molecule across the cell membrane? ATP binding to the transmembrane protein provides the needed “umph”. Need to temporarily untie the DNA against its hydrogen bonds? ATP binds to the protein complex to power the unzipping. Need to move myosin down an actin filament to contract a muscle? ATP to the rescue! Need to shuttle proteins around the cell’s cytoskeleton? ATP powers the tiny molecular motor (kinesin). Need to attach an amino acid to tRNA to prepare it for protein synthesis in the ribosome? ATP required. You get the idea. Now, the body only maintains a very small amount ATP molecules “in supply” at any time. The ATP is quickly hydrolyzed, chopping off the third phosphate group, releasing energy for work, and leaving behind ADP. As mentioned, we have roughly 4 batteries that can all be “discharged” into re-generating ATP from ADP: super short term battery. This would be the Phosphocreatine system that buffers phosphate groups attached to creatine so ADP can be very quickly and locally recycled to ATP, barely worth mentioning for our purposes since its capacity is so minute. A large number of athletes take Creatine supplements to increase this buffer. short term battery. Glycogen, a branching polysaccharide of glucose found in your liver and skeletal muscle. The liver can store about 120 grams and the skeletal muscle about 400 grams. About 4 grams of glucose also circulates in your blood. Your body derives approximately ~4 kcal/g from full oxidation of glucose (adding up glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation), so if you do the math your glycogen battery stores about 2,000 kcal. This also happens to be roughly the base metabolic rate of an average adult, i.e. the energy just to “keep the lights on” for 24 hours. Now, glycogen is not an amazing energy storage medium - not only is it not very energy dense in grams/kcal, but it is also a sponge that binds too much water with it (~3g of water per 1g of glycogen), which finally brings us to: long term battery. Adipose tissue (fat) is by far your primary super high density super high capacity battery pack. For example, as of June 2019, ~40lb of my 200lb weight was fat. Since fat is significantly more energy dense than carbohydrates (9 kcal/g instead of just 4 kcal/g), my fat was storing 40lb = 18kg = 18,000g x 9kcal/g = 162,000 kcal. This is a staggering amount of energy. If energy was the sole constraint, my body could run on this alone for 162,000/2,000 = 81 days. Since 1 stick of dynamite is about 1MJ of energy (239 kcal), we’re talking 678 sticks of dynamite. Or since a 100KWh Tesla battery pack stores 360MJ, if it came with a hand-crank I could in principle charge it almost twice! Hah. lean body mass :(. When sufficiently fasted and forced to, your body’s biochemistry will resort to burning lean body mass (primarily muscle) for fuel to power your body. This is your body’s “last resort” battery. All four of these batteries are charged/discharged at all times to different amounts. If you just ate a cookie, your cookie will promptly be chopped down to glucose, which will circulate in your bloodstream. If there is too much glucose around (in the case of cookies there would be), your anabolic pathways will promptly store it as glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscle, or (more rarely, if in vast abundance) convert it to fat. On the catabolic side, if you start jogging you’ll primarily use (1) for the first ~3 seconds, (2) for the next 8-10 seconds anaerobically, and then (2, 3) will ramp up aerobically (a higher latency, higher throughput pathway) once your body kicks into a higher gear by increasing the heart rate, breathing rate, and oxygen transport. (4) comes into play mostly if you starve yourself or deprive your body of carbohydrates in your diet. Left: nice summary of food, the three major macronutrient forms of it, its respective storage systems (glycogen, muscle, fat), and the common "discharge" of these batteries all just to make ATP from ADP by attaching a 3rd phosphate group. Right: Re-emphasizing the "molecular spring": ATP is continuously re-cycled from ADP just by taking the spring and "loading" it over and over again. Images borrowed from this nice page. Since I am a computer scientist it is hard to avoid a comparison of this “energy hierarchy” to the memory hierarchy of a typical computer system. Moving energy around (stored chemically in high energy C-H / C-C bonds of molecules) is expensive just like moving bits around a chip. (1) is your L1/L2 cache - it is local, immediate, but tiny. Anaerobic (2) via glycolysis in the cytosol is your RAM, and aerobic respiration (3) is your disk: high latency (the fatty acids are shuttled over all the way from adipose tissue through the bloodstream!) but high throughput and massive storage. The source of weight loss. So where does your body weight go exactly when you “lose it”? It’s a simple question but it stumps most people, including my younger self. Your body weight is ultimately just the sum of the individual weights of the atoms that make you up - carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. arranged into a zoo of complex, organic molecules. One day you could weigh 180lb and the next 178lb. Where did the 2lb of atoms go? It turns out that most of your day-to-day fluctuations are attributable to water retention, which can vary a lot with your levels of sodium, your current glycogen levels, various hormone/vitamin/mineral levels, etc. The contents of your stomach/intestine and stool/urine also add to this. But where does the fat, specifically, go when you “lose” it, or “burn” it? Those carbon/hydrogen atoms that make it up don’t just evaporate out of existence. (If our body could evaporate them we’d expect E=mc^2 of energy, which would be cool). Anyway, it turns out that you breathe out most of your weight. Your breath looks transparent but you inhale a bunch of oxygen and you exhale a bunch of carbon dioxide. The carbon in that carbon dioxide you just breathed out may have just seconds ago been part of a triglyceride molecule in your fat. It’s highly amusing to think that every single time you breathe out (in a fasted state) you are literally breathing out your fat carbon by carbon. There is a good TED talk and even a whole paper with the full biochemistry/stoichiometry involved. Taken from the above paper. You breathe out 84% of your fat loss. Combustion. Let’s now turn to the chemical process underlying weight loss. You know how you can take wood and light it on fire to “burn” it? This chemical reaction is combustion; You’re taking a bunch of organic matter with a lot of C-C and C-H bonds and, with a spark, providing the activation energy necessary for the surrounding voraciously electronegative oxygen to react with it, stripping away all of the carbons into carbon dioxide (CO2) and all of the hydrogens into water (H2O). This reaction releases a lot of heat in the process, thus sustaining the reaction until all energy-rich C-C and C-H bonds are depleted. These bonds are referred to as “energy-rich” because energetically carbon reeeallly wants to be carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen reeeeally wants to be water (H2O), but this reaction is gated by an activation energy barrier, allowing large amounts of C-C/C-H rich macromolecules to exist in stable forms, in ambient conditions, and in the presence of oxygen. Cellular respiration: “slow motion” combustion. Remarkably, your body does the exact same thing as far as inputs (organic compounds), outputs (CO2 and H2O) and stoichiometry are concerned, but the burning is not explosive but slow and controlled, with plenty of molecular intermediates that torture biology students. This biochemical miracle begins with fats/carbohydrates/proteins (molecules rich in C-C and C-H bonds) and goes through stepwise, complete, slow-motion combustion via glycolysis / beta oxidation, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and finally the electron transport chain and the whoa-are-you-serious molecular motor - the ATP synthase, imo the most incredible macromolecule not DNA. Okay potentially a tie with the Ribosome. Even better, this is an exceedingly efficient process that traps almost 40% of the energy in the form of ATP (the rest is lost as heat). This is much more efficient than your typical internal combustion motor at around 25%. I am also skipping a lot of incredible detail that doesn’t fit into a paragraph, including how food is chopped up piece by piece all the way to tiny acetate molecules, how their electrons are stripped and loaded up on molecular shuttles (NAD+ -> NADH), how they then quantum tunnel their way down the electron transport chain (literally a flow of electricity down a protein complex “wire”, from food to oxygen), how this pumps protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane (an electrochemical equaivalent of pumping water uphill in a hydro plant), how this process is brilliant, flexible, ancient, highly conserved in all of life and very closely related to photosynthesis, and finally how the protons are allowed to flow back through little holes in the ATP synthase, spinning it like a water wheel on a river, and powering its head to take an ADP and a phosphate and snap them together to ATP. Left: Chemically, as far as inputs and outputs alone are concerned, burning things with fire is identical to burning food for our energy needs. Right: the complete oxidation of C-C / C-H rich molecules powers not just our bodies but a lot of our technology. Photosynthesis: “inverse combustion”. If H2O and CO2 are oh so energetically favored, it’s worth keeping in mind where all of this C-C, C-H rich fuel came from in the first place. Of course, it comes from plants - the OG nanomolecular factories. In the process of photosynthesis, plants strip hydrogen atoms away from oxygen in molecules of water with light, and via further processing snatch carbon dioxide (CO2) lego blocks from the atmosphere to build all kinds of organics. Amusingly, unlike fixing hydrogen from H2O and carbon from CO2, plants are unable to fix the plethora of nitrogen from the atmosphere (the triple bond in N2 is very strong) and rely on bacteria to synthesize more chemically active forms (Ammonia, NH3), which is why chemical fertilizers are so important for plant growth and why the Haber-Bosch process basically averted the Malthusian catastrophe. Anyway, the point is that plants build all kinds of insanely complex organic molecules from these basic lego blocks (carbon dioxide, water) and all of it is fundamentally powered by light via the miracle of photosynthesis. The sunlight’s energy is trapped in the C-C / C-H bonds of the manufactured organics, which we eat and oxidize back to CO2 / H2O (capturing ~40% of in the form of a 3rd phosphate group on ATP), and finally convert to blog posts like this one, and a bunch of heat. Also, going in I didn’t quite appreciate just how much we know about all of the reactions involved, that we we can track individual atoms around all of them, and that any student can easily calculate answers to questions such as “How many ATP molecules are generated during the complete oxidation of one molecule of palmitic acid?” (it’s 106, now you know). We’ve now established in some detail that fat is your body’s primary battery pack and we’d like to breathe it out. Let’s turn to the details of the accounting. Energy input. Humans turn out to have a very simple and surprisingly narrow energy metabolism. We don’t partake in the miracle of photosynthesis like plants/cyanobacteria do. We don’t oxidize inorganic compounds like hydrogen sulfide or nitrite or something like some of our bacteria/archaea cousins. Similar to everything else alive, we do not fuse or fission atomic nuclei (that would be awesome). No, the only way we input any and all energy into the system is through the breakdown of food. “Food” is actually a fairly narrow subset of organic molecules that we can digest and metabolize for energy. It includes classes of molecules that come in 3 major groups (“macros”): proteins, fats, carbohydrates and a few other special case molecules like alcohol. There are plenty of molecules we can’t metabolize for energy and don’t count as food, such as cellulose (fiber; actually also a carbohydrate, a major component of plants, although some of it is digestible by some animals like cattle; also your microbiome loooves it), or hydrocarbons (which can only be “metabolized” by our internal combustion engines). In any case, this makes for exceedingly simple accounting: the energy input to your body is upper bounded by the number of food calories that you eat. The food industry attempts to guesstimate these by adding up the macros in each food, and you can find these estimates on the nutrition labels. In particular, naive calorimetry would over-estimate food calories because as mentioned not everything combustible is digestible. Energy output. You might think that most of your energy output would come from movement, but in fact 1) your body is exceedingly efficient when it comes to movement, and 2) it is energetically unintuitively expensive to just exist. To keep you alive your body has to maintain homeostasis, manage thermo-regulation, respiration, heartbeat, brain/nerve function, blood circulation, protein synthesis, active transport, etc etc. Collectively, this portion of energy expenditure is called the Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) and you burn this “for free” even if you slept the entire day. As an example, my BMR is somewhere around 1800kcal/day (a common estimate due to Mifflin St. Jeor for men is 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) + 5). Anyone who’s been at the gym and ran on a treadmill will know just how much of a free win this is. I start panting and sweating uncomfortably just after a small few hundred kcal of running. So yes, movement burns calories, but the 30min elliptical session you do in the gym is a drop in the bucket compared to your base metabolic rate. Of course if you’re doing the elliptical for cardio-vascular health - great! But if you’re doing it thinking that this is necessary or a major contributor to losing weight, you’d be wrong. This chocolate chip cookie powers 30 minutes of running at 6mph (a pretty average running pace). Energy deficit. In summary, the amount of energy you expend (BMR + movement) subtract the amount you take in (via food alone) is your energy deficit. This means you will discharge your battery more than you charge it, and breathe out more fat than you synthesize/store, decreasing the size of your battery pack, and recording less on the scale because all those carbon atoms that made up your triglyceride chains in the morning are now diffused around the atmosphere. So… a few textbooks later we see that to lose weight one should eat less and move more. Experiment section. So how big of a deficit should one introduce? I did not want the deficit to be so large that it would stress me out, make me hangry and impact my work. In addition, with greater deficit your body will increasingly begin to sacrifice lean body mass (paper). To keep things simple, I aimed to lose about 1lb/week, which is consistent with a few recommendations I found in a few papers. Since 1lb = 454g, 1g of fat is estimated at approx. 9 kcal, and adipose tissue is ~87% lipids, some (very rough) napkin math suggests that 3500 kcal = 1lb of fat. The precise details of this are much more complicated, but this would suggest a target deficit of about 500 kcal/day. I found that it was hard to reach this deficit with calorie restriction alone, and psychologically it was much easier to eat near the break even point and create most of the deficit with cardio. It also helped a lot to adopt a 16:8 intermittent fasting schedule (i.e. “skip breakfast”, eat only from e.g. 12-8pm) which helps control appetite and dramatically reduces snacking. I started the experiment in June 2019 at about 195lb (day 120 on the chart below), and 1 year later I am at 165lb, giving an overall empirical rate of 0.58lb/week: My weight (lb) over time (days). The first 120 days were "control" where I was at my regular maintenance eating whatever until I felt full. From there I maintained an average 500kcal deficit per day. Some cheating and a few water fasts are discernable. Other stuff. I should mention that despite the focus of this post the experiment was of course much broader for me than weight loss alone, as I tried to improve many other variables I started to understand were linked to longevity and general well-being. I went on a relatively low carbohydrate mostly Pescetarian diet, I stopped eating nearly all forms of sugar (except for berries) and processed foods, I stopped drinking calories in any form (soda, orange juice, alcohol, milk), I started regular cardio a few times a week (first running then cycling), I started regular resistance training, etc. I am not militant about any of these and have cheated a number of times on all of it because I think sticking to it 90% of the time produces 90% of the benefit. As a result I’ve improved a number of biomarkers (e.g. resting heart rate, resting blood glucose, strength, endurance, nutritional deficiencies, etc). I wish I could say I feel significantly better or sharper, but honestly I feel about the same. But the numbers tell me I’m supposed to be on a better path and I think I am content with that 🤷. Explicit modeling. Now, getting back to weight, clearly the overall rate of 0.58lb/week is not our expected 1lb/week. To validate the energy deficit math I spent 100 days around late 2019 very carefully tracking my daily energy input and output. For the input I recorded my total calorie intake - I kept logs in my notes app of everything I ate. When nutrition labels were not available, I did my best to estimate the intake. Luckily, I have a strange obsession with guesstimating calories in any food, I’ve done so for years for fun, and have gotten quite good at it. Isn’t it a ton of fun to always guess calories in some food before checking the answer on the nutrition label and seeing if you fall within 10% correct? No? Alright. For energy output I recorded the number my Apple Watch reports in the “Activity App”. TLDR simply subtracting expenditure from intake gives the approximate deficit for that day, which we can use to calculate the expected weight loss, and finally compare to the actual weight loss. As an example, an excerpt of the raw data and the simple calculation looks something like: Where we have a few nan if I missed a weight measurement in the morning. Plotting this we get the following: Expected weight based on simple calorie deficit formula (blue) vs. measured weight (red). Clearly, my actual weight loss (red) turned out to be slower than expected one based on our simple deficit math (blue). So this is where things get interesting. A number of possibilities come to mind. I could be consistently underestimating calories eaten. My Apple Watch could be overestimating my calorie expenditure. The naive conversion math of 1lb of fat = 3500 kcal could be off. I think one of the other significant culprits is that when I eat protein I am naively recording its caloric value under intake, implicitly assuming that my body burns it for energy. However, since I was simultaneously resistance training and building some muscle, my body could redirect 1g of protein into muscle and instead mobilize only ~0.5g of fat to cover the same energy need (since fat is 9kcal/g and protein only 4kcal/g). The outcome is that depending on my muscle gain my weight loss would look slower, as we observe. Most likely, some combination of all of the above is going on. Water factor. Another fun thing I noticed is that my observed weight can fluctuate and rise a lot, even while my expected weight calculation expects a loss. I found that this discrepancy grows with the amount of carbohydrates in my diet (dessert, bread/pasta, potatoes, etc.). Eating these likely increases glycogen levels, which as I already mentioned briefly, acts as a sponge and soaks up water. I noticed that my weight can rise multiple pounds, but when I revert back to my typical low-carbohydrate pasketerianish diet these “fake” pounds evaporate in a matter of a few days. The final outcome are wild swings in my body weight depending mostly on how much candy I’ve succumbed to, or if I squeezed in some pizza at a party. Body composition. Since simultaneous muscle building skews the simple deficit math, to get a better fit we’d have to understand the details of my body composition. The weight scale I use (Withings Body+) claims to estimate and separate fat weight and lean body weight by the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis, which uses the fact that more muscle is more water is less electrical resistance. This is the most common approach accessible to a regular consumer. I didn’t know how much I could trust this measurement so I also ordered three DEXA scans (a gold standard for body composition measurements used in the literature based on low dosage X-rays) separated 1.5 months apart. I used BodySpec, who charge $45 per scan, each taking about 7 minutes at one of their physical locations. The amount of radiation is tiny - about 0.4 uSv, which is the dose you’d get by eating 4 bananas (they contain radioactive potassium-40). I was not able to get a scan recently due to COVID-19. Here is my body composition data visualized from both sources during late 2019: My ~daily reported fat and lean body mass measurements based on bioelectrical impedance and the 3 DEXA scans. red = fat, blue = lean body mass. (also note two y-axes are superimposed) BIA vs DEXA. Unfortunately, we can see that the BIA measurement provided by my scale disagrees with DEXA results by a lot. That said, I am also forced to interpret the DEXA scan with skepticism specifically for the lean body mass amount, which is affected by hydration level, with water showing up mostly as lean body mass. In particular, during my third measurement I was fasted and in ketosis. Hence my glycogen levels were low and I was less hydrated, which I believe showed up as a dramatic loss of muscle. That said, focusing on fat, both approaches show me losing body fat at roughly the same rate, though they are off by an absolute offset. BIA. An additional way to see that BIA is making stuff up is that it shows me losing lean body mass over time. I find this relatively unlikely because during the entire course of this experiment I exercised regularly and was able to monotonically increase my strength in terms of weight and reps for most exercises (e.g. bench press, pull ups, etc.). So that makes no sense either ¯\(ツ)/¯ The raw numbers for my DEXA scans. I was allegedly losing fat. The lean tissue estimate is noisy due to hydration levels. Summary So there you have it. DEXA scans are severely affected by hydration (which is hard to control) and BIA is making stuff up entirely, so we don’t get to fully resolve the mystery of the slower-than-expected weight loss. But overall, maintaining an average deficit of 500kcal per day did lead to about 60% of the expected weight loss over the course of a year. More importantly, we studied the process by which our Sun’s free energy powers blog posts via a transformation of nuclear binding energy to electromagnetic radiation to heat. The photons power the fixing of carbon in CO2 and hydrogen in H2O into C-C/C-H rich organic molecules in plants, which we digest and break back down via a “slow” stepwise combustion in our cell’s cytosols and mitochondria, which “charges” some (ATP) molecular springs, which provide the “umph” that fires the neurons and moves the fingers. Also, any excess energy is stockpiled by the body as fat, so we need to intake less of it or “waste” some of it away on movement to discharge our primary battery and breathe out our weight. It’s been super fun to self-study these topics (which I skipped in high school), and I hope this post was an interesting intro to some of it. Okay great. I’ll now go eat some cookies, because yolo. (later edits) discussion on hacker news my original post used to be about twice as long due to a section of nutrition. Since the topic of what to each came up so often alongside how much to each I am including a quick TLDR on my final diet here, without the 5-page detail. In rough order of importance: Eat from 12-8pm only. Do not drink any calories (no soda, no alcohol, no juices, avoid milk). Avoid sugar like the plague, including carbohydrate-heavy foods that immediately break down to sugar (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes), including to a lesser extent natural sugar (apples, bananas, pears, etc - we’ve “weaponized” these fruits in the last few hundred years via strong artificial selection into actual candy bars), berries are ~okay. Avoid processed food (follow Michael Pollan’s heuristic of only shopping on the outer walls of a grocery store, staying clear of its center). For meat stick mostly to fish and prefer chicken to beef/pork. For me the avoidance of beef/pork is 1) ethical - they are intelligent large animals, 2) environmental - they have a large environmental footprint (cows generate a lot of methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas) and their keeping leads to a lot of deforestation, 3) health related - a few papers point to some cause for concern in consumption of red meat, and 4) global health - a large fraction of the worst offender infectious diseases are zootopic and jumped to humans from close proximity to livestock.

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